Last updated: Oct 11, 2002
Maintainer: Neophytos Demetriou (

- Make sure you have installed all headers (for example, spi.h) 
  using "gmake install-all-headers" during the PostgreSQL installation. 

- Download Search-OpenFTS-tcl-0.3.1.tar.gz from
  and save it to /tmp/Search-OpenFTS-tcl-0.3.1.tar.gz

- Log in as the root user:

	su -

- Untar the archive file:

	cd /usr/local/src
	tar -xzvf /tmp/Search-OpenFTS-tcl-0.3.1.tar.gz

- Install the OpenFTS AOLServer module:

  Follow the directions in Search-OpenFTS-tcl-0.3.1/AOLSERVER.INSTALL

- Install and mount the openfts-driver package

- Restart AOLserver

- Go to the administration page and initialize the OpenFTS engine by clicking on the appropriate link.

- Visit the acs-service-contract package page. If the search package is installed, you will see
  a list item under "Valid Uninstalled Bindings" between FtsEngineDriver and openfts-driver. Install it
  by clicking on the appropriate link. [Note: We will automate this before the final release of OpenACS-4.x]