select org.org_id, org.org_title as org_title, org.hasmetadata, tree_level(o.tree_sortkey) as indent from ims_cp_organizations org, acs_objects o where org.org_id = o.object_id and man_id = :man_id order by org_id select o.object_id, --repeat(' ', (tree_level(tree_sortkey) - :indent)* 2) as indent, i.ims_item_id, i.item_title as item_title, i.hasmetadata, i.ims_item_id as identifierref, i.type, i.org_id, m.fs_package_id, m.folder_id, m.course_name from acs_objects o, ims_cp_items i, ims_cp_manifests m where o.object_type like 'ims_item_object' and i.org_id = :org_id and o.object_id = i.ims_item_id and m.man_id = :man_id order by object_id --, tree_sortkey select * from lorsm_student_track lorsm, lorsm_cmi_core cmi, ims_cp_manifests manif, ims_cp_items imsitems where lorsm.community_id=:community_id and lorsm.track_id=cmi.track_id and lorsm.course_id=:man_id and manif.man_id=:man_id and cmi.man_id=:man_id and cmi.item_id=:identifierref and user_id=:user_id and imsitems.ims_item_id=cmi.item_id order by cmi.track_id asc