puts "This script will install the java packages necessary for 
webmail into Oracle.  It expects to find the zipped tarballs 
for the Java Activation Framework and JavaMail in your /tmp 
directory.  Make sure you are running this script from your 
/tmp directory. (return to continue)"
gets stdin junk

puts "Checking for jar..."
set which_out [exec which jar]
if { [regexp {no jar in} $which_out] } {
  puts "Error: It looks like you don't have the java jar utility."

puts "Please enter your oracle username/passwd:"
gets stdin user_pw

puts "\nExtracting JavaBeans and JavaMail...\n"
set ls_out [exec ls -1 /tmp]
if { ![regexp {(jaf[^\.]*.zip)} $ls_out match jaf_name]
|| ![regexp {(javamail[^\.]*.zip)} $ls_out match javamail_name] } {
  puts "Couldn't find the required files."
  puts "This program expects the zip files to be in the /tmp directory"
  puts "and named jaf1_0_1.zip and javamail1_1_3.zip (or suitable version"
  puts "number)."
if { 0} {
puts "Loading $jaf_name... "

exec unzip /tmp/$jaf_name
puts "unzipped... "
set ls_out [exec ls -l /tmp | grep -v zip]
if { ![regexp "(jaf\[^\n\]*)\n" $ls_out match jaf_dir] } {
  puts "Couldn't find the unzipped jaf directory."
set jaf_dir "/tmp/$jaf_dir"
exec jar xf "$jaf_dir/activation.jar"
puts "extracted... "
exec jar cf0M "activation.jar" "META-INF" "javax" "com"
exec rm -rf $jaf_dir
exec rm -rf META-INF
exec rm -rf javax
exec rm -rf com
puts "created... "
exec loadjava -u $user_pw -r "activation.jar" >& jaf-errors.log
puts "loaded... "

puts "\nLoading $javamail_name... "

exec unzip /tmp/$javamail_name
puts "unzipped... "
set ls_out [exec ls -l /tmp | grep -v zip]
if { ![regexp "(javamail\[^\n\]*)\n" $ls_out match javamail_dir] } {
  puts "Couldn't find the unzipped javamail directory."
set javamail_dir "/tmp/$javamail_dir"
catch { exec jar xf "$javamail_dir/mail.jar" }
exec jar xf "$javamail_dir/mail.jar"
puts "extracted... "
exec jar cf0M "mail.jar" "META-INF" "javax" "com"
exec rm -rf $javamail_dir
exec rm -rf META-INF
exec rm -rf javax
exec rm -rf com
puts "created... "
exec loadjava -u $user_pw -r "mail.jar" >& javamail-errors.log
puts "loaded... \n"

puts "Please enter your server directory name"
puts "(eg. /web/servername/):"
gets stdin server_dir
if { ![regexp {/$} $server_dir] } {
  set server_dir "$server_dir/"

set java_dir "$server_dir/packages/webmail/java"

catch { exec loadjava -u $user_pw -r "$java_dir/StringBufDataSource.java" "$java_dir/BlobDataSource.java" "$java_dir/ClobDataSource.java" "$java_dir/MessageParser.sqlj" "$java_dir/MessageComposer.sqlj" >& webmail-errors.log }

set webmail_errors [exec cat "webmail-errors.log"]
if { [regexp {FileNotFoundException} $webmail_errors] 
|| [regexp {source requires} $webmail_errors] } {
  puts $webmail_errors
  puts "\nError: There was a problem loading in the Webmail Java files.
Please consult the installation guide for troubleshooting details."
} else {
  puts "Congratulations!  You have successfully loaded the necessary
Java files.  Please review jaf-errors.log, javamail-errors.log,
and webmail-errors.log to make sure there were no un-detected errors upon 