CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION content_item__get_path( get_path__item_id integer, get_path__root_folder_id integer -- default null ) RETURNS varchar AS $$ DECLARE v_count integer; v_resolved_root_id integer; v_path text default ''; v_rec record; v_current_item_id integer; v_current_name text; BEGIN -- check that the item exists select count(*) into v_count from cr_items where item_id = get_path__item_id; if v_count = 0 then raise EXCEPTION '-20000: Invalid item ID: %', get_path__item_id; end if; -- begin walking down the path to the item (from the repository root) -- if the root folder is not null then prepare for a relative path if get_path__root_folder_id is not null then -- if root_folder_id is a symlink, resolve it (child items will point -- to the actual folder, not the symlink) v_resolved_root_id := content_symlink__resolve(get_path__root_folder_id); -- check to see if the item is under or out side the root_id PERFORM 1 from cr_items i, (select tree_sortkey from cr_items where item_id = v_resolved_root_id) a where tree_ancestor_p(a.tree_sortkey, i.tree_sortkey) and i.item_id = get_path__item_id; if NOT FOUND then -- if not found then we need to go up the folder and append ../ until we have common ancestor for v_rec in select, i1.parent_id, tree_level(i1.tree_sortkey) as tree_level from cr_items i1, (select tree_ancestor_keys(tree_sortkey) as tree_sortkey from cr_items where item_id = v_resolved_root_id) i2, (select tree_sortkey from cr_items where item_id = get_path__item_id) i3 where i1.parent_id <> 0 and i2.tree_sortkey = i1.tree_sortkey and not tree_ancestor_p(i2.tree_sortkey, i3.tree_sortkey) order by tree_level desc LOOP v_path := v_path || '../'; end loop; -- lets now assign the new root_id to be the last parent_id on the loop v_resolved_root_id := v_rec.parent_id; end if; -- go downwards the tree and append the name and / for v_rec in select, i1.item_id, tree_level(i1.tree_sortkey) as tree_level from cr_items i1, (select tree_sortkey from cr_items where item_id = v_resolved_root_id) i2, (select tree_ancestor_keys(tree_sortkey) as tree_sortkey from cr_items where item_id = get_path__item_id) i3 where i1.tree_sortkey = i3.tree_sortkey and i1.tree_sortkey > i2.tree_sortkey order by tree_level LOOP v_path := v_path ||; if v_rec.item_id <> get_path__item_id then -- put a / if we are still going down v_path := v_path || '/'; end if; end loop; else -- this is an absolute path so prepend a '/' -- loop over the absolute path v_current_item_id := get_path__item_id; while v_current_item_id <> 0 LOOP select parent_id, name into v_current_item_id, v_current_name from cr_items where item_id = v_current_item_id; if FOUND then v_path := '/' || v_current_name || v_path; end if; end loop; end if; return v_path; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;