-- Data model to support content repository of the ArsDigita -- Publishing System -- Copyright (C) 1999-2000 ArsDigita Corporation -- Author: Hiro Iwashima (iwashima@mit.edu) -- $ID$ -- This is free software distributed under the terms of the GNU Public -- License. Full text of the license is available from the GNU Project: -- http://www.fsf.org/copyleft/gpl.html -- This is to handle images create table images ( image_id integer constraint images_image_id_fk references cr_revisions constraint images_pk primary key, width integer, height integer ); begin; select content_type__create_type ( 'image', 'content_revision', 'Image', 'Images', 'images', 'image_id', null ); select content_type__create_attribute ( 'image', 'width', 'integer', 'Width', 'Widths', null, null, 'text' ); select content_type__create_attribute ( 'image', 'height', 'integer', 'Height', 'Heights', null, null, 'text' ); end; -- insert new MIME types insert into cr_mime_types ( label, mime_type, file_extension ) values ( 'Image - Jpeg', 'image/jpeg','jpg' ); insert into cr_mime_types ( label, mime_type, file_extension ) values ( 'Image - Gif', 'image/gif','gif' ); -- register MIME types to this content type begin; select content_type__register_mime_type( 'image', 'image/jpeg' ); select content_type__register_mime_type( 'image', 'image/gif' ); end; -- content-image.sql patch -- -- adds standard image pl/sql package -- -- Walter McGinnis (wtem@olywa.net), 2001-09-23 -- based on original photo-album package code by Tom Baginski -- /* Creates a new image Binary file stored in file-system */ -- DRB: This code has some serious problem, IMO. It's impossible to derive a new -- type from "image" and make use of it, for starters. Photo-album uses two -- content types to store a photograph - pa_photo and image. pa_photo would, in -- the world of real object-oriented languages, be derived from image and there's -- really no reason not to do so in the OpenACS object type system. The current -- style requires separate content_items and content_revisions for both the -- pa_photo extended type and the image base type. They're only tied together -- by the coincidence of both being the live revision at the same time. Delete -- one or the other and guess what, that association's broken! -- This is not, to put it mildly, clean. Nor is it efficient to fill the RDBMS -- with twice as many objects as you need... -- The Oracle version does allow a non-image type to be specified, as does my -- alternative down below. This needs a little more straightening out. create function image__new (varchar,integer,integer,integer,varchar,integer,varchar,varchar,varchar,varchar,boolean,timestamp,varchar,integer,integer,integer ) returns integer as ' declare new__name alias for $1; new__parent_id alias for $2; -- default null new__item_id alias for $3; -- default null new__revision_id alias for $4; -- default null new__mime_type alias for $5; -- default jpeg new__creation_user alias for $6; -- default null new__creation_ip alias for $7; -- default null new__relation_tag alias for $8; -- default null new__title alias for $9; -- default null new__description alias for $10; -- default null new__is_live alias for $11; -- default f new__publish_date alias for $12; -- default now() new__path alias for $13; new__file_size alias for $14; new__height alias for $15; new__width alias for $16; new__locale varchar default null; new__nls_language varchar default null; new__creation_date timestamp default now(); new__context_id integer; v_item_id cr_items.item_id%TYPE; v_revision_id cr_revisions.revision_id%TYPE; begin new__context_id := new__parent_id; v_item_id := content_item__new ( new__name, new__parent_id, new__item_id, new__locale, new__creation_date, new__creation_user, new__context_id, new__creation_ip, ''content_item'', ''image'', null, new__description, new__mime_type, new__nls_language, null, ''file'' -- storage_type ); -- update cr_child_rels to have the correct relation_tag update cr_child_rels set relation_tag = new__relation_tag where parent_id = new__parent_id and child_id = new__item_id and relation_tag = content_item__get_content_type(new__parent_id) || ''-'' || ''image''; v_revision_id := content_revision__new ( new__title, new__description, new__publish_date, new__mime_type, new__nls_language, null, v_item_id, new__revision_id, new__creation_date, new__creation_user, new__creation_ip ); insert into images (image_id, height, width) values (v_revision_id, new__height, new__width); -- update revision with image file info update cr_revisions set content_length = new__file_size, content = new__path where revision_id = v_revision_id; -- is_live => ''t'' not used as part of content_item.new -- because content_item.new does not let developer specify revision_id, -- revision_id is determined in advance if new__is_live = ''t'' then PERFORM content_item__set_live_revision (v_revision_id); end if; return v_item_id; end; ' language 'plpgsql'; -- DRB's version create function image__new (varchar,integer,integer,integer,varchar,integer,varchar,varchar,varchar,varchar,varchar, varchar,timestamp,integer, integer) returns integer as ' declare p_name alias for $1; p_parent_id alias for $2; -- default null p_item_id alias for $3; -- default null p_revision_id alias for $4; -- default null p_mime_type alias for $5; -- default jpeg p_creation_user alias for $6; -- default null p_creation_ip alias for $7; -- default null p_title alias for $8; -- default null p_description alias for $9; -- default null p_storage_type alias for $10; p_content_type alias for $11; p_nls_language alias for $12; p_publish_date alias for $13; p_height alias for $14; p_width alias for $15; v_item_id cr_items.item_id%TYPE; v_revision_id cr_revisions.revision_id%TYPE; begin if content_item__is_subclass(p_content_type, ''image'') = ''f'' then raise EXCEPTION ''-20000: image__new can only be called for an image type''; end if; v_item_id := content_item__new ( p_name, p_parent_id, p_item_id, null, current_timestamp, p_creation_user, p_parent_id, p_creation_ip, ''content_item'', p_content_type, null, null, null, null, null, p_storage_type ); -- We will let the caller fill in the LOB data or file path. v_revision_id := content_revision__new ( p_title, p_description, p_publish_date, p_mime_type, p_nls_language, null, v_item_id, p_revision_id, current_timestamp, p_creation_user, p_creation_ip ); insert into images (image_id, height, width) values (v_revision_id, p_height, p_width); return v_item_id; end; ' language 'plpgsql'; create function image__new_revision(integer, integer, varchar, varchar, timestamp, varchar, varchar, integer, varchar, integer, integer) returns integer as ' declare p_item_id alias for $1; p_revision_id alias for $2; p_title alias for $3; p_description alias for $4; p_publish_date alias for $5; p_mime_type alias for $6; p_nls_language alias for $7; p_creation_user alias for $8; p_creation_ip alias for $9; p_height alias for $10; p_width alias for $11; begin -- We will let the caller fill in the LOB data or file path. v_revision_id := content_revision__new ( p_title, p_description, p_publish_date, p_mime_type, p_nls_language, null, p_item_id, p_revision_id, current_timestamp, p_creation_user, p_creation_ip ); insert into images (image_id, height, width) values (v_revision_id, p_height, p_width); return v_revision_id; end;' language 'plpgsql'; create function image__delete (integer) returns integer as ' declare v_item_id alias for $1; begin -- This should take care of deleting revisions, too. PERFORM content_item__delete (v_item_id); return 0; end; ' language 'plpgsql';