# -*- Tcl -*- $Id: trace.xotcl,v 1.9 2006/10/04 20:40:23 neumann Exp $ package provide xotcl::trace 0.91 package require XOTcl namespace eval ::xotcl::trace { namespace import ::xotcl::* @ @File {description { Various tracing tools for the XOTcl language. } } @ Object instproc traceFilter { args "arbitrary args" } { Description { Filter to trace every method call on an object or class hierarchy. Outputs a message befora and after each call of the traced object. } return "empty string" } @ Object Trace { Description { Write trace outputs and produce statistics. Variable traceStream defines where to write trace output (default: stderr). } } @ Trace proc puts {line "output line"} { Description { Define how traceFilter writes to the output stream. Default: write to trace stream. } } @ Trace proc openTraceFile {name "file name"} { Description { Redirect trace output to file. } } @ Trace proc closeTraceFile {name "file name"} { Description { Close trace file and redirect output to stderr. } } @ Object instproc lintFilter {} { Description {Experimental lint filter} } @ Object instproc statFilter {} { Description {Experimental statistics filter} } @ Object instproc showVars {args "ist of variables"} { Description {Show the values of the specified variables (or of all variables) of an object on stderr.} } @ Object instproc showMsg {msg "optional output"} { Description {Show a message msg with the form "[self] $cls->$method $msg" on stderr.} } @ Object instproc showClass {} { Description {Show classes and mixins of the object}} @ Object instproc showStack {maxDepth "max stack depth, default=100"} { Description {Show callstack up to the specified calldepth.}} @ Object instproc showCall {} { Description {Show the current call with the form "[self] $cls->$method $args" on stderr.}} @ Object instproc showTimeStart {"?handle?" "Handle object name, optional"} {Description {start a timer}} @ Object instproc showTimeEnd {"?handle?" "Handle object name, optional"} {Description {end a timer and show result}} ########################################################################## proc showCall {} { Trace deprecated-function showCall} proc showVars {} { Trace deprecated-function showVars} proc showObj {o {printObjectName 1}} { Trace deprecated-function showObj} proc showStack {{m 100}} { Trace deprecated-function showStack} Object Trace Trace set traceStream stderr Trace proc openTraceFile name { my set traceStream [open $name w] } Trace proc closeTraceFile {} { close $Trace::traceStream my set traceStream stderr } Trace proc puts line { puts $Trace::traceStream $line } Trace proc add {type obj} { if {[my isclass $obj]} { $obj instfilter add ${type}Filter } else { $obj filter add ${type}Filter } } Trace proc delete {type obj} { if {[my isclass $obj]} { $obj instfilter delete ${type}Filter } else { $obj filter delete ${type}Filter } } Trace proc statReset {} { catch {my unset stat} } Trace proc statReportClass c { if {[my exists stat($c)]} { puts "\nClass $c: [my set stat($c)] references" foreach method [$c info instprocs] { set key $c->$method if {[info exists stat($key)]} { puts "\t$key: [my set stat($key)] references" } else { puts "\t$key: not used" } } } else { puts "\nClass $c: not used" } foreach subclass [lsort [$c info subclass]] { my [self proc] $subclass } } Trace proc statReport {} { my statReportClass Object } Trace proc statCount {key} { puts stderr "[self] [self proc] '$key'" if {[my exists stat($key)]} { my incr stat($key) } else { my set stat($key) 1 } puts stderr "[self] [self proc] '$key' => [my set stat($key)]" } Trace proc deprecated-function {name} { puts stderr "Function <$name> is deprecated. Use method with same name instead." } Object instproc traceFilter args { # don't trace the Trace object if {[self] eq "::xotcl::trace::Trace"} {return [next]} set method [self calledproc] if {$method eq [self proc]} {return [next]} set context "[self callingclass]->[self callingproc]" switch -- $method { proc - instproc {set dargs [list [lindex $args 0] [lindex $args 1] ...] } default {set dargs $args } } #my showStack Trace puts "CALL $context> [self]->$method $dargs (next=[self next])" set result [next] Trace puts "EXIT $context> [self]->$method ($result)" return $result } Object instproc lintFilter args { #puts stderr c=[self class],ic[my info class],p=[self calledproc] #puts stderr " =====================METHOD='[self calledproc]'" my instvar __reported switch -exact -- [self calledproc] { instvar { set ccls [self callingclass] set method [self callingproc] #puts stderr ccls=$ccls. if {$ccls eq ""} { ;## instvar in proc set bod [my info body $method] set context "proc [self]->$method" } else { ;## instvar in instproc set bod [$ccls info instbody $method] set context "instproc $ccls->$method" } foreach v $args { set vpattern "$v\[^a-zA-Z0-9\]" if {[regexp "\[\$\]$vpattern" $bod]} continue if {[regexp " *$vpattern" $bod]} continue #if {[regexp "info *exists *$vpattern" $bod]} continue #if {[regexp "append *$vpattern" $bod]} continue #if {[regexp "array.*$vpattern" $bod]} continue if {[info exists __reported($v,$context)]} continue set __reported($v,$context) 1 puts stderr "'$v' of 'instvar $args' is NOT used in\n\ $context ... {$bod}" } } } next } Object instproc statFilter args { # don't return statistics from the Trace object #puts stderr "self=[self]" if {[self] eq "::xotcl::trace::Trace"} {return [next]} set ccls [self callingclass] set cmet [self callingproc] set met [self calledproc] #::puts stderr "cls=$ccls->$cmet, [self]->$met" Trace statCount $ccls Trace statCount $ccls->$cmet next } ###################################################################### # show**** methods # Object instproc showVars args { set msg {} if {$args == {}} { foreach var [lsort [my info vars]] { if {[my array exists $var]} { append msg "\n\t$var: " #puts stderr "ARRAY $var" #puts stderr "ARRAY names <[[self]array names $var]>" foreach i [lsort [my array names $var]] { append msg $i=[my set ${var}($i)] ", " } } elseif {[my exists $var]} { append msg "\n\t$var: " [list [my set $var]] } else { append msg "\n\t$var: " UNKNOWN } } } else { foreach var $args { if {[my array exists $var]} { lappend msg $var: ARRAY } elseif {[my exists $var]} { lappend msg $var: [my set $var] } else { lappend msg $var: UNKNOWN } } } set method [self callingproc] set cls [self callingclass] puts stderr "[self] $cls->$method $msg" #puts stderr " MIXINS: [my info mixin]" } Object instproc showMsg msg { set method [self callingproc] set cls [self callingclass] puts stderr "[self] $cls->$method $msg" } Object instproc showClass {} { set method [self callingproc] set cls [self callingclass] puts stderr "[self] $cls->$method class [my info class]\ mixins {[my info mixin]}" } Object instproc showStack {{m 100}} { set max [info level] if {$m<$max} {set max $m} puts stderr "Call Stack (level: command)" for {set i 0} {$i < $max} {incr i} { if {[catch {set s [uplevel $i self]} msg]} { set s "" } puts stderr "[format %5d -$i]:\t$s [info level [expr {-$i}]]" } } Object instproc showCall {} { set method [self callingproc] set cls [self callingclass] set args [lreplace [info level -1] 0 0] puts stderr "[self] $cls->$method $args" } Object instproc showTimeStart {{handle __h}} { upvar [self callinglevel] $handle obj set obj [Object [self]::[my autoname __time]] $obj set clicks [clock clicks] return } Object instproc showTimeEnd {{handle __h}} { upvar [self callinglevel] $handle obj set method [self callingproc] set cls [self callingclass] set elapsed [expr {([clock clicks]-[$obj set clicks])/1000000.0}] puts stderr "[self] $cls->$method: elapsed [format %.2f $elapsed]secs" $obj destroy } ###################################################################### namespace export showCall showVars showObj showStack Trace } namespace import ::xotcl::trace::*