# $Id: xoXML.xotcl,v 1.6 2006/09/27 08:12:40 neumann Exp $ package provide xotcl::xml::parser 0.94 package require XOTcl package require xotcl::pattern::chainOfResponsibility package require xotcl::pattern::sortedCompositeWithAfter #package require xotcl::pattern::link package require xotcl::trace #package require xml #package require expat namespace eval ::xotcl::xml::parser { namespace import ::xotcl::* ############################################################################## # # XML Namespace Handling # ############################################################################## @ ChainOfResponsibility XMLNamespace { description { A Chain of Responsiblity Class that handles the XML XMLNamespace facility for an object tree especially for internal usage of the xoXML component } } ChainOfResponsibility XMLNamespace XMLNamespace instproc init args { # Per default: New NS is end of a namespace chain # indicated by "" my successor "" my array set nsArray {} next } # # add two operations searchPrefix and searchFullName as chained -> calls are # automatically forwarded in the chain, if the failure value (here: "") # is returned by the chained object # XMLNamespace addChainedOperation searchPrefix "" XMLNamespace addChainedOperation searchFullName "" XMLNamespace addChainedOperation searchNamespaceByPrefix "" # # namespaces are added by value pairs of prefix and full namespace # name (ns) # XMLNamespace instproc add {prefix ns} { #puts stderr "adding ns: $prefix $ns" my set nsArray($prefix) $ns } # # search the chain for a prefix -> return full name, if found # XMLNamespace instproc searchPrefix {prefix} { #puts stderr "[self proc]: Searching for $prefix in [self]" #puts stderr "[self proc]: There are: [my array names nsArray]" if {[my exists nsArray($prefix)]} { return [my set nsArray($prefix)] } else { return "" } } # # search the chain for a prefix -> return the responisble namespace name # XMLNamespace instproc searchNamespaceByPrefix {prefix} { if {[my exists nsArray($prefix)]} { return [self] } else { return "" } } # # search the chain for the full name -> return prefix, if found # XMLNamespace instproc searchFullName {fname} { foreach n [my array names nsArray] { if {[string match [my set nsArray($n)] $fname]} { return $n } } return "" } # # construct the full name from either a expression "prefix:name" # or just "name" (then construct with "xmlns" as default namespace prefix) # XMLNamespace instproc getFullName {fname} { #puts stderr "Getting FullName for $fname in [self]" if {[regexp "^(.*):(.*)$" $fname _ prefix name]} { if {[set pre [my searchPrefix $prefix]] != ""} { return [set pre]$name } } else { # no colon -> use xmlns return [my searchPrefix "xmlns"]$fname } return $fname } ############################################################################## # # Abstract Node Class # ############################################################################## SortedComposite AbstractXMLNode @ SortedComposite AbstractXMLNode { description { Abstract interface for all node classes. Nodes have an event based parsing interface to build up a node tree, from an event based parsing stream } } # # called if node start event occurs -> # start parsing node "name" and intpretation hook for the attribute list # AbstractXMLNode abstract instproc parseStart {name attrList} # # called if "character data" is reached # AbstractXMLNode abstract instproc parseData {text} # # called if node end is reached # AbstractXMLNode abstract instproc parseEnd {name} # # convinience method for printing nodes to output stream (e.g. for debugging) # AbstractXMLNode abstract instproc print {} # # Visitor acceptance methods -> call visit and visitEnd of the given # "visitor" with my as argument # AbstractXMLNode abstract instproc accept {visitor} AbstractXMLNode abstract instproc acceptEnd {visitor} # make 'accept' and 'acceptEnd' composite operations AbstractXMLNode addOperations {accept accept} AbstractXMLNode addAfterOperations {accept acceptEnd} ############################################################################## # # XMLNode Node Class # ############################################################################## # # the pcdata variable stores the data elements in form of a tuple list # . # Class XMLNode -superclass AbstractXMLNode -parameter { {content ""} {namespace} {parser ""} pcdata } @ Class XMLNode { description { general superclass for XML nodes } } XMLNode instproc init args { my array set attributes {} next } XMLNode instproc nextChild {name} { set child [my autoname $name] my set lastChild $child my appendChildren $child return $child } # # placeholder methods for the event interface # XMLNode instproc parseStart {name attrList} { #puts "parsed start: [my info class]: $name $attrList" } # # chracter data is stored in a pcdata variable. # XMLNode instproc mixedContent {} { expr {[my exists children] && [my exists pcdata]} } XMLNode instproc parseData {text} { #my showCall my instvar pcdata set childBeforePCData "" # if pcdata exists seek the last XMLElement child #if {[my exists children]} { # foreach c [my set children] { # if {[[self]::$c istype XMLElement]} { # set childBeforePCData [self]::$c # } # } # } if {[my exists lastChild]} { set childBeforePCData [self]::[my set lastChild] } #my showMsg childBeforePCData=$childBeforePCData #my showMsg old-pcdata=$pcdata if {[my exists pcdata]} { foreach {e d} $pcdata { } #puts stderr "//$e//$d// [expr {$e == $childBeforePCData}]" if {$e == $childBeforePCData} { set pcdata [lreplace $pcdata [expr {[llength $pcdata]-2}] end] set text $d$text } lappend pcdata $childBeforePCData $text #puts stderr *append****new-pcdata=$pcdata } else { set pcdata [list $childBeforePCData $text] #puts stderr *set*******new-pcdata=$pcdata } } # # this method just returns the data elt in the first pcdata # XMLNode instproc getFirstPCData {} { if {[my exists pcdata]} { return [lindex [my set pcdata] 1] } return "" } # # returns a list of all pcdata elememts, without location information # stored in the pcdata instance variable # XMLNode instproc getPCdataList {} { set result "" foreach {l data} [my set pcdata] { lappend result $data } return $result } # #my set pcdata $text XMLNode instproc parseEnd {name} { #puts "parsed end: [my info class]: $name" } XMLNode instproc print {} { set c "[my info class]-[self] --- [my content]" foreach a [my array names attributes] { append c "\nATTR: $a = [my set attributes($a)]" } if {[my exists pcdata]} { foreach d [my getPCdataList] { append c "\nPCDATA:\n$d" } } return $c } # # composite accept operation for visiting the node tree # through visitors # # -> interpretation of the interpreter pattern # XMLNode instproc accept {visitor} { $visitor visit [self] } # # composite operation called at termination of computation of # a level == end node # XMLNode instproc acceptEnd {visitor} { $visitor visitEnd [self] } # # error message, if child can't be parsed # XMLNode instproc errorChild {c} { error "[self] unexpected content $c" } # # find the namespace object that is currently responsible # for the [self] node # XMLNode instproc resolveNS {} { set parser [my set parser] if {[my exists namespace]} { return [my set namespace] } else { set p [my info parent] if {$p ne "" && $p != $parser} { return [$p resolveNS] } else { #puts stderr "No parent namespace !! Using Parser's topNs ..." return "" } } } # # add a new namespace entry to the object's NS entry, if it exists # otherwise: act as a factory method for NS objects and create an # NS object for the [self] node # XMLNode instproc makeIndividualNSEntry {prefix entry} { set ns [my resolveNS] if {[string first [self] $ns] == -1} { #puts stderr "new namespace for [self]" set newNS [XMLNamespace create [self]::[my autoname ns]] $newNS set successor $ns my namespace $newNS set ns $newNS } $ns add $prefix $entry } # # check for xmlns attribute in the name/value pair "n v" # return 1 on success, otherwise 0 # XMLNode instproc checkForXmlNS {n v} { #puts "checking to build NS in [self] with $n == $v" if {[regexp {^xmlns:?(.*)$} $n _ prefix]} { if {$prefix eq ""} { set prefix "xmlns" } my makeIndividualNSEntry $prefix $v return 1 } return 0 } # small helper proc to extract the namespace prefix from content XMLNode instproc getContentPrefix {} { if {[regexp {^([^:]*):} [my set content] _ prefix]} { return $prefix } return "" } ############################################################################## # # XMLNode _Class_ Factory for creating XML style node # node classes # ############################################################################## Class XMLNodeClassFactory -superclass Class XMLNodeClassFactory create XMLElement -superclass XMLNode ############################################################################## # # Add some methods to the created XMLElement class # ############################################################################## XMLElement instproc parseAttributes {name attrList} { my set content $name foreach {n v} $attrList { if {[my checkForXmlNS $n $v]} {continue} my set attributes($n) $v } } # # build a child corresponding to the node start event and # check attribute list -> set content (attr name) and value (attr value) # on created attr children objects of the XMLElement child # return the new XMLElement child # XMLElement instproc parseStart {name attrList} { set parser [my set parser] set nf [$parser set nodeFactory] set r [$nf getNode XMLElement [self]::[my nextChild elt] $parser] $r parseAttributes $name $attrList return $r } # no action of parse end -> just return [self] for convinience XMLElement instproc parseEnd content { self } ############################################################################## # # Abstract interface for factories that create node objects; # ############################################################################## Class AbstractXMLNodeFactory # # get a node with the specifies key (normally the classname) and name # the node "objName" -> without flyweights an object "objName" or type "key" # is created # AbstractXMLNodeFactory abstract instproc getNode {key objName parser} # # clean up the node factory # AbstractXMLNodeFactory abstract instproc reset {} ############################################################################## # # Special Node Factory as used in xoXML and xoRDF # for shared classes the factory acts as a flyweight factory # ############################################################################## Class XMLNodeFactory -superclass AbstractXMLNodeFactory -parameter { {sharedNodes ""} } XMLNodeFactory instproc getNode {class objName parser} { $class create $objName -parser $parser ;# returns object ID } XMLNodeFactory instproc reset {} { #my array set flyweights {} } ############################################################################## # # XML Factory for creating node objects # ############################################################################## XMLNodeFactory xmlNodeFactory ############################################################################## # # Xml Parser Connection Class (wrapper facade to TclXML, expat # interface like parsers) # ############################################################################## Class XMLParser -parameter { {topLevelNodeHandler ""} {nodeFactory "xmlNodeFactory"} {xmlTextParser expat_fallback_tclxml} } # # normally all toplevel start events are handled with XML-Elements # here we can define regexp patterns for other toplevel handlers # XMLParser instproc topLevelHandlerPattern {regexp handlerClass} { my lappend topLevelNodeHandler $regexp $handlerClass } # # if regexp matches -> handler class is used (see start instproc) # if none matches -> use XMLElement; "name" is name given by the # start method # XMLParser instproc createTopLevelNode {name attrList} { set nf [my set nodeFactory] set tnName [my autoname topNode] foreach {regexpPattern class} [my set topLevelNodeHandler] { if {[regexp $regexpPattern $name]} { set tn [$nf getNode $class [self]::$tnName [self]] my set currentTopNode $tn return $tn } } set tn [$nf getNode XMLElement [self]::$tnName [self]] my set currentTopNode $tn $tn parseAttributes $name $attrList return $tn } # # determine the current node -> either the end of node list or topNode # XMLParser instproc currentNode {} { set nodeList [my set nodeList] if {$nodeList eq ""} { if {[my exists currentTopNode]} { return [my set currentTopNode] } error "No current top node" } else { return [lindex $nodeList end] } } # # instatiate parser and register event callback methods with parser # XMLParser instproc init args { #my set xmlTextParser expat switch -- [my set xmlTextParser] { tclxml { package require xml my set PC \ [xml::parser [[self class] autoname [namespace tail [self]]]] } expat { package require xotcl::xml::expat my set PC \ [expat [[self class] autoname [namespace tail [self]]]] } expat_fallback_tclxml { if {[catch {package require xotcl::xml::expat}]} { package require xml my set PC \ [xml::parser [[self class] autoname [namespace tail [self]]]] #puts "using tclxml" } else { my set PC \ [expat [[self class] autoname [namespace tail [self]]]] #puts "using expat" } } } my configure \ -characterdatacommand [list [self] pcdata] \ -elementstartcommand [list [self] start] \ -elementendcommand [list [self] end] my set nodeList "" next } XMLParser instproc characterdatacommand cmd { [my set PC] configure -[self proc] $cmd } XMLParser instproc elementstartcommand cmd { [my set PC] configure -[self proc] $cmd } XMLParser instproc elementendcommand cmd { [my set PC] configure -[self proc] $cmd } # # Create Forwarding methods to the parser == # abstact interface for xml parser acces # XMLParser instproc cget option {[my set PC] cget $option} XMLParser instproc parse data {[my set PC] parse $data} XMLParser instproc parseFile filename { set F [open $filename r]; set c [read $F]; close $F return [my parse $c] } XMLParser instproc reset {} { [my set PC] reset foreach c [my info children] { $c destroy } my autoname -reset topNode my set nodeList "" [my set nodeFactory] reset } XMLParser instproc pcdata text { #my showCall set t [string trim $text] if {$t ne ""} { #puts stderr "[self]->[self proc] '$text'" [my currentNode] parseData $t } } XMLParser instproc start {name {attrList ""}} { #puts "[self]->[self proc] $name $attrList" my instvar nodeList if {$nodeList eq ""} { # no currentNode -> we have to create one set newStartNode [my createTopLevelNode $name $attrList] } else { set newStartNode [[my currentNode] parseStart $name $attrList] } lappend nodeList $newStartNode } XMLParser instproc end {name} { #puts "[self]->[self proc] $name" my instvar nodeList set currentNode [my currentNode] $currentNode parseEnd $name set nodeList [lreplace $nodeList end end] } XMLParser instproc destroy args { if {[my exists PC]} { rename [my set PC] "" } next } ############################################################################## # # Abstract class for visiting Parser Node Trees # ############################################################################## Class NodeTreeVisitor # # visit a given node "objName" -> called by accept method of objName # visit encapsulates the interpretation algorithm for a node # NodeTreeVisitor abstract instproc visit objName # # interpret the whole node tree strating with top node "node" # NodeTreeVisitor abstract instproc interpretNodeTree node # # visit end may stay unspecified in concrete visitors # NodeTreeVisitor instproc visitEnd objName {;} # # template method that interprets all topnodes of a parser # in original order # NodeTreeVisitor instproc interpretAll {parser} { set result "" foreach tn [lsort [$parser info children topNode*]] { append result [my interpretNodeTree $tn] } return $result } namespace export XMLNamespace AbstractXMLNode XMLNode \ XMLNodeClassFactory XMLElement AbstractXMLNodeFactory \ XMLNodeFactory XMLParser NodeTreeVisitor } namespace import ::xotcl::xml::parser::*