Sun Jan 21 23:20:56 2001

This will apply a couple of patches to help handle multiple
languages and character sets.

To apply the patch run the script "./ path_to_your_acs"
so for example of your acs installation is in /web/myserver do

./ /web/myserver


This installs the following patches:

+ Allow you to author tcl and adp files in an alternate character set
besides the AOLserver Tcl system default.

The system will assume the script file is authored in the character
set which corresponds to the mime type of the file, which you can 
modify in your .ini or .tcl AOLSERVER config file. For example, to author
tcl and adp files in ShiftJIS, you would use the following settings
in your .tcl file:

 ns_section ns/mimetypes
 ns_param .html "text/html"
 ns_param .tcl "text/html; charset=shift_jis"
 ns_param .adp "text/html; charset=shift_jis"

The files will be output in the character set specified in the
MIME type, unless you override it by setting the content-type
header explicitly in the script or adp file, using the following tcl code:

.tcl file:
 ns_set put [ns_conn outputheaders] "content-type" "text/html; charset=iso-8859-7"	

.adp file: (sets the output to iso-8859-7)

 ns_set put [ns_conn outputheaders] "content-type" "text/html; charset=iso-8859-7"	

+ A new adp tag, TRN is defined, which will call the message catalog
lookup function. This is documented in the acs-lang package design
document (packages/acs-lang/www/doc/i18n-design.html) or developers