# -*- Tcl -*- package require nx package require nx::test nx::Test parameter count 1 nx::Test case call-protected { nx::Class create C { :public alias SET ::set :public method foo {} {return [current method]} :public method bar {} {return [current method]} :public method bar-foo {} { c1 foo } :public method bar-SET {} { c1 SET x 1 } } C create c1 C create c2 ? {c1 SET x 1} {1} ? {c1 foo} {foo} ? {c1 bar-SET} {1} ? {c1 bar-foo} {foo} ::nsf::method::property C SET call-protected true ? {catch {c1 SET x 1} errorMsg; set errorMsg} {::c1: unable to dispatch method 'SET'} ? {::nsf::object::dispatch c1 SET x 2} {2} "dispatch of protected methods works" ? {c1 foo} {foo} ? {c1 bar} {bar} ? {c1 bar-SET} {1} ? {c1 bar-foo} {foo} ? {catch {c2 bar-SET} errorMsg; set errorMsg} {::c1: unable to dispatch method 'SET'} ? {c2 bar-foo} {foo} ::nsf::method::property C foo call-protected true ? {catch {c1 SET x 1} errorMsg; set errorMsg} {::c1: unable to dispatch method 'SET'} ? {::nsf::object::dispatch c1 SET x 2} {2} "dispatch of protected methods works" ? {c1 bar} {bar} "other method work" ? {catch {c1 foo} errorMsg; set errorMsg} {::c1: unable to dispatch method 'foo'} ? {c1 bar-SET} {1} "internal call of protected C implementend method" ? {c1 bar-foo} {foo} "internal call of protected Tcl implemented method" ? {catch {c2 bar-SET} errorMsg; set errorMsg} {::c1: unable to dispatch method 'SET'} ? {catch {c2 bar-foo} errorMsg; set errorMsg} {::c1: unable to dispatch method 'foo'} # unset call protected ? {::nsf::method::property C SET call-protected} 1 ::nsf::method::property C SET call-protected false ? {::nsf::method::property C SET call-protected} 0 ? {::nsf::method::property C foo call-protected} 1 ::nsf::method::property C foo call-protected false ? {::nsf::method::property C foo call-protected} 0 ? {c1 SET x 3} 3 ? {::nsf::object::dispatch c1 SET x 2} {2} ? {c1 foo} {foo} ? {c1 bar} {bar} ? {c1 bar-SET} {1} ? {c1 bar-foo} {foo} ? {c2 bar-SET} 1 ? {c2 bar-foo} {foo} # define a protected method C protected method foo {} {return [current method]} ? {::nsf::method::property C SET call-protected} 0 ? {c1 SET x 3} 3 ? {::nsf::object::dispatch c1 SET x 4} {4} ? {catch {c1 foo} errorMsg; set errorMsg} {::c1: unable to dispatch method 'foo'} ? {c1 bar} {bar} ? {c1 bar-SET} {1} ? {c1 bar-foo} foo ? {c2 bar-SET} 1 ? {catch {c2 bar-foo} errorMsg; set errorMsg} {::c1: unable to dispatch method 'foo'} } nx::Test case redefined-protected { nx::Class create C { :public alias SET ::set :public method foo {} {return [current method]} } # # Define SET and foo as redefined-protected # ? {::nsf::method::property C SET redefine-protected true} 1 ? {::nsf::method::property C foo redefine-protected true} 1 ? {C method SET {a b c} {...}} \ {Method 'SET' of ::C cannot be overwritten. Derive e.g. a sub-class!} \ "redefine method SET" ? {C method foo {a b c} {...}} \ {Method 'foo' of ::C cannot be overwritten. Derive e.g. a sub-class!} \ "redefine method foo" # check a predefined protection ? {::nx::Class method create {a b c} {...}} \ {Method 'create' of ::nx::Class cannot be overwritten. Derive e.g. a sub-class!} \ "redefine method create" # try to redefine predefined protected method via alias ? {::nsf::method::alias nx::Class create ::set} \ {Method 'create' of ::nx::Class cannot be overwritten. Derive e.g. a sub-class!} \ "redefine alias create" # try to redefine via forward ? {C forward SET ::set} \ {Method 'SET' of ::C cannot be overwritten. Derive e.g. a sub-class!} \ "redefine forward SET" # try to redefine via setter ? {C property SET} \ {Method 'SET' of ::C cannot be overwritten. Derive e.g. a sub-class!} \ "redefine property SET" # redefine-protect object specific method nx::Object create o o method foo {} {return 13} ::nsf::method::property o foo redefine-protected true ? {o method foo {} {return 14}} \ {Method 'foo' of ::o cannot be overwritten. Derive e.g. a sub-class!} } # # test "nsf::my -local" on classes # nx::Test case class-my-local { nx::Class create Base { :protected method privateMethod {a b} { expr {$a + $b} } :public method foo {a b} { nsf::my -local privateMethod $a $b } } nx::Class create Sub -superclass Base { :public method bar {a b} { nsf::my -local privateMethod $a $b } :public method privateMethod {a b} { expr {$a * $b} } :create s1 } ? {s1 foo 3 4} 7 ? {s1 bar 3 4} 12 } # # test "nsf::my -local" on objects # nx::Test case object-my-local { nx::Class create M { :public method foo {} {return "M [next]"} :public method foo2 {} {return "M2 [next]"} } nx::Object create o1 { :protected method foo {} {return o1} :public method foo2 {} {:foo} :public method bar {} {nsf::my -local foo} } ? {o1 foo} {::o1: unable to dispatch method 'foo'} ? {o1 bar} o1 ? {o1 foo2} o1 o1 mixin add M ? {o1 foo} "M o1" ? {o1 bar} "o1" ? {o1 foo2} "M2 M o1" } # # test nsf::my + patch instead of "nsf::my -local" on classes # nx::Test case my+handle-instead-of-my-local { nx::Class create Base { :protected method privateMethod {a b} { expr {$a + $b} } :public method foo {a b} { nsf::my [Base info method handle privateMethod] $a $b } } nx::Class create Sub -superclass Base { :public method bar {a b} { nsf::my [Sub info method handle privateMethod] $a $b } :public method privateMethod {a b} { expr {$a * $b} } :create s1 } ? {s1 foo 3 4} 7 ? {s1 bar 3 4} 12 } # # test object::dispatch instead of "nsf::my -local" on classes # nx::Test case dispatch-instead-of-my-local { nx::Class create Base { :protected method privateMethod {a b} { expr {$a + $b} } :public method foo {a b} { nsf::object::dispatch [self] [Base info method handle privateMethod] $a $b } } nx::Class create Sub -superclass Base { :public method bar {a b} { nsf::object::dispatch [self] [Sub info method handle privateMethod] $a $b } :public method privateMethod {a b} { expr {$a * $b} } :create s1 } ? {s1 foo 3 4} 7 ? {s1 bar 3 4} 12 }