-- Fixing the implementation of the bt_bug__delete function to work with -- renamed workflow_case_pkg__delete function. -- -- @author Lars Pind (lars@collaboraid.biz) -- -- $Id: upgrade-1.2d9-1.2d10.sql,v 1.2 2003/08/28 09:45:29 lars Exp $ create or replace function bt_bug__delete( integer -- bug_id ) returns integer as ' declare p_bug_id alias for $1; v_case_id integer; rec record; begin -- Every bug is associated with a workflow case select case_id into v_case_id from workflow_cases where object_id = p_bug_id; perform workflow_case_pkg__delete(v_case_id); -- Every bug may have notifications attached to it -- and there is one column in the notificaitons datamodel that doesn''t -- cascade for rec in select notification_id from notifications where response_id = p_bug_id loop perform notification__delete (rec.notification_id); end loop; -- unset live & latest revision -- update cr_items -- set live_revision = null, -- latest_revision = null -- where item_id = p_bug_id; perform content_item__delete(p_bug_id); return 0; end; ' language 'plpgsql';