ad_page_contract { Use a proper plugin to configure a service @author @creation-date dic 2008 } { gservice_id run_id plugin_URI gsi_request_id:optional {do_check_p "f"} {do_choose_p "f"} {do_map_p "f"} {do_configure_p "f"} } set page_title "IMS LD Service configuration" set context [list "Service configuration"] template::head::add_css -href "/resources/imsld/imsld.css" -media "screen" -order 0 #first, perform action (if requested) if {[string eq $do_check_p "t"]} { #FIXME: ¿en un thread a parte? set service_response [imsld::gsi::send_check_request -gservice_id $gservice_id -plugin_URI $plugin_URI -run_id $run_id] imsld::gsi::store_check_results -gservice_id $gservice_id -plugin_URI $plugin_URI -run_id $run_id -service_response $service_response ns_log Notice "hecho el check" } if {[string eq $do_choose_p "t"]} {} if {[string eq $do_map_p "t"]} {} if {[string eq $do_configure_p "t"]} {} #second, choose state set service_status [imsld::gsi::get_service_status -run_id $run_id -gservice_id $gservice_id] if { [string eq $service_status "not-configured"] } { if {[db_0or1row get_request_id { select req.gsi_request_id from imsld_gsi_service_status stat, imsld_gsi_service_requests req where req.serv_status_id=stat.service_status_id and stat.run_id=:run_id and stat.owner_id=:gservice_id and req.plugin_URI=:plugin_URI }]} { set state "checked" } else { set state "void" } } elseif { [string eq $service_status "in-progress"] } { set ddbb_plugin_uri [db_string get_status_plugin { select plugin_uri from imsld_gsi_service_status where run_id =:run_id and owner_id=:gservice_id } ] if {[string eq $ddbb_plugin_uri ""]} { set state "chosen" } else { set state "mapped" } } elseif { [string eq $service_status "configured"] } { set state "configured" } else { #you cannot be here... ns_log notice "imsld-gsi-service-configure.tcl, status=not-found: you cannot be here" } #then go to this state switch $state { void { ns_log Notice "estado void" set check_button [export_vars -base "imsld-gsi-service-configure" {plugin_URI gservice_id run_id {do_check_p "t"}}] } checked { set refresh_button [export_vars -base "imsld-gsi-service-configure" {plugin_URI gservice_id run_id}] set choose_button [export_vars -base "imsld-gsi-service-configure" {plugin_URI gservice_id run_id {do_choose_p "t"}}] } chosen {} mapped {} configured {} } ##set checked_p "f" ## ###build list of things that must be checked ## ##if { [string eq $do_check_p "t"]} { ##} ## ###FIXME: a sql query must build these values ###maybe, the request_id is not initialized (it is done in another thread) ##if { [info exists gsi_request_id] } { ## set request_response [imsld::gsi::get_request_response -request_id $gsi_request_id] ## ## set functions_response [lindex $request_response 0] ## set permissions_response [lindex $request_response 1] ## ns_log Notice "obtenidas respuestas de la bbdd" ## if {![string eq $do_map_p "t"] } { ## set choose_button [export_vars -base "imsld-gsi-service-configure" {plugin_URI gservice_id run_id {do_map_p t} {gsi_request_id $gsi_request_id}}] ## } ##} else { ## set functions_response "" ## set permissions_response "" ##} ## ##template::multirow create response_functions item ##foreach function_item $functions_response { ## template::multirow append response_functions $function_item ##} ## ##template::multirow create response_permissions item ##foreach perm_item $permissions_response { ## template::multirow append response_permissions $perm_item ##} ## ###map users ##if { [string eq $do_map_p "t"]} { ## set checked_p "t" ##} ###ask for service instances ##set users_mapped_p "f" ##set configured_p "f" ##