-- -- Upgrade script -- -- Change service contract operation names to use lowercase like the PostgreSQL version. -- -- $Id: upgrade-0.2d1-0.2d2.sql,v 1.3 2018/04/04 08:11:26 hectorr Exp $ -- update acs_sc_operations set operation_name = 'datasource' where operation_name = 'Datasource' and contract_name = 'RssGenerationSubscriber'; update acs_sc_operations set operation_name = 'lastUpdated' where operation_name = 'LastUpdated' and contract_name = 'RssGenerationSubscriber'; update acs_sc_impl_aliases set impl_operation_name = 'datasource' where impl_operation_name = 'Datasource' and impl_contract_name = 'RssGenerationSubscriber'; update acs_sc_impl_aliases set impl_operation_name = 'lastUpdated' where impl_operation_name = 'LastUpdated' and impl_contract_name = 'RssGenerationSubscriber';