3 Week Boot Camp

Your Workspace : Events Administration : Activities : Activity

Events for this Activity

Activity Description

Name 3 Week Boot Camp
Creator Brian Stein
Default Contact Person
Owning Group ArsDigita Bootcamps
URL http://www.arsdigita.com/boot-camp/threeweekbootcamp.html
Description A lab environment for programmers to learn about the ArsDigita Community System and related tools. 3+ problem sets will be covered.
Current or Discontinued Current

Activity Custom Fields

You may define default custom fields which you would like to collect from registrants for this activity type.

  • app_letter (Application Letter), varchar2(4000) (text)
insert after | swap with next | delete ]
  • resume (Resume), clob (text)
insert after | delete ]

Organizer Roles

You may create default organizer roles for this activity type.

