# -*- tcl -*- $Id: Access.xotcl,v 1.6 2006/09/27 08:12:40 neumann Exp $ set httpAccessVersion 0.91 package provide xotcl::comm::httpAccess $httpAccessVersion package require xotcl::comm::pcache package require xotcl::comm::mime package require xotcl::comm::connection package require xotcl::trace package require XOTcl namespace eval ::xotcl::comm::httpAccess { namespace import ::xotcl::* variable os variable VERSION if {[catch {set os [exec uname -sr]}]} { if {[catch {set os [exec uname -a]}]} { set os unknownOS } } if {![info exists VERSION]} { set VERSION 1.0 } # assert is used only for invariants in the source proc assert {f r} { set got [eval $f] if {$got != $r} { puts stderr "assertion failed: \[$f\] == $r (got $got)" } } # resolve and checkUrl implement URL handling (primarily completion) proc checkUrl {url} { #puts stderr "checkUrl: <$url>" if {![regexp {^([^:]+:/)/([^/]+)(/.*)?$} $url _ scheme network path]} { regexp {^([^:]+:)(/.*)?$} $url _ scheme path } if {![info exists path]} { # no access scheme provided, try some heuristics... if {[regexp {^[./]} $url]} { # expand leading "." to pwd if {[regexp {^\.(.*)$} $url _ url]} { set url [pwd]$url } return file:$url } else { set url http://$url regsub {///$} $url // url return $url } } if {$path eq ""} {set path /} return [expr {[info exists network] ? "$scheme/$network$path" : "$scheme$path"}] } # resolving a relative url with respect to a base url (based on rfc 1808) proc resolve {rel base {childTagName ""}} { if {$base eq ""} { return [checkUrl $rel] } if {$rel eq ""} { return $base } if {[regexp {^[^:]+:/} $rel _]} { return [checkUrl $rel] } if {![regexp {^([^:]+:/)/([^/]+)(/.*)$} $base _ baseScheme baseNetwork basePath]} { regexp {^([^:]+:)(/.*)$} $base _ baseScheme basePath } elseif {[regexp {^[^:/]+:} $rel]} { return $rel } regexp {^(.*)\#.*$} $basePath _ basePath regexp {^(.*)[?].*$} $basePath _ basePath if {[regexp {^//([^/]+)/(.*)$} $rel _ relNetwork relPath]} { return $baseScheme/$relNetwork/$relPath } if {[info exists baseNetwork]} { append baseScheme /$baseNetwork } #puts stderr rel=<$rel> if {![string match "/*" $rel]} { #puts stderr rel<$rel>base<$basePath> if {[string match \#* $rel]} { set r $basePath$rel } elseif {![regsub {/([^/]*)$} $basePath /$rel r]} { set r /$rel } while {[regsub -all {/\./} $r / r]} {} regsub {/\.$} $r / r while {[regsub -all {/[^/.]+/\.\./} $r / r]} {} # remove leading /../ (netscapes navigator does this) while {[regsub {^/\.\./} $r / r]} {} set rel $r #puts stderr finalrel<$r> } #if {$childTagName ne ""} if {1} { upvar 1 $childTagName childTag catch {unset childTag} if {[regexp {^(.+)\#(.+)$} $rel _ rel childTag]} { #puts stderr childTag=$childTag,url=$baseScheme$rel. } } return $baseScheme$rel } assert {resolve "" http://mohegan/} http://mohegan/ assert {resolve http://mohegan/ ""} http://mohegan/ assert {resolve http://mohegan ""} http://mohegan/ assert {resolve http://mohegan/ http://nestroy} http://mohegan/ assert {resolve test.html} assert {resolve test http://nestroy/} http://nestroy/test assert {resolve test file:/u/neumann/old} file:/u/neumann/test assert {resolve /test http://nestroy/} http://nestroy/test assert {resolve //mohegan/index.html http://nestroy/} http://mohegan/index.html assert {resolve //mohegan/index.html http://nestroy/} http://mohegan/index.html assert {resolve index.html http://nestroy/dir/} http://nestroy/dir/index.html assert {resolve ./index.html http://nestroy/dir/} http://nestroy/dir/index.html assert {resolve ././index.html http://nestroy/dir/} http://nestroy/dir/index.html assert {resolve ../index.html http://nestroy/dir/} http://nestroy/index.html assert {resolve ../../index.html http://nestroy/dir/} http://nestroy/index.html assert {resolve ../../../test file:/u/neumann/old} file:/test assert {resolve newdir/ http://nestroy/dir/} http://nestroy/dir/newdir/ assert {resolve /newdir/ http://nestroy/dir/} http://nestroy/newdir/ assert {resolve file:/u/neumann/ice.html ""} file:/u/neumann/ice.html assert {resolve \#label http://nestroy/h.html} http://nestroy/h.html assert {resolve mailto:user@host http://nestroy/h.html} mailto:user@host assert {resolve ../../../../mis2001/folien/081101.ppt http://wwwi.wu-wien.ac.at/Studium/Abschnitt_2/LVA_ws01/IT/index.html} http://wwwi.wu-wien.ac.at/mis2001/folien/081101.ppt ############################################################## # Every object of class Access informs the (possibly empty) list of # informObjects during its lifecycle with the following messages # # startCb: when the request for the object is created # and was classified and initialized # # notifyCb: when the type of the incming data is dertermined # (typically after parsing the http header) # # incCb: when new data is available # # endCb: when the request is finished sucessfully and the object # is going to be destroyed # # cancelCb: when the request is finished nonsucessfully and the object # is going to be destroyed # # All these messages receive the name of the Access object # as first parameter, incCb has two more arguments (totalsize # and currentsize) # caching: # 0 no caching # 1 volatile cache (does not check cache, keeps spool file for back button) # 2 persistent cache Class Access -parameter { {method GET} {blocking 0} {httpVersion 1.1} {headers {}} url query data contentType path caching sinkClass parentUrl } Access instproc informObject x { foreach i $x { my lappend informObjects $i } } Access instproc method x { my set method [string toupper $x] } Access instproc unknown {m args} { error "Method '$m' with args '$args' is unknown for [self class]" } Access proc checkRunning {} { foreach u [my array names running] { puts stderr "... running: $u" } puts stderr "... -----------" } Access proc createRequest args { #my showCall set informobject {} set allowJoin 1 set nargs {} foreach {a v} $args { switch -exact -- $a { -url {set url $v; lappend nargs $a $v} -informObject {set informobject $v; lappend nargs $a $v} -parentRequest {set parentRequest $v} -allowJoin {set allowJoin $v} default {lappend nargs $a $v} } } #if {[my array exists running]} {parray [self]::running} if {[my exists running($url)] && $allowJoin} { my showMsg "we can join running($url)=[my set running($url)]" # we can join the request. # requests are joined by adding the informobjects to # the existing request set token [my set running($url)] # delegation to a different request works only so easy # when loading to a file... $token informObject $informobject return $token } else { set token [my autoname ::req] if {[info exists parentRequest]} { set token ${parentRequest}$token } #my showMsg "TOKEN = $token $url" return [eval my create $token $nargs] } } Access instproc running {} { #my showCall [self class] set running([my url]) [self] } Access instproc stop {} { #showCall my instvar url if {[[self class] exists running($url)]} { #puts stderr "my unset [[self class] set running($url)] [self class] unset running($url) #if {[my array exists running]} { parray [self class]::running } } else { #puts stderr "not running($url)" #if {[my array exists running]} { parray [self class]::running } } } #Access instproc destroy args { # my showCall # next #} Access instproc init args { #my showCall my instvar method url if {![my exists informObjects]} { my set informObjects {} } next if {![my exists caching]} { if {$method eq "GET"} { set defaultCaching 2 } else { set defaultCaching 1 } my caching $defaultCaching } #my showVars set url [string trim $url] my initialize if {[my classify $url]} { #my showVars # now inform all interested objects that we have the object my doCallbacks startCb #my showVars blocking # trigger the transfer... (might be blocking or not) my $method if {![my exists finished]} { # the request is not finished if {[my blocking]} { #my showMsg "waiting" my vwait finished #my showMsg "waiting DONE" } } } } Access instproc getContent {} { [my set sink] content } ######################################### Access instproc timeout t { my set timeout [::after $t [self] timeoutOccured] } Access instproc timeoutOccured {} { #my showCall my unset timeout my abort "timeout exceeded" } Access instproc timeoutFinish {} { if {[my exists timeout]} { after cancel [my set timeout] my unset timeout } } ######################################### Access instproc initialize {} { #my showCall my set state 0 my set meta {} my set currentsize 0 my set totalsize 0 } Access instproc classify {url} { my instvar host path port method #my showVars caching if {[my caching] > 1 && [persistentCache isValidated $url]} { #puts stderr "*** cacheable && validated" #showVars #persistentCache dump set access CacheAccess } elseif {[regexp -nocase {^http://([^/:]+)(:([0-9]+))?(/.*)?$} $url \ _ host y givenPort path]} { if {$givenPort ne ""} {set port $givenPort } {set port 80} switch -exact $method { PROPFIND - PROPPATCH - COPY - MKCOL - MOVE - LOCK - UNLOCK { package require xotcl::comm::dav set access Dav } default {set access Http} } } elseif {[regexp -nocase {^https://([^/:]+)(:([0-9]+))?(/.*)$} $url \ _ host y givenPort path]} { if {$givenPort ne ""} {set port $givenPort } {set port 443} set access Https } elseif {[regexp -nocase {^file:(.*)$} $url _ path]} { set access File } elseif {[regexp -nocase {^ftp://([^/]+)/(.*)$} $url _ host path]} { package require xotcl::comm::ftp set access Ftp } elseif {[regexp -nocase {^imap://([^/]+)/(.*)$} $url _ host path]} { package require xotcl::comm::imap set access Imap } elseif {[regexp -nocase {^cmd:/(.*)$} $url _ path]} { set access xotcl::Cmd } elseif {[regexp -nocase {^ldap://([^/:]+)?(:([0-9]+))?(/.*)$} \ $url _ host y givenPort path]} { if {$givenPort ne ""} { set port $givenPort } my showMsg "*** ldap://<$host>:<$port>/<$path>" package require xotcl::comm::ldap set access Ldap } else { #my set state 0 my abort "Unsupported URL: '$url'" return 0 } my class $access #my showMsg "class of request = $access" return 1 } Access instproc revisit {} { my class ReAccess my initialize my [my set method] } ### dummy stubs for 'close' and 'GET' for error cases Access instproc close {} { } Access instproc GET {} { if {[my exists errormsg]} { ;# the error was already reportet my finish } else { my abort "unknown error" } } Access instproc headerDone {} { my instvar caching sink if {[my exists ignoreBody]} return if {[my exists sinkClass] && $caching>0 } { error "can´t set both sinkclass and caching" } switch $caching { 2 { set sink [CacheFileSink create [self]::cfs] #my showMsg "[self class] result goes to cache" $sink notifyCb [self] } 1 { set sink [CacheFileSink create [self]::cfs -persistent 0] #my showMsg "result goes to volatile cache" $sink notifyCb [self] } 0 { if {[my exists sinkClass]} { set sink [[my sinkClass] create [self]::s] } } } my doCallbacks notifyCb } Access instproc mkSpoolFile {{name ""}} { if {![my exists fileName]} { my set fileName [persistentCache newEntry [my url] [self] [my caching] $name] } } Access instproc block {} { my set block } Access instproc kill {} { my showCall my set state -1; #interrupted my finish } Access instproc abort {msg} { #my showCall #my showVars my instvar state errormsg if {[catch {::printError "[self] ($state): $msg"} err]} { puts stderr "\n$err\nERROR [self] ($state): $msg\n" } #my set error [list $msg $::errorInfo $::errorCode] my caching 0 if {[my exists ignoreBody]} { my unset ignoreBody } set state -2 ;# error set errormsg $msg my finish } Access instproc finish {} { #my showCall my timeoutFinish my close #my showVars state ignoreBody # state is "interrupted" or "error" if {[my set state] < 0} { set action cancelCb set success 0 } else { set action endCb #set state ok set success 1 } if {[my exists ignoreBody]} { my stop #my set finished $success set cmd [my set ignoreBody] my unset ignoreBody #my showMsg "executing... <$cmd>" eval my $cmd } else { if {[my exists sink]} { [my set sink] $action [self] } #catch {after cancel $after} ;# ???? my doCallbacks $action my stop my set finished $success } } Access instproc eof {} { #my showCall #my showMsg "c [my set currentsize]== t [[self set totalsize]]" #my set state eof my finish } Access instproc doCallbacks {cb} { #my showCall if {[my exists ignoreBody]} { my showMsg "ignoring callback" } else { foreach obj [my set informObjects] { #my showMsg "*** $obj $cb [self]" #puts stderr "------------ calling: $obj $cb [self]" if {[catch {$obj $cb [self]} errormsg]} { puts stderr "--------------$cb:errormsg=$errormsg, \ errorInfo=$::errorInfo, \ errorCode=$::errorCode." } #puts stderr "------------ calling DONE: $obj $cb [self]" } } } Access instproc shutdown {} { #my showMsg "state=[my set state] > 3" if {[my set state] > 3} { my set mustDestroy 1 } else { #my showVars #my showStack #my showMsg "DESTROY !!!" if {[my set state] > -2} { my destroy } } } Class FileAccess -superclass Access FileAccess instproc initialize args { my caching 0 next } FileAccess instproc close {} { } FileAccess instproc block {} { my showTimeStart set S [open [my set fileName] r] fconfigure $S -translation binary set block [::read $S] ::close $S my showTimeEnd return $block } FileAccess instproc GET {} { my instvar path response totalsize currentsize \ fileName informObjects set fileName $path set totalsize [file size $path] set response "file 200 OK" my headerDone my set state 4 set currentsize $totalsize #my showVars informObjects foreach obj $informObjects { $obj incCb [self] $totalsize $currentsize } my eof } Class File -superclass FileAccess File instproc GET {} { my instvar path #puts stderr path=$path,exists=[file exists $path] if {![file exists $path]} { my abort "No such file '$path'" return } if {![my exists contentType]} { my contentType [Mime guessContentType $path] } my set sink [FileSink create [self]::fas -fileName $path] #puts stderr ****sink=$sink,[$sink info class] #puts stderr "*** before next ([self class])" next #puts stderr "*** after next ([self class])" } Class CacheAccess -superclass File CacheAccess instproc GET {} { my instvar url my path [persistentCache cacheFileName $url] my contentType [persistentCache contentType $url] my set meta [persistentCache meta $url] next } Class ReAccess -superclass File ReAccess instproc GET {} { my instvar fileName sink my set block "" my set currentsize 0 my caching 0 if {![info exists fileName]} { set fileName [$sink set fileName] } my set path $fileName next } Class Cmd -superclass Access Cmd instproc init args { if {![my exists caching]} { my caching 0 } next } Cmd instproc GET {} { my instvar path block totalsize currentsize \ response informObjects state if {[catch {set block [eval $path]} error]} { my contentType text/plain set block $error } else { my contentType text/html } set totalsize [string length $block] set response "cmd 200 OK" my headerDone my set state 4 set currentsize $totalsize foreach obj $informObjects { $obj incCb [self] $totalsize $currentsize #$obj endCb [self] } #set state eof my finish } Cmd instproc block args { my instvar block return $block } #Class NetAccess -superclass Access -parameter {host port} Class NetAccess -superclass Access NetAccess instproc initialize args { if {![my exists blocksize]} {my set blocksize 512} my set readMethod read next } NetAccess instproc read {} { #my instvar S blocksize block #set block [::read $S $blocksize] my instvar S block blocksize set block [::read $S $blocksize] } NetAccess instproc gzread {} { my instvar S Z blocksize block puts -nonewline $Z [::read $S $blocksize] set block [::read $Z] #puts stderr len=[string length $block],block=<$block> } NetAccess instproc gzopen {} { my instvar Z S readMethod requireModules {zipchan libzipchan.so} fconfigure $S -translation binary set Z [zipchan] set readMethod gzread } NetAccess instproc close {} { #my showMsg "**** close persistent=[my exists persistent]" if {![my exists persistent]} { foreach stream {S Z} { if {[my exists $stream]} { ::close [my set $stream] my unset $stream } } } my stop } NetAccess instproc hold {} { my instvar S $S hold } NetAccess instproc resume {} { my instvar S $S resume } NetAccess instproc readData {} { #my showCall if {[catch { #puts stderr "??????????????readMethod=[my set readMethod]" my [my set readMethod] my pushBlock } err]} { puts stderr ERR=$err my set block "" my abort $err } } NetAccess instproc pushBlock {} { #my showCall my instvar block if {[set n [string length $block]]} { my instvar currentsize totalsize informObjects sink #my showVars n currentsize totalsize incr currentsize $n if {$currentsize > $totalsize} { set totalsize $currentsize } #my showMsg "total=$totalsize current=$currentsize" if {[my exists ignoreBody]} { #puts stderr "ignoring: <$block>" } else { if {[info exists sink]} { $sink incCb [self] $totalsize $currentsize } foreach obj $informObjects { #my showMsg "call incbCb $totalsize $currentsize $obj [$obj info class]" $obj incCb [self] $totalsize $currentsize #my showMsg "done incbCb $totalsize $currentsize" } } } else { #my showVars n return [my eof] } } Class Http -superclass NetAccess ;### -parameter {query {httpVersion 1.0}} Http set proxyfilter httpProxyRequired Http set proxyhost {} Http set proxyport {} Http set accept */* if {[info exists argv0]} { Http set useragent "[file tail $argv0] httpAccess/$httpAccessVersion xotcl/$::xotcl::version ($os)" } Http proc proxyfilter {host phostv pportv} { my instvar proxyfilter proxyhost proxyport upvar \#1 $phostv phost $pportv pport switch -- $proxyfilter { httpProxyRequired { if {[string length $proxyhost]} { if {![string length $proxyport]} { set proxyport 8080 } set phost $proxyhost set pport $proxyport } } } } Http instproc initialize args { if {![my exists port]} {my set port 80} if {![my exists httpVersion]} {my set httpVersion 1.1} next #my showMsg "result queried from net" } Http instproc GET {} { #my showCall if {[my exists query]} { my instvar query caching my append url ?$query my append path ?$query if {$caching == 2} {set caching 1} my showVars caching $query } my open } Http instproc HEAD {} { my open } Http instproc POST {} { # we have query and data only for a uniform interface for # forms that cann pass the attribute value pairs always via # query. if {[my exists query]} { my data [my query] } my open } Http instproc PUT {} { my open } # Http1.1 Http instproc OPTIONS {} { my showCall my open } # Http1.1 Http instproc TRACE {} { my showCall } # Http1.1 Http instproc DELETE {} { #my showCall my open } Http instproc openConnection {host port reuse} { return [Connection make [self] $host $port $reuse _] } Http instproc open {} { #my showCall my instvar url S state host port path if {$state > 0} { puts stderr "... [self]:$proc ignoring request in state $state" return } Http proxyfilter $host phost pport if {[info exists phost] && [string length $phost]} { set usePort $pport set useHost $phost set path $url } else { set usePort $port set useHost $host } set S [my openConnection $useHost $usePort [expr {[my httpVersion]>1.0}]] if {[$S exists error]} { my abort [$S set error] return } set state 2 my running $S event writable [self] ask } Http instproc ask {} { my instvar url S state host port path \ method headers data caching $S event writable [self] {} if {[pwdManager checkAvailableCredentials $url credentials]} { eval lappend headers $credentials #my showMsg "*** new headers = <$headers>" } if {$caching==2 && [persistentCache ifModifiedHeader $url ifModified]} { eval lappend headers $ifModified #puts stderr "new headers = <$headers>" } # Send data in cr-lf format, but accept any line terminators $S translation {auto crlf} #my showMsg "'$method $path HTTP/[my httpVersion]' headers {$headers}" $S puts "$method $path HTTP/[my httpVersion]" if {[$S exists error]} { my abort "Connection refused by host '$host' port '$port'\n\ [$S set error]" return } $S puts "Accept: [Http set accept]" $S puts "Host: $host" $S puts "User-Agent: [Http set useragent]" foreach {tag value} $headers { regsub -all \[\n\r\] $value {} value set tag [string trim $tag] if {[string length $tag]} { #my showMsg "+++ <$tag: $value>" $S puts "$tag: $value" } } if {[my exists data]} { $S puts "Content-Length: [string length $data]" $S puts "Content-Type: [my contentType]" $S puts "" $S translation {auto binary} $S puts-nonewline $data } else { $S puts "" } $S flush if {[$S exists error]} { my instvar host port my abort "Connection refused by host '$host' port '$port'\n\ [$S set error]" } else { set state 3 $S event readable [self] headerStart } } Http instproc headerStart {} { #my showCall my instvar S response set n [$S gets response] #my showVars n response if {[$S exists error]} { my instvar host port my abort "Error on connection to host '$host' port '$port'\n\ [$S set error]" return } #my showMsg "n=$n, eof=[$S eof]" if {$n == -1 && ![$S eof]} { #my showMsg "******************************input pending, no full line" return } my instvar responseCode responseHttpVersion if {[regexp {^HTTP/([0-9.]+) +([0-9]+) *} $response _ \ responseHttpVersion responseCode]} { #my showMsg "response valid: '$response'" $S event readable [self] header } else { my instvar host port my abort "Unexpected response from $host:$port\n $n: '$response'" } } Http instproc header {} { my instvar S meta totalsize if {[$S gets line]} { #my showMsg "line=$line" if {[regexp -nocase {^content-type:(.+)$} $line _ type]} { my contentType [string trim $type] } elseif {[regexp -nocase {^content-length:(.+)$} $line _ length]} { set totalsize [string trim $length] } if {[regexp -nocase {^([^:]+): *(.+)$} $line _ key value]} { lappend meta [string tolower $key] $value } } else { my headerDone } } Http array set expectsBody \ {GET 1 HEAD 0 POST 1 PUT 0 DELETE 1 OPTIONS 0 TRACE 1} Http instproc headerDone {} { #my showVars meta my instvar S meta method responseCode responseHttpVersion [self class] instvar expectsBody set expectBody $expectsBody($method) array set v [my set meta] if {([info exists v(connection)] && $v(connection) eq "close") || \ $responseHttpVersion < 1.1} { $S makePersistent 0 } else { $S makePersistent 1 } switch $responseCode { 200 {} 204 { #set state empty my finish set block "" set expectBody 0 return } 301 - 302 { # the request is redirected to another server my set ignoreBody [list redirect $v(location)] # RFC2068 Note: When automatically redirecting a POST request after # receiving a 302 status code, some existing HTTP/1.0 user agents # will erroneously change it into a GET request. #my method GET my showMsg "redirect '[my url]' --> '$v(location)'" } 304 { ;# Not Modified, use cached version my set ignoreBody cacheAccess set expectBody 1 #my showMsg "result comes from cache" } 401 { my set ignoreBody \ [list resubmitAuthenticated $v(www-authenticate)] #my showMsg "resubmitAuthenticated $v(www-authenticate)" if {[my exists resubmitAuthenticated]} { if {[my set resubmitAuthenticated] > 5} { my abort "Too many wrong passwords given" } else { my incr resubmitAuthenticated } } else { my set resubmitAuthenticated 1 } set expectBody 1 } 404 { my instvar url #my showVars my set ignoreBody [list abort "File Not Found on Server '$url'"] set expectBody 1 } default { #my showVars responseCode } } next if {![my exists S]} {;# this request was already canceled return } if {[info exists v(transfer-encoding)]} { if {$v(transfer-encoding) == "chunked"} { $S translation {auto binary} my set state 4 $S event readable [self] readChunkedLength } else { my abort "Unexpected Transfer encoding '$v(transfer-encoding)'" } } else { # yahoo does not send a content length for a get request #if {$totalsize == 0 && ($responseCode > 300 || !$expectsBody($method) )} #my showVars method totalsize expectsBody($method) expectBody # the following is used currently for Actiweb-Agents: # the reponse of a PUTS contains a BODY! if {!$expectBody && [::info exists v(content-length)] && $v(content-length) > 0} { set expectBody 1 #my showMsg "setting expectBody 1" } if {!$expectBody} { #$S event readable [self] "" #set state eof my finish set block "" } else { ### To avoid CRLF problmes we set the translation for ### the body entity to binary $S translation binary my set state 4 $S event readable [self] readData } } } Http instproc cacheAccess {} { # there is an actual version of the document in the cache #showCall persistentCache validated [my url] #my close my class CacheAccess #my showMsg "result comes from cache [persistentCache cacheFileName $url]" my caching 0 ;# should be really: toCache 0 my GET } Http instproc redirect location { # the request is redirected to another server if {$location ne [my url] } { #my showVars my url $location my initialize my classify $location my [my set method] } } Http instproc resubmitAuthenticated headerField { #my showCall # the server requires authentification my instvar path method if {[pwdManager checkRequestedAuthentification $method $path $headerField \ type realm]} { my instvar url caching method headers array set v $headers #my showVars catch {unset v(Authorization)} set headers [array get v] pwdManager removePasswd $realm my close if {[pwdManager requireCredentials $realm $url]} { my initialize if {$caching == 2} {set caching 1} my $method } } else { my abort "unknown authentication method '$headerField'" } } Http instproc readChunkedLength {} { #my showCall my instvar S chunkLength totalsize set length [$S gets lengthString] if {$length > 0} { set chunkLength [expr {0x$lengthString}] #my showVars lengthString chunkLength if {$chunkLength == 0} { $S event readable [self] readChunkedTrailer } else { incr totalsize $chunkLength $S translation {binary} $S event readable [self] readChunkedData } } } Http instproc readChunkedTrailer {} { #my showCall my instvar S state block set size [$S gets line] if {$size != 0} { showObj [self] my abort "expected trailer size 0, got size $size" } else { #set state eof my finish set block "" #showObj [self] } } Http instproc readChunkedData {} { #my showCall my instvar S block totalsize currentsize chunkLength set block [$S readSize $chunkLength] set received [string length $block] #my showVars block #my showVars currentsize totalsize chunkLength received if {$chunkLength == $received} { $S translation {auto binary} $S event readable [self] readChunkedLength } else { incr chunkLength -$received } my pushBlock } Http instproc readData {} { #my showCall my instvar S block totalsize currentsize set block [$S read] #puts stderr "????? bl=[string length $block]" if {[$S exists error]} { set block "" my abort [$S set error] return } my pushBlock #my showMsg "c [my set currentsize]== t [[self set totalsize]]" if {$currentsize == $totalsize && [my exists S] && [$S exists persistent]} { #my showMsg "PERSITENT, end of entity reached" #my set state eof my finish set block "" #showObj [self] } if {[my exists mustDestroy]} { #my showMsg "mustDestroy was set" my destroy } } Http instproc close {} { #my showCall if {[my exists S]} { [my set S] close #unset S } #next } Http instproc freeConnection {} { #showCall my instvar S #::puts stderr "[self] freeing $S !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" unset S } #Access instproc makeZombie {} { # my showMsg "procs= [my info procs], i [Object info instcommands]" # my class Zombie #} #Class Zombie #Zombie instproc unknown {m args} { # my showMsg "+++ zombie method '$m' called" #} Class Https -superclass Http Https instproc initialize args { #my showCall package require tls if {![my exists port]} { my set port 443} next ### temporary solution, FIXME: ### zur zeit muss man den secure-webserver.xotcl und ### secure-webclient.xotcl jedenfalls aus dem xotcl/apps/xocomm-apps ### verzeichnis starten, da haben wir mal die cfg files in unserem ### baum.... source .ssl/ssl-configuration.xotcl ### } Https instproc openConnection {host port reuse} { set S [Connection make [self] $host $port $reuse reused] if {$reused} { #my showMsg "reusing $S" } else { my showMsg "make the socket ([$S socket]) secure ..." set cmd [list $S importSSL] foreach attr {cafile cadir certfile cipher command keyfile \ model request require ssl2 ssl3 tls1} { if {[sslClientConfig exists $attr]} { lappend cmd -$attr [sslClientConfig set $attr] } } my showMsg "the assembled command is... ´$cmd´" eval $cmd puts stderr "CHANNELS= [file channels]" } return $S } ####################################################################### Object pwdManager pwdManager proc requirePasswd {realm username password} { # used by ftp and imap my instvar user area upvar [self callinglevel] $password passwd if {[my exists pwd($realm)]} { #my showMsg "*** reusing password for $realm" set passwd [my set pwd($realm)] return 1 } else { userPwd user $username if {[userPwd show $realm user($realm) passwd]} { set area($realm/$username) $realm return 1 } } return 0 } pwdManager proc storePasswd {realm username password} { # used by ftp and imap my instvar pwd user set pwd($realm) $password set user($realm) $username } pwdManager proc removePasswd {realm} { if {[my exists pwd($realm)]} { my unset pwd($realm) my unset user($realm) } } pwdManager proc requireCredentials {realm url} { regexp {^(.*/)[^/]*$} $url _ path if {[my exists pwd($realm)]} { #my showMsg "*** register url=$url for ther realm=$realm" my set area($path) $realm return 1 } else { my instvar pwd user if {[info exists ::env(USER)]} { set USER $::env(USER) } elseif {[info exists ::env(USERNAME)]} { set USER $::env(USERNAME) } else { set USER unknown } userPwd user $USER if {[userPwd show $realm user($realm) pwd($realm)]} { #my showMsg "*** setting password for realm '$realm' url=$path" my set area($path) $realm return 1 } } return 0 } pwdManager proc encodeCredentials {authMethod realm} { #my showCall switch $authMethod { basic {set credential [my encodeCredentialsBasic $realm]} digest {set credential [my encodeCredentialsDigest $realm]} } return $credential } pwdManager proc encodeCredentialsBasic {realm} { my instvar pwd user return [list Authorization \ "Basic [base64 encode $user($realm):$pwd($realm)]"] } pwdManager proc encodeCredentialsDigest {realm} { #my showCall package require tcu; #FIXME: noch nicht in distribution my instvar digestResponseData my mkDigestResponseData $realm set digestResponse {} foreach {t v} [array get digestResponseData] { append digestResponse " $t = \"$v\"," } return [list Authorization "Digest [string trimright $digestResponse ,]"] } pwdManager proc mkDigestResponseData {realm} { #my showCall my instvar pwd user digestResponseData requestUri # RFC 2617 # credentials = "Digest" digest-response # digest-response = 1#( username | realm | nonce | digest-uri # | response | [ algorithm ] | [cnonce] | # [opaque] | [message-qop] | # [nonce-count] | [auth-param] ) # username = "username" "=" username-value # username-value = quoted-string # digest-uri = "uri" "=" digest-uri-value # digest-uri-value = request-uri ; As specified by HTTP/1.1 # message-qop = "qop" "=" qop-value # cnonce = "cnonce" "=" cnonce-value # cnonce-value = nonce-value # nonce-count = "nc" "=" nc-value # nc-value = 8LHEX # response = "response" "=" request-digest # request-digest = <"> 32LHEX <"> # LHEX = "0" | "1"| ...| "e" | "f" set digestResponseData(username) $user($realm) set digestResponseData(uri) $requestUri set digestResponseData(cnonce) "TEST" set digestResponseData(nc) 00000001 set digestResponseData(response) [my mkRequestDigest] #parray digestResponseData } pwdManager proc mkRequestDigest {} { # returns a string of 32 hex digits, which proves that the user # knows a password #A1 = unq(username-value) ":" unq(realm-value) ":" passwd my instvar digestResponseData pwd requestMethod requestUri append A1 $digestResponseData(username)\ : $digestResponseData(realm) : $pwd($digestResponseData(realm)) if {![my exists digestResponseData(qop)] || $digestResponseData(qop) eq "auth"} { append A2 $requestMethod : $requestUri } elseif {$digestResponseData(qop) eq "auth-int"} { #A2 = Method ":" digest-uri-value ":" H(entity-body) append A2 $requestMethod : $requestUri: "" } if {[my exists digestResponseData(qop)]} { append reqDigest $digestResponseData(nonce) : \ $digestResponseData(nc) : \ $digestResponseData(cnonce): \ $digestResponseData(qop) set reqDigest [md5 [md5 $A1]:$reqDigest:[md5 $A2]] } else { set reqDigest [md5 [md5 $A1]:$digestResponseData(nonce):[md5 $A2]] } return $reqDigest } pwdManager proc checkAvailableCredentials {url returnCredentials} { # we start a fresh request and check, whether we have sent for this url # (directory) already some credentials in an earlier reqhest. my instvar authMethod regexp {^(.*/)[^/]*$} $url _ path if {[my exists area($path)]} { set realm [my set area($path)] upvar [self callinglevel] $returnCredentials credentials #my showMsg "*** adding credentials for realm=$realm and $path" set credentials [my encodeCredentials $authMethod $realm] return 1 } return 0 } pwdManager proc checkRequestedAuthentification {reqMethod path headerField typeVar realmVar} { # check for which realm with which authentification method the # server wants an authentification #my showCall upvar [self callinglevel] $typeVar type $realmVar realm my instvar authMethod digestResponseData requestUri requestMethod set requestUri $path set requestMethod $reqMethod if {[regexp {^Basic realm="(.*)"$} $headerField _ realm]} { set type basic;# FD: musste da lassen wg. call by reference set authMethod $type return 1 } elseif {[regsub {^Digest } $headerField _ headerField]} { set type digest ;# FD: musste da lassen wg. call by reference set authMethod $type foreach pair [split $headerField ,] { if {[regexp {^(.*) *= *(".*")$} $pair _ n v]} { set digestResponseData([string trim $n]) [string trim [string trim $v] \"] } } set realm $digestResponseData(realm) return 1 } return 0 } ####################################################################### # test classes Class Sink Sink instproc startCb {r} { my set contentLength 0 next } Sink instproc notifyCb {r} { next } Sink instproc incCb {r t c} { my set contentLength $t next } Sink instproc endCb {r} { next #showCall } Sink instproc cancelCb {r} { next #showCall } Sink instproc content {} { next #showCall } Sink instproc contentLength {} { my set contentLength #showCall } Class TimeSink -superclass Sink TimeSink instproc startCb {r} { my set startTime [clock clicks] next } TimeSink instproc notifyCb {r} { my set notifyTime [clock clicks] next } TimeSink instproc endCb {r} { my set endTime [clock clicks] next my reportTimes } TimeSink instproc cancelCb {r} { my set endTime [clock clicks] next } TimeSink instproc reportTimes {} { my instvar startTime endTime notifyTime set bytes [my contentLength] set grossSecs [expr {($endTime-$startTime)/1000000.0}] set grossKbps [expr {($bytes/1000.0)/$grossSecs}] set netSecs [expr {($endTime-$notifyTime)/1000000.0}] set netKbps [expr {($bytes/1000.0)/$netSecs}] #if {[catch {set netKbps [expr {($bytes/1000.0)/$netSecs}]}]} { # set netKbps 0 #} set headSecs [expr {$grossSecs-$netSecs}] foreach v {grossSecs grossKbps netSecs netKbps headSecs} { set $v [format %.2f [set $v]] } my showMsg "got $bytes bytes in $grossSecs ($headSecs+$netSecs) seconds,\ $grossKbps ($netKbps) KB/S" } Class ParallelSink -superclass Sink -parameter { {httpVersion 1.1} {sinkClass TimeSink} {maxsimultaneous 20} } ParallelSink instproc init args { next my set running 1 my set numrequests 0 my set sumbytes 0 my set blocked {} } ParallelSink instproc startCb r { #my showCall my incr running my incr numrequests #puts stderr "... running++ [my set running]" } ParallelSink instproc endCb r { #my showCall my incr sumbytes [$r set currentsize] my done $r } ParallelSink instproc cancelCb r { #my showCall my done $r } ParallelSink instproc done r { #my showCall my instvar blocked $r shutdown my incr running -1 #puts stderr "... running-- [my set running] [llength [Http info instances]]" #puts stderr [Http info instances] #foreach i [Http info instances] {puts stderr "\t$i: [$i set method] [$i set url]"} #puts stderr RUNNING=[my set running] if {[llength $blocked] > 0} { set newreq [lindex $blocked 0] set blocked [lrange $blocked 1 end] my scheduleRequest [lindex $newreq 0] [lindex $newreq 1] [lindex $newreq 2] } elseif {[my set running] < 1} { my set done 1 } } ParallelSink instproc scheduleRequest {method url {parentUrl ""}} { my instvar requests blocked running maxsimultaneous if {$running > $maxsimultaneous} { lappend blocked [list $method $url $parentUrl] } else { set cmd [list Access createRequest -url $url \ -sinkClass [my sinkClass] \ -informObject [self] \ -method $method \ -timeout 25000 \ -caching 0 -allowJoin 0 -httpVersion [my httpVersion]] if {$parentUrl ne ""} { lappend cmd -parentUrl $parentUrl } set r [eval $cmd] } } ParallelSink instproc requests {urls} { my showTimeStart foreach url $urls { my scheduleRequest GET $url } my wait my showTimeEnd } ParallelSink instproc wait {} { my instvar running if {$running > 0} { set savedValue $running #my showMsg ".......... waiting for initially $running requests" if {[catch {my vwait done} err]} { my showMsg "vwait returned: $err " } #my showMsg "$savedValue requests FINISHED " } } Class MemorySink -superclass Sink MemorySink instproc incCb {r t c} { my append d [$r block] next } MemorySink instproc content {} { return [my set d] } MemorySink instproc contentLength {} { if {[my exists d]} { return [string length [my set d]] } else { return 0 } } Class FileSink -superclass Sink -parameter fileName ### write methods #FileSink instproc startCb {r} { # next #} FileSink instproc notifyCb {r} { #my showVars next my instvar file fileName if {[info exists fileName]} { set file [::open $fileName w] fconfigure $file -translation binary } else { # we have no filename; we assume the sink must be a dummy sink # that deletgates its work to some other FileSink my class ShadowFileSink my notifyCb $r } } FileSink instproc incCb {r t c} { next if {[my exists file]} { if {$r == "req0"} { puts stderr "*******************************************************" puts stderr [$r block] puts stderr "*******************************************************" } puts -nonewline [my set file] [$r block] } } FileSink instproc endCb {r} { #my showCall next my close } FileSink instproc cancelCb {r} { next my close } FileSink instproc close {} { if {[my exists file]} { ::close [my set file] my unset file } } ### read methods FileSink instproc content {} { next my instvar file fileName set file [::open $fileName r] fconfigure $file -translation binary set d [read [my set file]] my close return $d } FileSink instproc contentLength {} { next if {[my exists fileName]} { return [file size [my set fileName]] } else { return 0 } } Class ShadowFileSink -superclass Sink ShadowFileSink instproc notifyCb {r} { next my set token $r } ShadowFileSink instproc content {} { my instvar token next return [[$token set sink] content] } ShadowFileSink instproc contentLength {} { my instvar token next return [[$token set sink] contentLength] } Class CacheFileSink -superclass FileSink -parameter {{persistent 1}} CacheFileSink instproc notifyCb req { #my showCall if {![my exists fileName]} { my instvar persistent set url [$req set url] my set fileName [persistentCache newEntry $url $req $persistent ""] } # it is important to execute next after setting the fileName... next } CacheFileSink instproc endCb req { #my showCall my instvar persistent next if {$persistent} { persistentCache entryDone [$req set url] } } CacheFileSink instproc cancelCb req { next if {[my exists fileName]} { file delete [my set fileName] my unset fileName } } CacheFileSink instproc destroy {} { #my showCall if {[my exists fileName] && ![my set persistent]} { #my showMsg "file delete $fileName" file delete [my set fileName] my unset fileName } next } #=========================================================== Class SimpleRequest -parameter { {caching 0} {useFileSink 0} {blocking 1} {timing 0} url fileName timeout httpVersion method headers data query contentType informObject } SimpleRequest instproc fileName x { my set fileName $x my set useFileSink 1 } SimpleRequest instproc init args { my instvar useFileSink fileName sink caching token #my showMsg "Starting Request" next if {[info exists fileName]} { set sink [FileSink create [self]::sink -fileName $fileName] } elseif {$useFileSink || $caching > 0} { set sink [FileSink create [self]::sink] } else { set sink [MemorySink create [self]::sink] } #my showMsg "class of sink = [$sink info class]" if {[my set timing]} { $sink mixin TimeSink } set cmd [list Access createRequest \ -url [my url] \ -informObject $sink \ -blocking [my blocking] \ -caching $caching] foreach optionalParameter { timeout httpVersion method headers data query contentType informObject } { if {[my exists $optionalParameter]} { lappend cmd -$optionalParameter [my set $optionalParameter] } } #my showMsg "cmd=$cmd" set token [eval $cmd] #if {[my success]} { # $sink reportTimes # #puts stderr <[$sink content]> #} } SimpleRequest instproc success {} { if {[my exists token]} { return [expr {[[my set token] set finished] == 1}] } return 0 } SimpleRequest instproc destroy {} { if {[my exists token]} { [my set token] destroy } next } SimpleRequest instproc getContent {} { [my set sink] content } SimpleRequest instproc getContentLength {} { [my set sink] contentLength } #SimpleRequest instproc destroy args { next } ####################################################################### namespace export \ Access FileAccess File CacheAccess ReAccess \ Cmd NetAccess Http Https Sink TimeSink \ ParallelSink MemorySink FileSink \ ShadowFileSink CacheFileSink SimpleRequest } namespace import ::xotcl::comm::httpAccess::*