-- -- packages/cms/sql/postgresql/upgrade/upgrade-5.0d-5.1d.sql -- -- @author Stan Kaufman (skaufman@epimetrics.com) -- @creation-date 2005-10-04 -- @cvs-id $Id: upgrade-5.0d-5.1d.sql,v 1.1 2005/10/04 22:05:51 skaufman Exp $ -- -- adds package_id to call to content_item__new create or replace function content_module__new (varchar,varchar,varchar,integer,integer,integer,integer,timestamptz,integer,varchar,varchar) returns integer as ' declare p_name alias for $1; p_key alias for $2; p_root_key alias for $3; p_sort_key alias for $4; p_parent_id alias for $5; -- null p_package_id alias for $6; p_object_id alias for $7; -- null p_creation_date alias for $8; -- now() p_creation_user alias for $9; -- null p_creation_ip alias for $10; -- null p_object_type alias for $11; -- ''content_module'' v_module_id integer; begin v_module_id := content_item__new( p_name, p_parent_id, p_object_id, null, p_creation_date, p_creation_user, null, p_creation_ip, ''content_module'', p_object_type, null, null, ''text/plain'', null, null, ''file'', p_package_id ); insert into cm_modules (module_id, key, name, root_key, sort_key, package_id) values (v_module_id, p_key, p_name, p_root_key, p_sort_key, p_package_id); return v_module_id; end;' language 'plpgsql';