# -*- Tcl -*-
package prefer latest
package req nx

package require nx::test

# test cases for disposition "alias" and "forward"

nx::test case basics {

  Class create C {
    :object property {inst "::__%&singleton"}
    :method foo {x} {
      #puts stderr [current method]
      set :[current method] $x
    :method bar {} {;}
    :protected method baz {y} {
      #puts stderr [current method]
      set :my[current method] $y

    # some testing helpers
    :public object method setObjectParams {spec} {
      :protected method __object_configureparameter {} [list return $spec]
      ::nsf::parameter::cache::classinvalidate [current]
    :setObjectParams ""

    :public object method new args {
      return [:create ${:inst} {*}$args]

  foreach paramType {forward alias} {
    # Restricted to object parameters only?
    set msg "parameter option '$paramType' not allowed"
    ? [list C method m1 -foo:$paramType {;}] $msg
    ? [list C method m1 foo:$paramType {;}] $msg
    # Not applicable in parametercheck
    ? [list ::nsf::is $paramType $msg] "invalid value constraints \"$paramType\""

  # Do aliases and forwarder set instance variables? They should not.
  C setObjectParams -baz:alias
  ? {[C new -baz BAZ] eval {info exists :baz}} 0

  C setObjectParams {{{-baz:forward,method=%self %method}}}
  ? {[C new -baz BAZ] eval {info exists :baz}} 0

  # Note, currently alias/forward disposition operate on public and
  # protected target methods alike. Is this intended? For example,
  # providing access through the parameter interface to protected
  # methods etc. (at the instantiation site only) ? Or, are they
  # expected to be public ... 
  ### objectparameter are from the intentions public: the typical
  ### use-case is that someone wants to configure an object to be
  ### created, before the object exists.... 

  # 1) Positional object parameters + alias/forward disposition?

  # Passing a single argument to a positional alias
  C setObjectParams foo:alias
  ? {C new FOO} "::__%&singleton"
  ? {C new {FOO FAA}} "::__%&singleton"

  ### Whenever a value is provided (default value or actual value) the
  ### parameter is evaluated.
  C setObjectParams {{foo:alias ""}}
  ? {C new} "::__%&singleton"

  C setObjectParams {{-foo:alias "fooDefault"}}
  ? {[C new] eval {set :foo}} "fooDefault"

  # What about multi-argument vectors?

  C eval {
    :method multi-2 {x y} {
      set :[current method] [current args]
    :method multi-escape {x} {
      set :[current method] $x
    :method multi-args {args} {
      set :[current method] $args

  # Parameters are limited to a single value by the object parameter.

  C setObjectParams {{-multi-2:alias}}
  ? {[C new -multi-2 {X Y}] eval {set :multi-2}} \
      "wrong # args: should be \"multi-2 x y\""
  # Passing multiple arguments as a list
  C setObjectParams {{-multi-escape:alias}}
  ? {[C new -multi-escape [list X Y]] eval {set :multi-escape}} \
      [list X Y]

  # Passing multiple arguments as a list, passed to a args argument
  # list.
  C setObjectParams {{-multi-args:alias}}
  ? {[C new -multi-args [list X Y]] eval {set :multi-args}} \
      [list [list X Y]]

  # As used, all parameters receive currently 0 or 1
  # argument.  The same is true for disposition "alias" an
  # "forward". One could consider to unbox a parameter list via a
  # parameter option "expand" (like {*}) for alias|forward parameter
  # specs, e.g.:
  # {-multi-2:alias,expand}
  # {-multi-2:forward,method=...,expand}
  # Without the sketched extension, one could use eval in a forwarder.
puts stderr ===1
  C setObjectParams {{{-multi-2:forward,method=eval %self %method}}}
puts stderr ===2a
set x [C new -multi-2 {X Y}]
puts stderr [$x eval {set :multi-2}]
puts stderr ===2b

  ? {[C new -multi-2 {X Y}] eval {set :multi-2}} \
      "X Y"
puts stderr ===3

  # In the positional case, why is FOO not passed on as arg value to
  # the target method?
  C setObjectParams {{{foo:forward,method=%self %method}}}
  ? {C new FOO} "::__%&singleton"
  ? {[C new FOO] eval {set :foo}} "FOO"

  # Naming of the parameter spec element "method": It fits the alias
  # disposition, but is a little irritating in the context of a
  # forward. One would expect forwardspec or simply "spec" (as this is
  # used in the docs, the error messages etc.), e.g.:
  # {foo:forward,spec=%self %method}
  # 'spec' would also work for 'alias' as it is more general (the spec
  # of an alias is the method name ...)
  #### well, "spec" is not nice for alias, and potentially confusing
  #### with the parameter spec (the full parameter definition).

  # Passing non-positional arguments to target methods (at least
  # forwarder ones)?

  C method multi-mix {-x y args} {
    set :[current method] --x-$x--y-$y--args-$args

  C setObjectParams {{{-multi-mix:forward,method=eval %self %method}}}
  ? {[C new -multi-mix [list -x X Y Z 1 2]] eval {set :multi-mix}} \
      "--x-X--y-Y--args-Z 1 2"

  # Aliased methods with nonpos arguments are rendered entirely
  # useless by the single-value limitation (see also above):

  C method single-np {-x:required} {
    set :[current method] --x-$x

  C setObjectParams {{-single-np:alias}}
  ? {[C new -single-np [list -x]] eval {set :single-np}} \
      "value for parameter '-x' expected"
  ? {[C new -single-np [list -x X]] eval {set :single-np}} \
      "invalid non-positional argument '-x X', valid are : -x;
 should be \"::__%&singleton single-np -x /value/\""

  # INTERACTIONS with other parameter types
  # There are two validation points:
  # 1) the object parameter validation on the initial argument set
  # 2) the target method validation on the (mangled) argument set
  # ... they can deviate from each other, to a point of direct
  # conflict

  # Allowed built-in value types (according to feature matrix in
  # parameters.test)

  set msg {expected $mtype but got \"$testvalue\" for parameter \"x\"}
  dict set types boolean [list testvalue f mtype object msg $msg]
  dict set types integer [list testvalue 81 mtype punct msg $msg]
  dict set types object [list testvalue ::C mtype integer msg $msg ]
  dict set types class [list testvalue ::C mtype boolean msg $msg]
  dict set types object,type=::nx::Class \
      [list testvalue ::C  mtype object,type=::C \
	   msg "expected object of type ::C but got \"::C\"\
		for parameter \"x\""] 

  # for aliases ...
  dict for {t tdict} $types {
    dict with tdict {
      ::C public method foo [list x:$t] {
	set :[current method] $x
      ::C setObjectParams [list [list -foo:alias,$t]]
      ? "::nsf::is $t \[\[::C new -foo $testvalue\] eval {set :foo}\]" 1 "check: -foo:alias,$t"

  ::C public method baz {x} {
    return $x

  dict for {t tdict} $types {
    dict with tdict {
      ::C public method foo [list x:$mtype] {
	set :[current method] $x
      ::C setObjectParams [list [list -foo:alias,$t]]
      ? "::nsf::is $t \[\[::C new -foo $testvalue\] eval {set :foo}\]" \
      	  [subst $msg]

  # TODO: update the matrix in parameters.test (feature matrix)
  ### The question is, what happens with the matrix. The matrix is in
  ### some respects not complete (no disposition) and contains old
  ### namings (e.g. allowempty, multiple) and contains types removed
  ### some time ago (such as e.g. "relation").

  # define a user defined parameter type
  ::nx::methodParameterSlot object method type=mytype {name value} {
    if {$value < 1 || $value > 3} {
      error "Value '$value' of parameter $name is not between 1 and 3"

  array set script {alias "method=baz" forward "method=%self %method"}
  foreach disposition [list alias forward] {
    C setObjectParams [list [list -foo:$disposition,switch]]
    ? {C new} "parameter invocation types cannot be used with option 'switch'" \
	"switch not allowed for $disposition"
    C setObjectParams [list [list -baz:$disposition,mytype,$script($disposition)]]
    ? {C new -baz 1} "::__%&singleton" \
	"disposition $disposition, user defined type, valid value"

    C setObjectParams [list [list -baz:$disposition,mytype,$script($disposition)]]
    ? {C new -baz 0} "Value '0' of parameter baz is not between 1 and 3" \
	"disposition $disposition, user defined type, invalid value"

    C setObjectParams [list [list -foo:$disposition,xxx]]
    ? {C new} "::__%&singleton" \
	"disposition $disposition, unknown user defined type - just a warning"

    C setObjectParams [list [list -foo:$disposition,type=::C]]
    ? {C new} "parameter option 'type=' only allowed for parameter types 'object' and 'class'"

    # The 'arg=...' option should not be used, consider using 'method=...'
    C setObjectParams [list [list -foo:$disposition,arg=BOOM]]
    ? {C new} "parameter option 'arg=' only allowed for user-defined converter"


  # The option 'method=...' applies to disposition types only
  C setObjectParams [list [list -foo:initcmd,method=BOOM]]
  ? {C new} "parameter option 'method=' only allowed for parameter types 'alias', 'forward' and 'slotset'"
  C setObjectParams [list [list -foo:alias,forward]]
  ? {C new} "parameter option 'forward' not valid in this option combination"

  C setObjectParams [list [list -foo:forward,alias]]
  ? {C new} "parameter option 'alias' not valid in this option combination"

  C setObjectParams [list [list -foo:alias,initcmd]]
  ? {C new} "parameter option 'initcmd' not valid in this option combination"

  C setObjectParams [list [list -foo:forward,initcmd]]
  ? {C new} "parameter option 'initcmd' not valid in this option combination"

nx::test case dispo-multiplicities {
  Class create S {
    :public object method setObjectParams {spec} {
      :protected method __object_configureparameter {} [list return $spec]
      ::nsf::parameter::cache::classinvalidate [current]
    #:object method __object_configureparameter {} {
    #  return ${:objectparams} 
    :public method foo {args} {
      set :foo $args
      return $args

  # On multiplicity classes ...
  # ... implying a Tcl list value: 1..*, 0..* 
  # ... implying a Tcl word value: 1..1, 0..1

  S setObjectParams {-foo:alias,1..*,boolean}
  S method foo {x:0..1,boolean} {
    set :foo $x
  ? {[S new -foo [list f f]] eval {info exists :foo}} \
      "expected boolean but got \"f f\" for parameter \"x\""

  S setObjectParams {-foo:alias,1..*,integer}
  S method foo {x:1..1,integer} {
    set :foo $x
  ? {[S new -foo [list a 1]] eval {info exists :foo}} \
      "invalid value in \"a 1\": expected integer but got \"a\" for parameter \"-foo\""
  ? {[S new -foo [list 0 1]] eval {info exists :foo}} \
      "expected integer but got \"0 1\" for parameter \"x\""
  ? {[S new -foo [list]] eval {info exists :foo}} \
      "invalid value for parameter '-foo': list is not allowed to be empty"
  ? {[S new -foo 5] eval {info exists :foo}} 1
  ? {[S new -foo f] eval {info exists :foo}} \
      "invalid value in \"f\": expected integer but got \"f\" for parameter \"-foo\""

  S setObjectParams {-foo:alias,0..*,false}
  S method foo {x:0..1,false} {
    set :foo $x

  ? {[S new -foo [list a 1]] eval {info exists :foo}} \
      "invalid value in \"a 1\": expected false but got \"a\" for parameter \"-foo\""

  ? {[S new -foo [list f 0]] eval {info exists :foo}} \
      "expected false but got \"f 0\" for parameter \"x\""

  ? {[S new -foo [list t]] eval {info exists :foo}} \
      "invalid value in \"t\": expected false but got \"t\" for parameter \"-foo\""

  ? {[S new -foo [list f]] eval {info exists :foo}} 1

  ? {[S new -foo [list]] eval {info exists :foo}} 1


nx::test case dispo-returns {
  Class create R {
     :public object method setObjectParams {spec} {
       :protected method __object_configureparameter {} [list return $spec]
       ::nsf::parameter::cache::classinvalidate [current]

  # Alias/forward dispositions are unavailable as parameter types of return checkers
  set methods(raz) [R public object method raz {} {;}]
  foreach dispoSpec {
    {forward,method=%self xxx} 
  } {
    ::nsf::method::property R $methods(raz) returns $dispoSpec
    ? {R raz} "invalid value constraints \"$dispoSpec\""

  # Interactions between disposition types and the return value checkers
  ::nsf::configure checkresults true
  # --
  R setObjectParams -foo:alias,true

  set methods(foo) [R public method foo {x:true} -returns false  {
    set :foo $x

  ? {[R new] foo t} "expected false but got \"t\" as return value"

  R setObjectParams [list -foo:alias,true bar:alias,false]

  ::nsf::method::property R $methods(foo) returns boolean

  set methods(bar) [R public method bar {y:false} -returns true  {
    set :bar $y

  ? {[R new -foo t f] eval {info exists :bar}} "expected true but got \"f\" as return value"

  R setObjectParams [list -foo:alias,true bar:alias,false \
			 [list baz:alias,wideinteger,substdefault {[expr {2 ** 63}]}]]

  ::nsf::method::property R $methods(bar) returns boolean
  set methods(baz) [R public method baz {z:wideinteger} -returns int32  {
    set :baz $z
  ? {[R new -foo t f [expr {2 ** 31}]] eval {info exists :foo}} 1
  ? {[R new -foo t f] eval {info exists :baz}} "expected int32 but got \"[expr {2 ** 63}]\" as return value"
  ? {[R new -foo t f] eval {info exists :baz}} "expected int32 but got \"[expr {2 ** 63}]\" as return value"

  ::nsf::method::property R $methods(baz) returns wideinteger
  ? {string is wideinteger [[R new -foo t f] eval {set :baz}]} 1

nx::test case dispo-callstack {
  Class create Callee {
    :public object method setObjectParams {spec} {
      :protected method __object_configureparameter {} [list return $spec]
      ::nsf::parameter::cache::classinvalidate [current]

  # uplevel, upvar (with alias and forward)
  Callee public method call {{-level 2} x} {
    # The callstack positioning corresponds to the one of
    # alias/forward target methods in general:
    # Level -1 -> C-level frame 
    # Level -2 -> Actual caller frame
    # Note: Like any aliased methods, target methods of alias
    # parameters do not have full callstack transparency (e.g., in a
    # direct call to the target method, level -1 would resolve to the
    # caller frame)
    # ::nsf::__db_show_stack
    uplevel $level [list set ix $x]
    upvar $level $x _
    incr _
  foreach dispoSpec {
    {-ah:alias,method=call {call:alias X}}
    {{{-ah:forward,method=%self call}} {{call:forward,method=%self %method} X}}
    {{{-ah:forward,method=uplevel %self call -level 1}} {{call:forward,method=uplevel %self %method -level 1} X}}
  } {
    Callee setObjectParams $dispoSpec
    namespace eval __ {
      ? {info exists X} 0
      ? {info exists ix} 0
      ? {Callee new; info exists ix} 1
      ? {set X} 1
      ? {Callee new; info exists X} 1
      ? {Callee new; set X} 3
      ? {Callee new; set ix} X
      ? {Callee new -ah X X; set ix} X
      ? {set X} 6
      ? {info exists Y} 0
      ? {Callee new -ah X Y; set Y} 1
      ? {set X} 7
      ? {set ix} Y
    namespace delete __
  # TODO: Test missing elements for method declarations:
  # /cls/ public class {} {} ...

  # / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /
  # Test the ACTIVE/INACTIVE transparency for the method-variants of
  # uplevel|upvar

  Callee public object method run {} {
    set self [self]
    set objparams [:__object_configureparameter]
    # The ? helper by default performs a [namespace eval] in the ::
    # namespace, so the uplevel|upvar would happen in a different,
    # non-testable callstack branch. Therefore, we have to build the
    # tests around this limitation (for now)
    ? [list set _ [info exists X]] 0
    ? [list set _ [info exists ix]] 0
    $self new
    ? [list set _ [info exists ix]] 1 "after 1. uplevel/upvar calls ('$objparams')"
    ? [list set _ [set X]] 1 "after 1. uplevel/upvar calls ('$objparams')"
    $self new
    ? [list set _ [info exists X]] 1 "after 2. uplevel/upvar calls ('$objparams')"
    $self new
    ? [list set _ [set X]] 3 "after 3. uplevel/upvar calls ('$objparams')"
    $self new
    ? [list set _ [set ix]] X "after 4. uplevel/upvar calls ('$objparams')"
    $self new -ah X X;
    ? [list set _ [set ix]] X "after 5. uplevel/upvar calls ('$objparams')"
    ? [list set _ [set X]] 6 "after 5. uplevel/upvar calls ('$objparams')"
    ? [list set _ [info exists Y]] 0
    $self new -ah X Y;
    ? [list set _ [set Y]] 1 "after 6. uplevel/upvar calls ('$objparams')"
    ? [list set _ [set X]] 7 "after 6. uplevel/upvar calls ('$objparams')"
    ? [list set _ [set ix]] Y
  # {{{-ah:forward,method=uplevel %self call -level 1}} {{call:forward,method=uplevel %self %method -level 1} X}}

  # a) NSF/Nx methods upvar() and uplevel()

  Callee public method call {x} {
    :uplevel [list set ix $x]
    :upvar $x _
    incr _

  foreach dispoSpec {
    {-ah:alias,method=call {call:alias X}}
    {{{-ah:forward,method=%self call}} {{call:forward,method=%self %method} X}}
  } {
    Callee setObjectParams $dispoSpec
    Callee run

  # b) [current callinglevel]
  # ... with [uplevel [current callinglevel]] being equivalent to
  # using NSF/Nx methods upvar() and uplevel() directly.

  Callee public method call {x} {
    # ::nsf::__db_show_stack
    uplevel [current callinglevel] [list set ix $x]
    upvar [current callinglevel] $x _
    incr _

  foreach dispoSpec {
    {-ah:alias,method=call {call:alias X}}
    {{{-ah:forward,method=%self call}} {{call:forward,method=%self %method} X}}
  } {
    Callee setObjectParams $dispoSpec
    Callee run

  # c) [current activelevel]
  # ... Currently, in the current testing scenario, there is no
  # effective difference between #activelevel and #callinglevel, both
  # skip INACTIVE frames.

  Callee mixins set [Class new {:public method call args { next }}]

  foreach dispoSpec {
    {-ah:alias,method=call {call:alias X}}
    {{{-ah:forward,method=%self call}} {{call:forward,method=%self %method} X}}
  } {
    Callee setObjectParams $dispoSpec
    Callee run

  Callee public method call {x} {
    uplevel [current activelevel] [list set ix $x]
    upvar [current activelevel] $x _
    incr _

  foreach dispoSpec {
    {-ah:alias,method=call {call:alias X}}
    {{{-ah:forward,method=%self call}} {{call:forward,method=%self %method} X}}
  } {
    Callee setObjectParams $dispoSpec
    Callee run


nx::test case alias-noarg {
  Class create C {
    :public object method setObjectParams {spec} {
      :protected method __object_configureparameter {} [list return $spec]
      ::nsf::parameter::cache::classinvalidate [current]
    :public method foo {args} {
      set :foo $args
      return $args
    :public method bar {args} {
      set :bar $args
      return $args

  # nopos arg with noargs, given
  C setObjectParams {-bar:alias,noarg}
  C create c1 -bar
  ? {c1 eval {info exists :bar}} 1
  ? {c1 eval {info exists :x}} 0

  # nopos arg with noargs, not given
  C setObjectParams {-bar:alias,noarg}
  C create c1
  ? {c1 eval {info exists :bar}} 0

  # pos arg with noargs
  C setObjectParams {foo:alias,noarg}
  C create c1
  ? {c1 eval {info exists :foo}} 1

  # initcmd with default
  C setObjectParams {{__init:cmd :foo}}
  C create c1
  ? {c1 eval {info exists :foo}} 1

  # pos arg with noargs and nonposarg with noargs, given
  C setObjectParams {foo:alias,noarg -bar:alias,noarg}
  C create c1 -bar
  ? {c1 eval {info exists :bar}} 1
  ? {c1 eval {info exists :foo}} 1
  ? {c1 eval {info exists :x}} 0

  # optional initcmd, like in nx
  C setObjectParams {initcmd:cmd,optional}
  C create c1 {set :x 1}
  ? {c1 eval {info exists :x}} 1

  # using a default value for initcmd
  C setObjectParams {{initcmd:cmd ""}}
  C create c1 {set :x 1}
  C create c2
  ? {c1 eval {info exists :x}} 1
  ? {c2 eval {info exists :x}} 0

  # optional initcmd + non-consuming (nrargs==0) posarg, provided
  # initcmd
  C setObjectParams {foo:alias,noarg initcmd:cmd,optional}
  C create c1 {set :x 1}
  ? {c1 eval {info exists :x}} 1
  ? {c1 eval {info exists :foo}} 1
  ? {c1 eval {info exists :bar}} 0

  # optional initcmd + non-consuming (nrargs==0) posarg, no value for
  # initcmd
  C setObjectParams {foo:alias,noarg initcmd:cmd,optional}
  C create c1
  ? {c1 eval {info exists :x}} 0
  ? {c1 eval {info exists :foo}} 1
  ? {c1 eval {info exists :bar}} 0

  # initcmd with default + non-consuming (nrargs==0) posarg, no value
  # for initcmd
  C setObjectParams {foo:alias,noarg {initcmd:cmd ""}}
  C create c1
  ? {c1 eval {info exists :x}} 0
  ? {c1 eval {info exists :foo}} 1
  ? {c1 eval {info exists :bar}} 0

  # non-consuming alias, nonpos alias with noarg, initcmd provided
  C setObjectParams {foo:alias,noarg -bar:alias,noarg initcmd:cmd,optional}
  C create c1 {set :x 1}
  ? {c1 eval {info exists :foo}} 1
  ? {c1 eval {info exists :bar}} 0
  ? {c1 eval {info exists :x}} 1

  # non-consuming alias, nonpos alias with noarg, nonpos called, initcmd provided
  C setObjectParams {foo:alias,noarg -bar:alias,noarg initcmd:cmd,optional}
  C create c1 -bar {set :x 1}
  ? {c1 eval {info exists :foo}} 1
  ? {c1 eval {info exists :bar}} 1
  ? {c1 eval {info exists :x}} 1

  # non-consuming alias, nonpos alias with noarg, no initcmd provided
  C setObjectParams {foo:alias,noarg -bar:alias,noarg initcmd:cmd,optional}
  C create c1
  ? {c1 eval {info exists :foo}} 1
  ? {c1 eval {info exists :bar}} 0
  ? {c1 eval {info exists :x}} 0

  # non-consuming alias, nonpos alias with noarg, nonpos called, no
  # initcmd provided
  C setObjectParams {foo:alias,noarg -bar:alias,noarg initcmd:cmd,optional}
  C create c1 -bar
  ? {c1 eval {info exists :foo}} 1
  ? {c1 eval {info exists :bar}} 1
  ? {c1 eval {info exists :x}} 0

# check inticmd + noarg (should not be allowed)
nx::test case alias-noarg {
  Class create C {
    :public object method setObjectParams {spec} {
      :protected method __object_configureparameter {} [list return $spec]
      ::nsf::parameter::cache::classinvalidate [current]
  C setObjectParams {initcmd:cmd,noarg}
  ? {C create c1} {parameter option "noarg" only allowed for parameter type "alias"}

# check alias + args
nx::test case alias-args {
  Class create C {
    :public object method setObjectParams {spec} {
      :protected method __object_configureparameter {} [list return $spec]
      ::nsf::parameter::cache::classinvalidate [current]
    :public method Residualargs args {
      #puts stderr "aliased RESIDUALARGS <[llength $args]>"
      #puts stderr "....... <$args>"
      set :args $args

    :public method residualargs args {
      #puts stderr "residualargs <$args>"
  C copy D
  # TODO: check the meaning of these
  C setObjectParams {args}
  D setObjectParams {-a args}

  # Configure object parameters to call method Residualargs with
  # option args when args is used
  C setObjectParams {args:alias,method=Residualargs,args}
  D setObjectParams {-a args:alias,method=Residualargs,args}

  # If no residual args are provided, the method residualargs is not
  # called. This is the same rule as for all other consuming object
  # parameter dispatches
  ? {C create c1} {::c1}
  ? {c1 eval {info exists :args}} 0
  ? {D create c1} {::c1}
  ? {c1 eval {info exists :args}} 0

  # Residual args are provided, the method residualargs is
  # called. 

  ? {C create c1 1 2 3} {::c1}
  ? {c1 eval {info exists :args}} 1
  ? {c1 eval {set :args}} {1 2 3}

  ? {D create c1 1 2 3} {::c1}
  ? {c1 eval {info exists :args}} 1
  ? {c1 eval {set :args}} {1 2 3}

  # Provide a default for args.
  C setObjectParams {{args:alias,method=Residualargs,args {hello world}}}

  # use the default
  ? {C create c1} {::c1}
  ? {c1 eval {info exists :args}} 1
  ? {c1 eval {set :args}} {hello world}
  # override the default
  ? {C create c1 a b c} {::c1}
  ? {c1 eval {info exists :args}} 1
  ? {c1 eval {set :args}} {a b c}

  # don't allow other types for parameter option "args"
  C setObjectParams {{args:alias,int,method=Residualargs,args {hello world}}}
  ? {C create c1} {refuse to redefine parameter type of 'args' from type 'integer' to type 'args'}
  ? {nsf::is object c1} 0
  C setObjectParams {{args:int,alias,method=Residualargs,args {hello world}}}
  ? {C create c1} {refuse to redefine parameter type of 'args' from type 'integer' to type 'args'}
  ? {nsf::is object c1} 0

  # don't allow multiplicity settings for parameter option "args"
  C setObjectParams {{args:alias,method=Residualargs,0..n,args {hello world}}}
  ? {C create c1} {multiplicity settings for variable argument parameter "args" not allowed}
  ? {nsf::is object c1} 0

  C setObjectParams {args:alias,method=Residualargs,args,1..n}
  ? {C create c1} {multiplicity settings for variable argument parameter "args" not allowed}
  ? {nsf::is object c1} 0
  # make sure, parameter with parameter option "args" is used in last parameter
  C setObjectParams {a:alias,method=Residualargs,args -b:integer}
  ? {C create c1 hello world} {parameter option "args" invalid for parameter "a"; only allowed for last parameter}
  ? {nsf::is object c1} 0

nx::test case alias-init {
  Class create C {
    :public object method setObjectParams {spec} {
      :protected method __object_configureparameter {} [list return $spec]
      ::nsf::parameter::cache::classinvalidate [current]
    :method init {} {
      incr :y

  # call init between -a and -b
  C setObjectParams {-a init:alias,noarg -b:integer}
  ? {C create c1} {::c1}
  # "init" should be called only once
  ? {c1 eval {set :y}} 1

nx::test case submethods-via-aliasparams {
  # Could move to submethods.test?
  Class create C {
    :public object method setObjectParams {spec} {
      :protected method __object_configureparameter {} [list return $spec]
      ::nsf::parameter::cache::classinvalidate [current]

  # A depth-1 submethod ...
  C public method "FOO foo" {} {
    # next
    append :msg "[::nsf::current]--[::nsf::current methodpath]--[::nsf::current method]"

  # A depth-2 submethod ...
  C public method "BAR BOO buu" {} {
    append :msg "[::nsf::current]--[::nsf::current methodpath]--[::nsf::current method]"

  # // Ordinary dispatch //
  # The message send below expands into the following callstack
  # structure (when viewed at from within foo(), N is the anonymous
  # call site)
  # N+3 |:CscFrame @Type(ENSEMBLE) |	<-- foo (leaf)
  # N+2 |:CscFrame @Call(ENSEMBLE) |	<-- FOO (root)
  # N+1 |:TclFrame|			e.g. cmd, [namespace eval], [apply] 
  ? {
    [C create c1] FOO foo; # N
    c1 eval {set :msg}
  } "::c1--FOO foo--foo"

  # Submethod levels greater than 1 turn into intermittent frames:
  # N+4 |:CscFrame @Type(ENSEMBLE) |			<-- buu (leaf)
  # N+3 |:CscFrame @Type(ENSEMBLE) @Call(ENSEMBLE)|	<-- BOO (intermittent)
  # N+2 |:CscFrame @Call(ENSEMBLE) |			<-- BAR (root)
  # N+1 |:TclFrame|	
  ? {
    [C create c3] BAR BOO buu; # N
    c3 eval {set :msg}
  } "::c3--BAR BOO buu--buu" 

  # // Parameter (alias) dispatch //
  # In contrast to an ordinary dispatch, a parameter dispatch results
  # in a different callstack structure, due to the interferring
  # configure():
  # N+5 |:CscFrame @Type(ENSEMBLE)|		<-- foo (leaf)
  # N+4 |:CscFrame @Call(ENSEMBLE)|		<-- FOO (root)
  # N+3 |:CscFrame @INACTIVE|			<-- (INNER configure() frame)
  # N+2 |:ObjFrame|				<-- ::c2 (OUTER configure() frame)
  # N+1 |:TclFrame|		
  C setObjectParams [list FOO:alias]
  ? {
    [C create c2 foo] eval {set :msg}; # N
  } "::c2--FOO foo--foo"

  # 1) Interleaving @Type(INACTIVE) frames through indirection
  # a) Ahead of the ensemble "root" frame (i.e., indirection at the
  # level the receiver object)
  Class create M1 {
    :public method FOO args {

  C mixins set M1

  # N+4 |:CscFrame @Type(ENSEMBLE) |	<-- foo (leaf)
  # N+3 |:CscFrame @Call(ENSEMBLE) |	<-- FOO (root)
  # N+2 |:CscFrame @INACTIVE|		<-- M1.FOO
  # N+1 |:TclFrame|	

  C setObjectParams [list]
  ? {
    [C create c1] FOO foo; # N
    c1 eval {set :msg}
  } "::c1--FOO foo--foo"

  # N+6 |:CscFrame @Type(ENSEMBLE)|		<-- foo (leaf)
  # N+5 |:CscFrame @Call(ENSEMBLE)|		<-- FOO (root)
  # N+4 |:CscFrame @INACTIVE|			<-- M1.FOO
  # N+3 |:CscFrame @INACTIVE|			<-- (INNER configure() frame)
  # N+2 |:ObjFrame|				<-- ::c2 (OUTER configure() frame)
  # N+1 |:TclFrame|		

  C setObjectParams [list FOO:alias]
  ? {
    [C create c2 foo] eval {set :msg}; # N
  } "::c2--FOO foo--foo"

  # ... the filter variant ...
  C mixins set {}
  C public method intercept args {
  C filters set intercept

  # N+4 |:CscFrame @Type(ENSEMBLE) |	<-- foo (leaf)
  # N+3 |:CscFrame @Call(ENSEMBLE) |	<-- FOO (root)
  # N+2 |:CscFrame @INACTIVE|		<-- intercept
  # N+1 |:TclFrame|	
  C setObjectParams [list]
  ? {
    [C create c1] FOO foo; # N
    c1 eval {set :msg}
  } "::c1--FOO foo--foo"

  # N+6 |:CscFrame @Type(ENSEMBLE)|		<-- foo (leaf)
  # N+5 |:CscFrame @Call(ENSEMBLE)|		<-- FOO (root)
  # N+4 |:CscFrame @INACTIVE|			<-- intercept
  # N+3 |:CscFrame @INACTIVE|			<-- (INNER configure() frame)
  # N+2 |:ObjFrame|				<-- ::c2 (OUTER configure() frame)
  # N+1 |:TclFrame|		

  C setObjectParams [list FOO:alias]
  ? {
    [C create c2 foo] eval {set :msg}; # N
  } "::c2--FOO foo--foo"

  C filters set ""
  # / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /
  # b) Between root and intermittent or inbetween the set of
  # intermittent frames (i.e., indirection at the level of
  # container/ensemble objects)
  # NOTE: Filters and mixins registered for the container object do
  # not interleave in ensemble dispatches ... the dispatch lookup
  # (along the next path) always starts at the top-level
  # (calling) object. As a result, there are no intermediate frames to
  # be expected ...
  Class create M2 {
    :public method foo args {
      return "[current class]--[next]"

  C::slot::__FOO object mixins set M2
  ? {C::slot::__FOO foo} "::M2--::C::slot::__FOO--foo--foo"
  C::slot::__FOO eval {unset :msg}

  C setObjectParams [list]
  ? {
    [C create c1] FOO foo; # N
    c1 eval {set :msg}
  } "::c1--FOO foo--foo"

  C::slot::__FOO object mixins set {}
  C::slot::__FOO public object method intercept {} {
    return "[current]--[next]"
  C::slot::__FOO object filters set intercept
  ? {C::slot::__FOO foo} "::C::slot::__FOO--::C::slot::__FOO--foo--foo"

  C setObjectParams [list]
  ? {
    [C create c1] FOO foo; # N
    c1 eval {set :msg}
  } "::c1--FOO foo--foo"

  # --

  Class create M2 {
    :public method "FOO foo" args {
      append :msg "(1)--[current nextmethod]"
      #puts stderr ++++++++++++++++++
      append :msg "--(3)--[current class]--[current methodpath]--[current]"
      #puts stderr ++++++++++++++++++

  C mixins set M2

  # N+4 |:CscFrame @Type(ENSEMBLE) |		<-- C.FOO.foo (leaf)
  # N+2 |:CscFrame @Call(ENSEMBLE) |		<-- C.FOO (root)
  # N+3 |:CscFrame @INACTIVE @Type(ENSEMBLE)|	<-- M2.FOO.foo
  # N+2 |:CscFrame @INACTIVE @Call(ENSEMBLE) |	<-- M2.FOO
  # N+1 |:TclFrame|	
  C setObjectParams [list]
  ? {
    #puts stderr "/ / / / / / / / / / / "
    [C create c1] FOO foo; # N
    #puts stderr "/ / / / / / / / / / / "
    c1 eval {set :msg}
  } "(1)--::c1--FOO foo--foo--(3)--::M2--FOO foo--::c1"

  C mixins set {}  

nx::test case dispo-configure-transparency {
  Class create C {
    :public object method setObjectParams {spec} {
      :protected method __object_configureparameter {} [list return $spec]
      ::nsf::parameter::cache::classinvalidate [current]
  ::proc foo {} {
    error [::nsf::current]-[::nsf::current methodpath]-[::nsf::current method]
  ::nsf::method::alias C FOO ::foo
  ? {[C create c] FOO} "::c-FOO-FOO"
  C setObjectParams [list [list FOO:alias,noarg ""]]
  ? {C create c} "::c-FOO-FOO"
  C public method "show me" {} {
    set :msg [::nsf::current]-[::nsf::current methodpath]
  C setObjectParams [list -show:alias]
  ? {[C create c -show me] eval {info exists :msg}} 1
  ? {[C create c -show me] eval {set :msg}} "::c-show me"

  # ... with mixin indirection
  # ... at the calling object level / configure() ...
  Class create M {
    :public method configure args {
    :public method foo args {
    :public method FOO args {
      error [::nsf::current]-[::nsf::current methodpath]


  C setObjectParams [list [list FOO:alias,noarg ""]]
  C mixins add M
  ? {C create c} "::c-FOO"
  C mixins set {}

  # ... at the called object level

  Object create ::callee {
    ::nsf::object::property [self] perobjectdispatch true
    :public object method foo {} {
      error [::nsf::current]-[::nsf::current methodpath]

  ::nsf::method::alias C FOO ::callee

  C setObjectParams [list [list FOO:alias,noarg ""]]
  ? {C create c} "::c" "Defaultmethod of callee is invoked ..."
  C setObjectParams [list [list FOO:alias "foo"]]
  ? {C create c} "::callee-FOO foo" "foo leaf method is selected ..."
  ::callee object mixins add M
  ? {C create c} "::callee-FOO foo" "With mixin ..."

  # ... at the calling object level / ensemble path
  # This scenario effectively stacks additional call frames to be
  # traversed by CallStackMethodPath(). However, these frames precede
  # the first ensemble frame, that's why they are skipped by
  # CallStackMethodPath().
  M eval {
    :public method FOO args {
      puts stderr "!!!!! FOO MIXIN ...."

  ? {C create c} "::callee-FOO foo" "With mixin ..."
  # ... with filter indirection: tbd

nx::test case dispo-object-targets {
  Object create obj
  ::nsf::object::property obj perobjectdispatch true

  Class create C
  Class create T {
    :public object method setObjectParams {spec} {
      :protected method __object_configureparameter {} [list return $spec]
      ::nsf::parameter::cache::classinvalidate [current]
  # 1. Behavioural baseline: An alias method binding an object
  set methods(z) [::nsf::method::alias T z ::obj]
  ? {[T new] z} ::obj "Aliased dispatch to defaultmethod"
  ? {[T new] z uff} "::obj: unable to dispatch method 'uff'" \
      "Aliased dispatch to unknown method (default unknown handler)"

  Class create UnknownHandler {
    :method unknown {callInfo args} {
      # callInfo is a Tcl list. For ensemble dispatches, it contains
      # the complete message: delegator <ensemble ...> <unknown method>; for
      # ordinary dispatches, the list has a single element: <unknown
      # method>
      # methodpath [current methodpath]
      # puts stderr "CALLINFO='$callInfo' args=$args"
      switch [llength $callInfo] {
	1 {
	  error "UNKNOWNMETHOD-$callInfo"
	default {
	  set delegator [lindex $callInfo 0]
	  set unknownMethod [lindex $callInfo end]
	  set path [lrange $callInfo 1 end-1]
	  error "CURRENT-[current]-DELEGATOR-$delegator-UNKNOWNMETHOD-$unknownMethod-PATH-$path"

  ::obj object mixins set UnknownHandler
  ? {[T create t] z uff} "CURRENT-::obj-DELEGATOR-::t-UNKNOWNMETHOD-uff-PATH-z" \
      "Aliased dispatch to unknown method (custom unknown handler)"
  set x [UnknownHandler create handledObj]
  ::nsf::object::property handledObj perobjectdispatch true

  set methods(ix) [::nsf::method::alias ::obj ix $x]
  ? {[T create t] z ix baff} "CURRENT-$x-DELEGATOR-::obj-UNKNOWNMETHOD-baff-PATH-z ix" \
      "Aliased dispatch to unknown method (custom unknown handler)" 

  # 2. Obj targets via alias disposition parameters

  # a) direct dispatch (non-aliased) with fully qualified selector (::*)
  ::obj object mixins set {}
  T setObjectParams x:alias,method=::obj
  ? {T create t XXX} "::t: unable to dispatch method '::obj'" "FQ dispatch with default unknown handler"

  ::T mixins set UnknownHandler
  ? {T create t XXX} "UNKNOWNMETHOD-::obj" "FQ dispatch with custom unknown handler"

  # b) calls to the defaultmethod of the aliased object
  UnknownHandler method defaultmethod {} {
    set :defaultmethod 1
  ::obj object mixins set UnknownHandler
  T setObjectParams [list [list z:alias,noarg ""]]
  ? {T create t; ::obj eval {info exists :defaultmethod}} 1 \
      "Calling defaultmethod via alias+noarg combo with empty default"
  T setObjectParams [list [list z:alias,noarg "XXX"]]
  ? {T create t; ::obj eval {info exists :defaultmethod}} 1 \
      "Calling defaultmethod via alias+noarg non-empty with \
	default combo (default is not passed)"
  # b) intermediary object aliases, non-fully qualified selector 
  T setObjectParams [list [list z:alias,noarg ""]]
  ? {T create tt} ::tt "sending the msg: tt->z()"
  # ISSUE: positional objparam + alias + noarg -> what's the point?
  # noarg & ?z? are irritating, ?z? should not be printed!
  ? {T create t XXX} "invalid argument 'XXX', maybe too many arguments; should be \"::t configure ?/z/?\""

  ::obj object mixins set {}
  T setObjectParams [list z:alias]
  ? {T create tt YYY} "::obj: unable to dispatch method 'YYY'" "sending the msg: tt->z(::obj)->YYY()"
  ::obj object mixins set UnknownHandler
      "sending the msg: tt->z(::obj)->YYY()"

  ::obj object mixins set {}
  T setObjectParams [list -z:alias]
  ? {T create tt -z YYY} "::obj: unable to dispatch method 'YYY'" "sending the msg: tt->z(::obj)->YYY()"
  ::obj object mixins set UnknownHandler
  ? {T create tt -z YYY} "CURRENT-::obj-DELEGATOR-::tt-UNKNOWNMETHOD-YYY-PATH-z" \
      "sending the msg: tt->z(::obj)->YYY()"
  # [current methodpath] & empty selector strings:

  ::obj object mixins set {}
  T setObjectParams [list z:alias]
  ? {T create tt ""} "::obj: unable to dispatch method ''" "sending the msg: tt->z->{}()"
  ::obj object mixins set UnknownHandler
  ? {T create tt ""} "CURRENT-::obj-DELEGATOR-::tt-UNKNOWNMETHOD--PATH-z" "sending the msg: tt->z->{}()"
  T setObjectParams [list -z:alias]
  ? {T create tt -z ""} "CURRENT-::obj-DELEGATOR-::tt-UNKNOWNMETHOD--PATH-z" "sending the msg: tt->z()"

  # Dispatch with a method handle
  ::T mixins set {}
  ? [list [T create t] $methods(z) XXX] \
  T setObjectParams x:alias,method=$methods(z)
  ? {T create t XXX} "CURRENT-::obj-DELEGATOR-::t-UNKNOWNMETHOD-XXX-PATH-::nsf::classes::T::z" \
      "Non-object FQ selector with default unknown handler"
  ::T mixins set UnknownHandler
  ? {T create t XXX} "CURRENT-::obj-DELEGATOR-::t-UNKNOWNMETHOD-XXX-PATH-::nsf::classes::T::z" \
      "Non-object FQ selector with custom unknown handler"

  # A Tcl proc is allowed?!
  proc ::baz {x} {
    set :baz $x
  T setObjectParams x:alias,method=::baz
  ? {[T create t XXX] eval {info exists :baz}} 1
  ? {[T create t XXX] eval {set :baz}} XXX
  # TBD: nested objects

  # TBD: object-system methods

# check xotcl with residual args

nx::test case xotcl-residualargs {

  package prefer latest
  puts stderr "XOTcl loaded: [package req XOTcl 2.0]"

  ? {::xotcl::Class create XD -set x 1} "::XD"
  #? {c1 eval {info exists :args}} 0
  ? {XD __object_configureparameter} "-instfilter:filterreg,alias,0..n -superclass:alias,0..n -instmixin:mixinreg,alias,0..n {-__default_metaclass ::xotcl::Class} {-__default_superclass ::xotcl::Object} -mixin:mixinreg,alias,0..n -filter:filterreg,alias,0..n -class:class,alias args:alias,method=residualargs,args"

  # test passing arguments to init
  ::XD instproc init args {
    set :args $args
  ::XD create x1 1 2 3 -set x 1
  ? {x1 exists x} 1
  ? {x1 exists args} 1
  ? {x1 set args} {1 2 3}

nx::test configure -count 1000
nx::test case xotcl-residualargs2 {

  ::xotcl::Class create XC -parameter {a b c}
  ::XC instproc init args {set :x $args; incr :y}

  ? {XC create xc1 -a 1} ::xc1
  ? {XC create xc2 x y -a 1} ::xc2

  ::nx::Class create C {
    :property a
    :property b
    :property c
    :method init args {set :x $args; incr :y}

  ? {C create c1 -a 1} ::c1
  ? {xc2 eval {info exists :a}} 1
  ? {xc2 eval {set :x}} {x y}
  ? {xc2 eval {set :y}} 1
  ? {c1 eval {info exists :a}} 1
  ? {c1 eval {set :y}} 1

nx::test case xotcl-residualargs-upleveling {
  # Test callstack resolution for upvar/uplevel in
  # parameter-dispatched methods under residualargs() ...
  package prefer latest
  package req XOTcl 2.0

  xotcl::Class C -proc onTheFly {name args} {
    ? [list set _ [info exists ix]] 0
    ? [list set _ [info exists Y]] 0
    set c [[self] $name {*}$args]
    ? [list set _ [info exists ix]] 1
    ? [list set _ [set ix]] Y
    ? [list set _ [info exists Y]] 1
    ? [list set _ [set Y]] 1
    return $c
  } -instproc call {x} {
    # ::nsf::__db_show_stack
    my uplevel [list set ix $x]
    my upvar $x _
    incr _
  } -instproc call2 {x} {
    # ::nsf::__db_show_stack
    uplevel [self callinglevel] [list set ix $x]
    upvar [self callinglevel] $x _
    incr _
  C onTheFly c1 -call Y
  C onTheFly c1 -call2 Y 

# TODO: what todo with object parameter inspection for names with
# alias, forward... "names" do not always correspond with vars set.

nx::test case class-configure-default {
  # Background: when class is created, it is created with a "default"
  # superclass of "::nx::Object". This is defined in the slot for
  # superclass in nx.tcl

  nx::Class create P
  ? {P info superclasses} ::nx::Object
  # When we pass the superclass a different value, this is certainly used.
  nx::Class create Q -superclass P
  ? {Q info superclasses} ::P
  # When we call configure on the superclass, we do not want the
  # default to be used to reset it to ::nx::Object. Therefore the
  # configure uses the default for parameters with METHOD_INVOCATION
  # only, when the object is not yet initialized.
  Q configure 
  ? {Q info superclasses} ::P

# Local variables:
#    mode: tcl
#    tcl-indent-level: 2
#    indent-tabs-mode: nil
# End: