<!-- $Id: coversheet.html,v 1.1 2002/07/09 17:34:57 rmello Exp $ --> <html> <head> <title>ACS DateTime</title> </head> <body bgcolor=white text=black> <h2>ACS DateTime</h2> by <a href=mailto:ron@arsdigita.com>ron@arsdigita.com</a> <hr> <p>This package provides a set of utilities for dealing with dates and times. It provides a number of HTML form widgets for data and time entry, as well as procedures for calendar display and navigation. <h3>I. The Big Picture: </h3> <p>Many applications need to collect time and date information from users. Constructing the HTML form elements to gather this information is tedious. The ACS DateTime package supplies a standard set of procedures to accomplish this, along with additional procedures to display (as HTML tables) various calendar views. <h3>II. Features: </h3> <ul> <li>HTML form widgets for date and time entry with granularity ranging from seconds to months <li>procedures that return calendar displays as HTML tables </ul> <h3>III. Related Links: </h3> <ul> <li><a href="requirements.html">Requirements</a> <li><a href="design.html">Design</a> </ul> <hr> <a href="mailto:ron@arsdigita.com">ron@arsdigita.com</a> </html>