-- Drop the ACS Reference Country data -- -- @author jon@jongriffin.com -- @cvs-id $Id: ref-language-drop.sql,v 1.5 2014/10/27 16:41:53 victorg Exp $ -- drop all associated tables and packages -- I am not sure this is a good idea since we have no way to register -- if any other packages are using this data. -- This will probably fail if their is a child table using this. -- I can probably make this cleaner also, but ... no time today drop table language_639_2_codes; -- -- procedure inline_0/0 -- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION inline_0( ) RETURNS integer AS $$ DECLARE rec acs_reference_repositories%ROWTYPE; BEGIN for rec in select * from acs_reference_repositories where upper(table_name) = 'LANGUAGE_CODES' loop execute 'drop table ' || rec.table_name; perform acs_reference__delete(rec.repository_id); end loop; return 0; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; select inline_0(); drop function inline_0();