JavaScript Diagram Builder - The Pie object
The Pie object is used to display an filled arc on the screen. It is possible to hide, move and delete it after
it has been drawn.
This diagram was generated by
<SCRIPT Language="JavaScript">
P=new Array();;
P[0]=new Pie(100,240,10,80,0*3.6,10*3.6,"#ff6060");
P[1]=new Pie(100,240,0,80,10*3.6,40*3.6,"#ffa000");
P[2]=new Pie(100,240,0,80,40*3.6,100*3.6,"#f6f600");
new Bar(200,190,280,210,"#ff6060","Apples","#000000","", "void(0)","MouseOver(0)","MouseOut(0)");
new Bar(200,230,280,250,"#ffa000","Oranges","#000000","", "void(0)","MouseOver(1)","MouseOut(1)");
new Bar(200,270,280,290,"#f6f600","Bananas","#000000","", "void(0)","MouseOver(2)","MouseOut(2)");
function MouseOver(i) { P[i].MoveTo("","",10); }
function MouseOut(i) { P[i].MoveTo("","",0); }
You can use the following methods:
- var P = new Pie(theXCenter, theYCenter, theOffset, theRadius, theAngle0, theAngle1, theColor[,
theTooltipText[, theOnClickAction[, theOnMouseoverAction[, theOnMouseoutAction]]]])
//Constructor and Display
- P.SetColor(theColor) //Color
- P.SetVisibility(isVisible) //Show or Hide
- P.SetTitle(theTitle) //TooltipText
- P.MoveTo(theXCenter, theYCenter, theOffset) //Move
- P.ResizeTo(theXCenter, theYCenter, theOffset, theRadius, theAngle0, theAngle1) //Resize
- P.Delete() //Delete DIV object of P from the document
- delete P //Destructor