select i.item_id as glossary_item_id, title as glossary_title,
description as glossary_description,
case acs_permission__permission_p(i.item_id, :user_id, 'glossary_modify')
when 't' then 1
when 'f' then 0
end as glossary_edit_p
from glossariesx g, cr_items i
where g.item_id = :item_id
and g.item_id = i.item_id
and i.publish_status = 'live'
and i.content_type = 'glossary'
and publish_date < current_timestamp
and i.live_revision = g.revision_id
select i.item_id as glossary_term_item_id , title as term,
case acs_permission__permission_p(i.item_id, :user_id, 'glossary_term_modify')
when 't' then 1
when 'f' then 0
end as term_edit_p
from glossary_termsx gt, cr_items i, cr_child_rels ch
where ch.parent_id = :item_id
and ch.child_id = gt.item_id
and i.publish_status = 'live'
and i.content_type = 'glossary_term'
and i.live_revision = gt.revision_id
and publish_date > current_timestamp - interval '1 day'
and acs_permission__permission_p(i.item_id, :user_id, 'read') = 't'
order by term