    <title>Content Management System Tutorials</title>
  <b><a href="../index.html">Content Management System</a></b>

<p>The tutorials in this section are intended to illustrate a
variety of common scenarios in which CMS may be applied.</p>

<h3>Getting Started</h3>

<p>Support files for all demos are located in the <tt>demo</tt>
distribution of the CMS distribution.  Before attempting
any of the tutorials, you must do the following:</p>

  <li><p>Execute <tt>demo/sql/demo.sql</tt> in the appropriate database
      schema.  This script creates a folder under the template root to
      store demo templates.  It also creates an instance of a master
      template under this folder, and registers this template for use
      with all basic content items.</p>

  <li><p>Link <tt>demo/templates</tt> to the <tt>demo</tt> directory
      under the template root in the file system:</p> 
      <pre>ln -s `pwd`/ats/resources templates/ats</pre> 
      <p>This contains all the templates used in the demos.</p>

<h3>Demo Index</h3>

  <dt><a href="press.html">Press Releases</a></dt>
  <dd>A simple example of defining a custom content type, performing
      data entry using a system-generated form and publishing items.

<a href="mailto:karlg@arsdigita.com">karlg@arsdigita.com</a><br>
Last revised: $Id: index.html,v 1.1 2001/04/20 20:51:09 donb Exp $