oracle8.1.6 select decode (supertype, 'acs_object', '', supertype) as parent_type, decode (object_type, 'content_revision', '', object_type) as object_type, pretty_name from acs_object_types where object_type ^= 'acs_object' connect by object_type = prior supertype start with object_type = :content_type order by rownum desc select attr.attribute_id, attr.attribute_name, attr.object_type, attr.pretty_name as attribute_name_pretty, datatype, types.pretty_name as pretty_name, nvl(description_key,' ') as description_key, description, widget from acs_attributes attr, acs_attribute_descriptions d, cm_attribute_widgets w, ( select object_type, pretty_name from acs_object_types where object_type ^= 'acs_object' connect by prior supertype = object_type start with object_type = :content_type ) types where attr.object_type = types.object_type and attr.attribute_id = w.attribute_id(+) and attr.attribute_name = d.attribute_name(+) order by types.object_type, sort_order, attr.attribute_name select template_id, ttmap.content_type, use_context, is_default, name, content_item.get_path( template_id,:root_id) as path, (select pretty_name from acs_object_types where object_type = :content_type) pretty_name from cr_type_template_map ttmap, cr_items i where i.item_id = ttmap.template_id and ttmap.content_type = :content_type order by upper(name)