select eg.grade_name, eg.grade_plural_name from evaluation_grades eg, cr_items cri where eg.grade_item_id = :grade_item_id and cri.live_revision = eg.grade_id select ets.solution_id from evaluation_tasks_sols ets, cr_items cri where ets.task_item_id = :task_item_id and cri.live_revision = ets.solution_id select et.task_name, et.number_of_members, et.task_id, to_char(et.due_date,'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS') as due_date_ansi, et.online_p, et.late_submit_p, et.task_item_id, et.item_id, et.requires_grade_p, et.description, et.grade_item_id, coalesce(round(cr.content_length/1024,0),0) as content_length, as task_data, crmt.label as pretty_mime_type, cr.title as task_title, et.task_id as revision_id from cr_revisions cr, evaluation_tasksi et, cr_items cri, cr_mime_types crmt where cr.revision_id = et.revision_id and et.grade_item_id = :grade_item_id and cri.live_revision = et.task_id and et.mime_type = crmt.mime_type $assignments_orderby select et.task_name, et.number_of_members, et.task_id, to_char(et.due_date,'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS') as due_date_ansi, et.online_p, et.late_submit_p, et.item_id, et.task_item_id, et.due_date, et.requires_grade_p, et.description, et.grade_item_id, cr.title as task_title, as task_data, et.task_id as revision_id, coalesce(round(cr.content_length/1024,0),0) as content_length, et.late_submit_p, crmt.label as pretty_mime_type from cr_revisions cr, evaluation_tasksi et, cr_items cri, cr_mime_types crmt where cr.revision_id = et.revision_id and grade_item_id = :grade_item_id and cri.live_revision = et.task_id and et.mime_type = crmt.mime_type $assignments_orderby select 1 from dual where :due_date > current_timestamp select coalesce((select etg2.group_id from evaluation_task_groups etg2, evaluation_tasks et2, acs_rels map where map.object_id_one = etg2.group_id and map.object_id_two = :user_id and etg2.task_item_id = et2.task_item_id and et2.task_id = :task_id),0) from evaluation_tasks et3 where et3.task_id = :task_id select ea.answer_id from evaluation_answers ea, cr_items cri where ea.task_item_id = :task_item_id and cri.live_revision = ea.answer_id and ea.party_id = ( select CASE WHEN et3.number_of_members = 1 THEN :user_id ELSE (select etg2.group_id from evaluation_task_groups etg2, evaluation_tasks et2, acs_rels map where map.object_id_one = etg2.group_id and map.object_id_two = :user_id and etg2.task_item_id = et2.task_item_id and et2.task_id = :task_id) END as nom from evaluation_tasks et3 where et3.task_id = :task_id )