and bookmark_id not in
select bm.bookmark_id from bm_bookmarks bm, bm_bookmarks bm2
where bm.folder_p = 't'
and bm.owner_id = :user_id
and bm.tree_sortkey between bm2.tree_sortkey and tree_right(bm2.tree_sortkey)
and bm2.parent_id = :package_id
and bm2.owner_id = :user_id
select bm.bookmark_id, bm.local_title, tree_level(bm.tree_sortkey) as indentation
from bm_bookmarks bm, bm_bookmarks bm2
where bm.tree_sortkey between bm2.tree_sortkey and tree_right(bm2.tree_sortkey)
and bm2.parent_id = :package_id
and bm2.owner_id = :user_id
and bm.folder_p = 't'
and bm.owner_id = :user_id
and bm.bookmark_id <> :bookmark_id
and bm.parent_id <> :package_id
and acs_permission__permission_p(:bookmark_id, :user_id, 'write') = 't'
order by bm.tree_sortkey
select bookmark__get_root_folder (:package_id, :user_id);
select count(*) from bm_bookmarks
where owner_id = :viewed_user_id
and folder_p = 't'
and acs_permission__permission_p(bookmark_id, :browsing_user_id, 'write')
select count(*) from bm_bookmarks bm, bm_bookmarks bm2
where bm.tree_sortkey between bm2.tree_sortkey and tree_right(bm2.tree_sortkey)
and bm2.bookmark_id = :bookmark_id
and not acs_permission__permission_p(bm.bookmark_id, :browsing_user_id, 'delete')
select bookmark__private_p(:bookmark_id)
select bookmark__update_private_p(:bookmark_id, :private_p)
select bookmark__initialize_in_closed_p (:viewed_user_id, :in_closed_p_id, :package_id);