-- shipping-tracking-create.sql -- -- @author Dekka Corp. -- @ported from sql-ledger and combined with parts from OpenACS ecommerce package -- @license GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE, Version 2, June 1991 -- @cvs-id -- -- this is from SL, but we're moving the address into contacts package create table ecst_shipto ( trans_id int, shiptoname varchar(64), shiptoaddress1 varchar(32), shiptoaddress2 varchar(32), shiptocity varchar(32), shiptostate varchar(32), shiptozipcode varchar(10), shiptocountry varchar(32), shiptocontact varchar(64), shiptophone varchar(20), shiptofax varchar(20), shiptoemail text ); -- create index ecst_shipto_trans_id_key on ecst_shipto (trans_id); -- we need to import the ecommerce shipping-tracking model here -- this is needed because orders might be only partially shipped -- create sequence ecst_shipment_id_seq; create view ecst_shipment_id_sequence as select nextval('ecst_shipment_id_seq') as nextval; create table ecst_shipments ( shipment_id integer not null primary key, order_id integer not null references qar_ec_orders, -- usually, but not necessarily, the same as the shipping_address -- in ecst_orders because a customer may change their address between -- shipments. -- a trigger fills address_id in automatically if it's null address_id integer references qal_ec_addresses, shipment_date timestamptz not null, expected_arrival_date timestamptz, carrier varchar(50), -- e.g., 'fedex' tracking_number varchar(24), -- only if we get confirmation from carrier that the goods -- arrived on a specific date actual_arrival_date timestamptz, -- arbitrary info from carrier, e.g., 'Joe Smith signed for it' actual_arrival_detail varchar(4000), -- for things that aren't really shipped like services shippable_p boolean default 't', last_modified timestamptz, last_modifying_user integer, modified_ip_address varchar(20) ); create index ecst_shipments_by_order_id on ecst_shipments(order_id); create index ecst_shipments_by_shipment_date on ecst_shipments(shipment_date); -- fills address_id into ecst_shipments if it's missing -- (using the shipping_address associated with the order) create function ecst_shipment_address_update_tr () returns trigger as ' declare v_address_id qal_ec_addresses.address_id%TYPE; begin select into v_address_id shipping_address from ecst_orders where order_id=new.order_id; IF new.address_id is null THEN new.address_id := v_address_id; END IF; return new; end;' language 'plpgsql'; create trigger ecst_shipment_address_update_tr before insert on ecst_shipments for each row execute procedure ecst_shipment_address_update_tr (); create table ecst_shipments_audit ( shipment_id integer, order_id integer, address_id integer, shipment_date timestamptz, expected_arrival_date timestamptz, carrier varchar(50), tracking_number varchar(24), actual_arrival_date timestamptz, actual_arrival_detail varchar(4000), last_modified timestamptz, last_modifying_user integer, modified_ip_address varchar(20), delete_p boolean default 'f' ); create function ecst_shipments_audit_tr () returns trigger as ' begin insert into ecst_shipments_audit ( shipment_id, order_id, address_id, shipment_date, expected_arrival_date, carrier, tracking_number, actual_arrival_date, actual_arrival_detail, last_modified, last_modifying_user, modified_ip_address ) values ( old.shipment_id, old.order_id, old.address_id, old.shipment_date, old.expected_arrival_date, old.carrier, old.tracking_number, old.actual_arrival_date, old.actual_arrival_detail, old.last_modified, old.last_modifying_user, old.modified_ip_address ); return new; end;' language 'plpgsql'; create trigger ecst_shipments_audit_tr after update or delete on ecst_shipments for each row execute procedure ecst_shipments_audit_tr ();