# $Id: PlaceAccessControl.xotcl,v 1.7 2006/09/27 08:12:40 neumann Exp $ package provide xotcl::actiweb::placeAccessControl 0.8 package require xotcl::comm::httpd package require xotcl::actiweb::httpPlace package require XOTcl # # Simple Object Pwd Protection with BasicAccessControl # #Usage example: #ConferenceOrgPlace confPlace -port $placeport -root [pwd] \ # -mixin PlaceAccessControl # #confPlace protect conference.html [confData set password] # #confPlace setPasswd conference.html xxx namespace eval ::xotcl::actiweb::placeAccessControl { namespace import ::xotcl::* Class ObjectAccessControl -superclass BasicAccessControl ObjectAccessControl instproc protectedResource {fn method varAuthMethod varRealm} { # check whether access to $fn via $method is protected upvar [self callinglevel] $varAuthMethod authMethod $varRealm realm my instvar root # we check only the current directory, not the parent directories set call [url decodeItem $fn] regsub "^$root" $call "" call set call [string trimleft $call /] set call [string trimleft $call :] regexp {^([^ ]*)} $call _ call set call "$root/$call" foreach i [list $call $call:$method] { #puts stderr "check <$i>" if {[my exists protected($i)]} { set realm [my set protected($i)] set authMethod Basic return 1 } } return 0 } Class PlaceAccessControl PlaceAccessControl instproc init args { next [self]::httpd mixin add ObjectAccessControl [self]::httpd initWorkerMixins } PlaceAccessControl instproc protect {objName id pwd} { set objName [string trimleft $objName :] [self]::httpd protectDir $objName $objName {} if {$pwd ne ""} { my setPassword $objName $id $pwd } } PlaceAccessControl instproc credentialsNotOk {credentials authMethod realm} { #my instvar passwd #parray passwd next } PlaceAccessControl instproc setPassword {realm id pwd} { set httpd [self]::httpd if {[$httpd exists passwd($realm:$id)]} { $httpd unset passwd($realm:$id) $httpd set passwd($realm:$id) $pwd } else { $httpd addRealmEntry $realm "$id $pwd" } #$httpd set passwd($realm:admin) nimda } PlaceAccessControl instproc removeID {realm id} { set httpd [self]::httpd if {[$httpd exists passwd($realm:$id)]} { $httpd unset passwd($realm:$id) } } namespace export ObjectAccessControl PlaceAccessControl } namespace import ::xotcl::actiweb::placeAccessControl::*