-- Changes to support HTML in bulk mail (work originally done by Mohan for
-- Sloanspace).
-- this should be a 'not null' column, but you can't do that when the
-- table's not empty
alter table bulk_mail_messages
add status varchar2(100);
-- mark all the messages that are already sent as such
update bulk_mail_messages
set status = 'sent'
where sent_p = 't';
alter table bulk_mail_messages
drop column sent_p;
-- now we can do this without having all the previously sent messages get
-- suddenly marked as pending and sent again (don't ask me how I know this :)
alter table bulk_mail_messages
modify status default 'pending';
alter table bulk_mail_messages
add constraint bm_messages_status_ck
check (status in ('pending', 'sent'));
-- recreate the views
create or replace view bulk_mail_messages_unsent
select bulk_mail_messages.*
from bulk_mail_messages
where status = 'pending';
create or replace view bulk_mail_messages_sent
select bulk_mail_messages.*
from bulk_mail_messages
where status = 'sent';
-- lastly, we seem to have to do this because the package is invalidated by
-- the above steps