*** version 2.3.0 *** Fixed the following bugs: ------------------------- + Pressing the Esc key when an item in a MenuBar has focus will now result in the item blurring in IE. + Clicking a YAHOO.widget.MenuItem instance with a "url" configuration property set will now result in the hiding of its parent YAHOO.widget.Menu instance. + Creating an empty YAHOO.widget.Menu instance from existing markup will no longer result in a JavaScript error. + The "constraintoviewport" configuration property now correctly keeps a YAHOO.widget.Menu instance inside the boundaries of the browser viewport. + Tuned scrolling behavior so that when the user has scrolled to the bottom of a YAHOO.widget.Menu instance and starts pressing the up arrow key, the contents begin scrolling only when the next item to be selected is out of view of the scrollable area. + Modified "removeMenu" method of YAHOO.widget.MenuManager so that it removes the specified YAHOO.widget.Menu instance from the collection of visible menus. + Calling the "destroy" method of a visible YAHOO.widget.Menu instance now purges it from the YAHOO.widget.Manager's collection of visible Menus. + YAHOO.widget.Menu instances now blur before hiding. + The debug version of YAHOO.widget.Menu now correctly logs as "Menu" rather than "Overlay" in IE. + Setting a YAHOO.widget.MenuItem instance's "checked" configuration property to "true" two or more times followed by "false" will no longer result in some of the DOM elements used to render the checkmark icon will no longer remain in the item's DOM. + It is now possible to click anywhere on a YAHOO.widget.MenuItem instance and have it navigate to the URL specified by its "url" configuration property - even if the MenuItem has a value specified for its "target" configuation property. + The "toString" method of YAHOO.widget.MenuItem now returns the instance's id. + Setting the YAHOO.widget.MenuItem.prototype.COLLAPSED_SUBMENU_INDICATOR_TEXT constant to empty string no longer results in JavaScript error. + YAHOO.widget.MenuBar instances behave the same regardless of the value of their "position" configuration property. + It is now possible to ctr or shift-click on YAHOO.widget.MenuItem instances without the browser automatically redirecting to the URL specified by the MenuItem's "url" configuration property. Added the following features: ----------------------------- + Prototype of all classes (Menu, ContextMenu, MenuBar, MenuItem, ContextMenuItem, MenuBarItem) are augmented with YAHOO.util.EventProvider. + Added the following methods to YAHOO.widget.MenuManager: - "getMenuItem" - "getMenuItemGroup" + Added the following methods to YAHOO.widget.Menu: - "subscribe" - "getSubmenus" - "onRender" + Added a "disabled" configuration property to YAHOO.widget.Menu. + Added the constant "CSS_LABEL_CLASS_NAME" to YAHOO.widget.MenuItem that represents the name of the CSS class applied to the node that is the first child of its root