postgresql7.3 select cc.curname, cc.codeA from (select coalesce(, c.default_name) as curname, c.codeA from currencies c left outer join currency_names n on (c.codeA = n.codeA and language_code = :language)) cc order by lower(cc.curname) select to_char(now(),'YYYY-MM-DD') from dual select content_item__delete(:file_id); update iv_offers set finish_date = to_timestamp(:finish_date_list,'YYYY MM DD HH24 MI SS') where offer_id = :new_offer_rev_id update iv_offers set accepted_date = now(), status = 'accepted' where offer_id = :new_offer_rev_id and accepted_date is null update pm_projects set planned_end_date = to_timestamp(:finish_date_list,'YYYY MM DD HH24 MI SS') where project_id = :project_rev_id