package require next package require next::test package require next::doc namespace import -force ::nx::* namespace import -force ::nx::doc::* Test parameter count 1 # # some helper # proc lcompare {a b} { foreach x $a y $b { if {$a ne $b} { return -1; break; } } return 1 } Class create ::nx::doc::CommentState::Log { :method on_enter {line} { puts -nonewline stderr "ENTER -> [namespace tail [:info class]]#[namespace tail [self]]" next } :method on_exit {line} { next puts -nonewline stderr "EXIT -> [namespace tail [:info class]]#[namespace tail [self]]" } } Class create ::nx::doc::CommentLine::Log { :method on_enter {line} { puts -nonewline stderr "\t"; next; puts stderr " -> LINE = ${:processed_line}" } :method on_exit {line} { puts -nonewline stderr "\t"; next; puts stderr " -> LINE = ${:processed_line}" } } Class create ::nx::doc::CommentSection::Log { :method on_enter {line} { next; puts -nonewline stderr "\n" } :method on_exit {line} { next; puts -nonewline stderr "\n"; } } set log false if {$log} { ::nx::doc::CommentState mixin add ::nx::doc::CommentState::Log ::nx::doc::CommentLine mixin add ::nx::doc::CommentLine::Log ::nx::doc::CommentSection mixin add ::nx::doc::CommentSection::Log } # -- Test case scanning { set lines { "# @package o" 1 "#@package o" 1 "bla" 0 "# @object o" 1 "# 1 2 3" 1 "#" 1 "# " 1 " # " 1 "\t#\t \t" 1 "# 345" 1 "# @tag1 part1" 1 "bla; # no comment" 0 "" 0 "\t\t" 0 "### # # # # @object o # ####" 1 "# # # # # 345" 1 "# # # @tag1 part1" 1 "bla; # # # # # no comment" 0 " " 0 } foreach {::line ::result} $lines { ? {foreach {is_comment text} [doc analyze_line $::line] break; set is_comment} $::result "doc analyze_line '$::line'" } set script { # @package o # 1 2 3 bla bla # @object o # 1 2 3 # # 345 # @tag1 part1 # @tag2 part2 bla; # no comment bla bla bla ### # # # # @object o # #### # 1 2 3 # # # # # # 345 # # # @tag1 part1 # @tag2 part2 bla; # # # # # no comment } set blocks {1 {{ @package o} { 1 2 3}} 5 {{ @object o} { 1 2 3} {} { 345} { @tag1 part1} { @tag2 part2}} 17 {{ @object o # ####} { 1 2 3} {} { 345} { @tag1 part1} { @tag2 part2}}} ? [list ::lcompare [doc comment_blocks $script] $blocks] 1 } Test case parsing { # # TODO: Add tests for doc-parsing state machine. # set block { {@command cc} } ? [list StyleViolation thrown_by? [list EntityClass process $block]] 0 set block { {} } ? [list StyleViolation thrown_by? [list EntityClass process $block]] 1 # # For now, a valid comment block must start with a non-space line # (i.e., a tag or text line, depending on the section: context # vs. description) # set block { {} {@command cc} } ? [list StyleViolation thrown_by? [list EntityClass process $block]] 1 set block { {command cc} {} } ? [list StyleViolation thrown_by? [list EntityClass process $block]] 1 set block { {@command cc} {some description} } ? [list StyleViolation thrown_by? [list EntityClass process $block]] 1 set block { {@command cc} {} {} {} {@see ::o} } EntityClass process $block ? [list StyleViolation thrown_by? [list EntityClass process $block]] 0 set block { {@command cc} {} {some description} {some description2} {} {} } ? [list StyleViolation thrown_by? [list EntityClass process $block]] 0 # Note: We do allow description blocks with intermediate space # lines, for now. set block { {@command cc} {} {some description} {some description2} {} {an erroreneous description line, for now} } ? [list StyleViolation thrown_by? [list EntityClass process $block]] 0 # # TODO: Do not enforce space line between the context and imediate # part block (when description is skipped)? # # OR: For absolutely qualifying parts (e.g., outside of an initcmd block), # do we need sequences of _two_ (or more) tag lines, e.g. # # -- # @object Foo # @param attr1 # -- # # THEN, we can only discriminate between the context and an # immediate part section by requiring a space line! # # Alternatively, we can use the @see like syntax for qualifying: # @param ::Foo#attr1 (I have a preference for this option). set block { {@command cc} {@see someOtherEntity} } ? [list StyleViolation thrown_by? [list EntityClass process $block]] 1 # # TODO: Disallow space lines between parts? Check back with Javadoc spec. # set block { {@command cc} {} {@see SomeOtherEntity} {add a line of description} {} {} {@see SomeOtherEntity2} {} } ? [list StyleViolation thrown_by? [list EntityClass process $block]] 0 # # TODO: Should we enforce a mandatory space line between description and part block? # set block { {@command cc} {} {add a line of description} {a second line of description} {a third line of description} {@see entity3} {@see SomeOtherEntity2} } ? [list StyleViolation thrown_by? [list EntityClass process $block]] 1 set block { {@command cc} {} {add a line of description} {a second line of description} {a third line of description} {} {@see SomeOtherEntity2} {} {} {an erroreneous description line, for now} } ? [list StyleViolation thrown_by? [list EntityClass process $block]] 1 set block { {@command cc} {} {add a line of description} {a second line of description} {} {a third line of description} {} {@see SomeOtherEntity2} } ? [list StyleViolation thrown_by? [list EntityClass process $block]] 0 set block { {@object cc} {} {add a line of description} {a second line of description} {} {@see SomeOtherEntity2} {@xyz SomeOtherEntity2} } ? [list InvalidTag thrown_by? [list EntityClass process $block]] 1 set block { {@class cc} {} {add a line of description} {a second line of description} {} {@see SomeOtherEntity2} {@xyz SomeOtherEntity2} } ? [list InvalidTag thrown_by? [list EntityClass process $block]] 1 # # testing the doc object construction # set block { {@object o} {} {some more text} {and another line for the description} {} {@author} {@author} } set entity [EntityClass process $block] ? [list ::nx::core::is $entity object] 1 ? [list $entity info is type ::nx::doc::@object] 1 ? [list $entity @author] ""; ? [list $entity text] "some more text and another line for the description"; set block { {@command c} {} {some text on the command} {} {@see ::o} } set entity [EntityClass process $block] ? [list ::nx::core::is $entity object] 1 ? [list $entity info is type ::nx::doc::@command] 1 ? [list $entity text] "some text on the command"; ? [list $entity @see] "::o"; # # basic test for in-situ documentation (initcmd block) # # set script { Class create Foo { # The class Foo defines the behaviour for all Foo objects # # @author # @author # @param attr1 # # This attribute 1 is wonderful # # @see ::nx::Attribute # @see ::nx::MetaSlot :attribute attr1 :attribute attr2 :attribute attr3 # @method foo # # This describes the foo method # # @param a Provides a first value # @param b Provides a second value :method foo {a b} {;} } } eval $script doc process ::Foo set entity [@object id ::Foo] ? [list ::nx::core::is $entity object] 1 ? [list $entity info is type ::nx::doc::@object] 1 ? [list $entity text] "The class Foo defines the behaviour for all Foo objects"; ? [list $entity @author] "" # TODO: Fix the [@param id] programming scheme to allow (a) for # entities to be passed and the (b) documented structures #set entity [@param id ::Foo class attr1] set entity [@param id $entity attr1] ? [list ::nx::core::is $entity object] 1 ? [list $entity info is type ::nx::doc::@param] 1 ? [list $entity @see] "::nx::Attribute ::nx::MetaSlot"; set entity [@method id ::Foo class foo] ? [list [@object id ::Foo] @method] $entity ? [list ::nx::core::is $entity object] 1 ? [list $entity info is type ::nx::doc::@method] 1 ? [list $entity text] "This describes the foo method"; foreach p [$entity @param] expected { "Provides a first value" "Provides a second value" } { ? [list expr [list [$p text] eq $expected]] 1; } # TODO: how to realise scanning and parsing for mixed ex- and # in-situ documentation? That is, how to differentiate between # absolutely and relatively qualified comment blocks in line-based # scanning phase (or later)? set script { namespace import -force ::nx::* # @object Bar # # The class Bar defines the behaviour for all Bar objects # # @author # @author # @param Bar#attr1 # # This attribute 1 is wonderful # # @see ::nx::Attribute # @see ::nx::MetaSlot # @method Bar#foo # # This describes the foo method # # @param a Provides a first value # @param b Provides a second value # @object-method Bar#foo # # This describes the per-object foo method # # @param a Provides a first value # @param b Provides a second value namespace eval ::ns1 { ::nx::Object create ooo } Class create Bar { :attribute attr1 :attribute attr2 :attribute attr3 # @method foo # # This describes the foo method in the initcmd # # @param a Provides a first value # @param b Provides a second value :method foo {a b} { # This describes the foo method in the method body # # @param a Provides a first value (refined) } :object method foo {a b c} { # This describes the per-object foo method in the method body # # @param b Provides a second value (refined) # @param c Provides a third value (first time) } } } set i [doc process $script] set entity [@object id ::Bar] ? [list $i eval [list ::nx::core::is $entity object]] 1 ? [list $i eval [list $entity info is type ::nx::doc::@object]] 1 ? [list $i eval [list $entity text]] "The class Bar defines the behaviour for all Bar objects"; ? [list $i eval [list $entity @author]] "" # TODO: Fix the [@param id] programming scheme to allow (a) for # entities to be passed and the (b) documented structures #set entity [@param id ::Bar class attr1] set entity [@param id $entity attr1] ? [list $i eval [list ::nx::core::is $entity object]] 1 ? [list $i eval [list $entity info is type ::nx::doc::@param]] 1 ? [list $i eval [list $entity @see]] "::nx::Attribute ::nx::MetaSlot"; set entity [@method id ::Bar class foo] ? [list $i eval [list [@object id ::Bar] @method]] $entity ? [list $i eval [list ::nx::core::is $entity object]] 1 ? [list $i eval [list $entity info is type ::nx::doc::@method]] 1 ? [list $i eval [list $entity text]] "This describes the foo method in the method body"; foreach p [$i eval [list $entity @param]] expected { "Provides a first value (refined)" "Provides a second value" } { ? [list expr [list [$i eval [list $p text]] eq $expected]] 1; } set entity [@method id ::Bar object foo] ? [list $i eval [list [@object id ::Bar] @object-method]] $entity ? [list $i eval [list ::nx::core::is $entity object]] 1 ? [list $i eval [list $entity info is type ::nx::doc::@method]] 1 ? [list $i eval [list $entity text]] "This describes the per-object foo method in the method body"; foreach p [$i eval [list $entity @param]] expected { "Provides a first value" "Provides a second value (refined)" "Provides a third value (first time)" } { ? [list expr [list [$i eval [list $p text]] eq $expected]] 1; } interp delete $i puts stderr ================================================= # # self documentation # if {[catch {set i [doc process next::doc]} msg]} { if {[Exception behind? $msg]} { puts stderr [$msg info class]->[$msg message] } else { error $msg } } ? [list $i eval [list ::nx::core::is [@package id next::doc] object]] 1 puts stderr [$i eval [list [@package id next::doc] text]] puts stderr [$i eval [list [@package id next::doc] @require]] set path [file join /tmp nextdoc] if {[file exists $path]} { file delete -force $path } $i eval [list ::nx::doc::make doc \ -renderer ::nx::doc::TemplateData \ -outdir /tmp \ -project {name nextdoc url version 0.1d}] interp delete $i # # core documentation # set path [file join /tmp NextLanguageCore] if {[file exists $path]} { file delete -force $path } set i [interp create] $i eval { package req next::doc namespace import ::nx::* namespace import ::nx::doc::* doc process -noeval true /Users/ssoberni/Documents/dev/xotcl/generic/gentclAPI.decls doc process -noeval true /Users/ssoberni/Documents/dev/xotcl/generic/predefined.xotcl ::nx::doc::make doc \ -renderer ::nx::doc::TemplateData \ -outdir /tmp \ -project {name NextLanguageCore url version 1.0.0a} } interp delete $i } # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # 1) Test case scoping rules -> in Object->eval() # Why does [info] intropsection not work as expected in eval()? Test case issues? { Object create o ? {o eval { set x ns1 set ns1 [namespace current] # # I would expect that there are x and ns1 as locally-scoped variables, but there aren't?! # They can be referenced during evaluation, but are NOT resolved through introspection: # Am I missing anything (probably I just forgot a nitty-gritty # detail on the eval() implementation)? expr {[info vars $x] eq $x}; }} 0 o method bar {arg1:object,type=::some::unknown::Class} {;} ? {o bar ::o} "expected object of type ::some::unknown::Class but got \"::o\" for parameter arg1"; # the error should rather reflect that ::some::unknown::Class is a non-existing class object! ? {o info is type ::xyz::Bar} 0; # similarly, [info is] 0 for non-existing class objects! It should rather report the non-existance of a valid class object, as otherwise, the introspective act is misleading ? {o autoname -reset a} ""; # why does autoname with -reset flag does not return anything, e.g., "a1" here; "name", though required, does not make any sense there. why not return a result after resetting? # TODO: is [autoname -instance] really needed? # TODO: why is XOTclNextObjCmd/::nx::core::next not in gentclAPI.decls? # TODO: where to locate the @ comments (in predefined.xotcl, in # gentclAPI.decls)? how to deal with ::nx::core::* vs. ::nx::* # TODO: which values are returned from Object->configure() and # passed to init()? how to document residualargs()? # TODO: Object->cleanup() said: "Resets an object or class into an # initial state, as after construction." If by construction it means # after create(), then cleanup() is missing a configure() call to # set defaults, etc! # TODO: exists and bestandteil von info() oder selbstständig? # ausserdem: erlauben von :-präfix?! # TODO: should we keep a instvar variant (i support this!) # TODO: verify the use of filtersearch()? should it return a method # handle and the filter name? how to deal with it when refactoring # procsearch()? # TODO: mixinguard doc is missing in old doc # TODO: what is Object->__next() for? # TODO: what to do with hasNamespace()? [Object info is namespace]? # TODO: why is XOTclOUplevelMethodStub/XOTclOUplevelMethod defined # with "args" while it logically uses the stipulated parameter # signature (level ...). is this because of the first pos, optional # parameter? ... same goes for upvar() ... # TODO: is Object->uplevel still needed with an integrated cs management? # TODO: how is upvar affected by the ":"-prefixing? -> AVOID_RESOLVERS ... # TODO: do all member-creating operations return valid, canonical handles! # TODO: the objectsystems subcommand of ::nx::core::configure does # not really fit in there because it does not allow for configuring # anything. it is a mere introspection-only command. relocate (can # we extend standard [info] somehow, i.e., [info objectsystems] # TODO: extend [info level] & [info frame]! # TODO: there is still --noArgs on [next], which does not correspond # to single-dashed flags used elsewhere. Why? # TODO: renaming of self to current? # TODO: is [self callingclass] == [[self callingobject] info class]? # TODO: "# @subcommand next Returns the name of the method next on # the precedence path as a string" shouldn't these kinds of # introspective commands return method handles (in the sense of # alias)? Retrieving the name from a handle is the more specific # operation (less generic). ... same for "filterreg" } if {$log} { ::nx::doc::CommentState mixin delete ::nx::doc::CommentState::Log ::nx::doc::CommentLine mixin delete ::nx::doc::CommentLine::Log ::nx::doc::CommentSection mixin delete ::nx::doc::CommentSection::Log }