-- -- packages/acs-kernel/sql/rel-segments-create.sql -- -- @author Oumi Mehrotra oumi@arsdigita.com -- @creation-date 2000-11-22 -- @cvs-id $Id: rel-segments-create.sql,v 1.1 2002/07/09 17:34:58 rmello Exp $ -- Copyright (C) 1999-2000 ArsDigita Corporation -- This is free software distributed under the terms of the GNU Public -- License. Full text of the license is available from the GNU Project: -- http://www.fsf.org/copyleft/gpl.html -- WARNING! -- Relational segments is a new and experimental concept. The API may -- change in the future, particularly the functions marked "EXPERIMENTAL". -- begin -- -- Relational Segment: a dynamically derived set of parties, defined -- in terms of a particular type of membership or -- composition to a particular group. -- acs_object_type.create_type ( supertype => 'party', object_type => 'rel_segment', pretty_name => 'Relational Party Segment', pretty_plural => 'Relational Party Segments', table_name => 'rel_segments', id_column => 'segment_id', package_name => 'rel_segment', type_extension_table => 'rel_segment', name_method => 'rel_segment.name' ); end; / show errors -- Note that we do not use on delete cascade on the group_id or -- rel_type column because rel_segments are acs_objects. On delete -- cascade only deletes the corresponding row in this table, not all -- the rows up the type hierarchy. Thus, rel segments must be deleted -- using rel_segment.delete before dropping a relationship type. create table rel_segments ( segment_id not null constraint rel_segments_segment_id_fk references parties (party_id) constraint rel_segments_pk primary key, segment_name varchar2(230) not null, group_id not null constraint rel_segments_group_id_fk references groups (group_id), rel_type not null constraint rel_segments_rel_type_fk references acs_rel_types (rel_type), constraint rel_segments_grp_rel_type_uq unique(group_id, rel_type) ); -- rel_type has a foreign key reference - create an index create index rel_segments_rel_type_idx on rel_segments(rel_type); comment on table rel_segments is ' Defines relational segments. Each relational segment is a pair of group_id / rel_type, or, in english, the parties that have a relation of type rel_type to group_id. '; comment on column rel_segments.segment_name is ' The user-entered name of the relational segment. '; comment on column rel_segments.group_id is ' The group for which this segment was created. '; comment on column rel_segments.rel_type is ' The relationship type used to define elements in this segment. '; -- create pl/sql package rel_segment create or replace package rel_segment is function new ( --/** Creates a new relational segment -- -- @author Oumi Mehrotra (oumi@arsdigita.com) -- @creation-date 12/2000 -- --*/ segment_id in rel_segments.segment_id%TYPE default null, object_type in acs_objects.object_type%TYPE default 'rel_segment', creation_date in acs_objects.creation_date%TYPE default sysdate, creation_user in acs_objects.creation_user%TYPE default null, creation_ip in acs_objects.creation_ip%TYPE default null, email in parties.email%TYPE default null, url in parties.url%TYPE default null, segment_name in rel_segments.segment_name%TYPE, group_id in rel_segments.group_id%TYPE, rel_type in rel_segments.rel_type%TYPE, context_id in acs_objects.context_id%TYPE default null ) return rel_segments.segment_id%TYPE; procedure delete ( --/** Deletes a relational segment -- -- @author Oumi Mehrotra (oumi@arsdigita.com) -- @creation-date 12/2000 -- --*/ segment_id in rel_segments.segment_id%TYPE ); function name ( segment_id in rel_segments.segment_id%TYPE ) return rel_segments.segment_name%TYPE; function get ( --/** EXPERIMENTAL / UNSTABLE -- use at your own risk -- Get the id of a segment given a group_id and rel_type. -- This depends on the uniqueness of group_id,rel_type. We -- might remove the unique constraint in the future, in which -- case we would also probably remove this function. -- -- @author Oumi Mehrotra (oumi@arsdigita.com) -- @creation-date 12/2000 -- --*/ group_id in rel_segments.group_id%TYPE, rel_type in rel_segments.rel_type%TYPE ) return rel_segments.segment_id%TYPE; function get_or_new ( --/** EXPERIMENTAL / UNSTABLE -- use at your own risk -- -- This function simplifies the use of segments a little by letting -- you not have to worry about creating and initializing segments. -- If the segment you're interested in exists, this function -- returns its segment_id. -- If the segment you're interested in doesn't exist, this function -- does a pretty minimal amount of initialization for the segment -- and returns a new segment_id. -- -- @author Oumi Mehrotra (oumi@arsdigita.com) -- @creation-date 12/2000 -- --*/ group_id in rel_segments.group_id%TYPE, rel_type in rel_segments.rel_type%TYPE, segment_name in rel_segments.segment_name%TYPE default null ) return rel_segments.segment_id%TYPE; end rel_segment; / show errors ----------- -- Views -- ----------- create or replace view rel_segment_party_map as select rs.segment_id, gem.element_id as party_id, gem.rel_id, gem.rel_type, gem.group_id, gem.container_id, gem.ancestor_rel_type from rel_segments rs, group_element_map gem where gem.group_id = rs.group_id and rs.rel_type in (select object_type from acs_object_types start with object_type = gem.rel_type connect by prior supertype = object_type); create or replace view rel_segment_distinct_party_map as select distinct segment_id, party_id, ancestor_rel_type from rel_segment_party_map; create or replace view rel_segment_member_map as select segment_id, party_id as member_id, rel_id, rel_type, group_id, container_id from rel_segment_party_map where ancestor_rel_type = 'membership_rel'; create or replace view rel_seg_approved_member_map as select /*+ ordered */ rs.segment_id, gem.element_id as member_id, gem.rel_id, gem.rel_type, gem.group_id, gem.container_id from membership_rels mr, group_element_map gem, rel_segments rs where rs.group_id = gem.group_id and rs.rel_type in (select object_type from acs_object_types start with object_type = gem.rel_type connect by prior supertype = object_type) and mr.rel_id = gem.rel_id and mr.member_state = 'approved'; create or replace view rel_seg_distinct_member_map as select distinct segment_id, member_id from rel_seg_approved_member_map; -- party_member_map can be used to expand any party into its members. -- Every party is considered to be a member of itself. -- By the way, aren't the party_member_map and party_approved_member_map -- views equivalent?? (TO DO: RESOLVE THIS QUESTION) create or replace view party_member_map as select segment_id as party_id, member_id from rel_seg_distinct_member_map union select group_id as party_id, member_id from group_distinct_member_map union select party_id, party_id as member_id from parties; create or replace view party_approved_member_map as select distinct segment_id as party_id, member_id from rel_seg_approved_member_map union select distinct group_id as party_id, member_id from group_approved_member_map union select party_id, party_id as member_id from parties; -- party_element_map tells us all the parties that "belong to" a party, -- whether through somet type of membership, composition, or identity. create or replace view party_element_map as select distinct group_id as party_id, element_id from group_element_map union select distinct segment_id as party_id, party_id as element_id from rel_segment_party_map union select party_id, party_id as element_id from parties; -- View: rel_segment_group_rel_type_map -- -- Result Set: the set of triples (:segment_id, :group_id, :rel_type) such that -- -- IF a party were to be in :group_id -- through a relation of type :rel_type, -- THEN the party would necessarily be in segment :segemnt_id. -- -- create or replace view rel_segment_group_rel_type_map as select s.segment_id, gcm.component_id as group_id, acs_rel_types.rel_type as rel_type from rel_segments s, (select group_id, component_id from group_component_map UNION ALL select group_id, group_id as component_id from groups) gcm, acs_rel_types where s.group_id = gcm.group_id and s.rel_type in (select object_type from acs_object_types start with object_type = acs_rel_types.rel_type connect by prior supertype = object_type);