-- -- packages/ams/sql/postgresql/ams-create.sql -- -- @author Matthew Geddert openacs@geddert.com -- @creation-date 2004-09-07 -- @cvs-id $Id: ams-create.sql,v 1.9 2006/02/09 20:46:42 maltes Exp $ -- -- ------ Widgets -------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- each widget needs to have a ams::widget::${widget} proc associated with it -- -- the value_method is a reference to a proc that will convert the value_id into a useable string for -- the tcl procs. If possible it is best to have a value_method, since this substantailly decreases -- the number of trips that are needed to go the the database. See the example of widgets that come -- with AMS for more details. create table ams_widgets ( widget varchar(100) constraint ams_widgets_name_pk primary key, pretty_name varchar(100) constraint ams_widgets_pretty_name_nn not null, value_method varchar(100), active_p boolean ); ------ Attributes -------------------------------------------------------------------- create table ams_attribute_items ( attribute_id integer constraint ams_attribute_items_attribute_id_fk references acs_attributes(attribute_id) constraint ams_attribute_items_attribute_id_nn not null, ams_attribute_id integer constraint ams_attribute_items_ams_attribute_id_fk references acs_objects(object_id) constraint ams_attribute_items_ams_attribute_id_pk primary key, widget varchar(100) constraint ams_attribute_items_widget_fk references ams_widgets(widget) constraint ams_attribute_items_widget_nn not null, dynamic_p boolean default 'f' constraint ams_attribute_items_dynamic_p_nn not null, deprecated_p boolean default 'f' constraint ams_attribute_items_deprecated_nn not null, help_text varchar(50), UNIQUE(attribute_id) ); create view ams_attributes as select acs_attributes.*, ams_attribute_items.ams_attribute_id, ams_attribute_items.widget, ams_attribute_items.dynamic_p, ams_attribute_items.deprecated_p from acs_attributes left join ams_attribute_items on ( acs_attributes.attribute_id = ams_attribute_items.attribute_id ); select acs_object_type__create_type ( 'ams_attribute', -- object_type '#ams.AMS_Attribute#', -- pretty_name '#ams.AMS_Attributes#', -- pretty_plural 'acs_object', -- supertype 'ams_attribute_items', -- table_name 'ams_attribute_id', -- id_column 'ams_attribute', -- package_name 'f', -- abstract_p null, -- type_extension_table 'ams_attribute__name' -- name_method ); select acs_attribute__create_attribute ( 'ams_attribute', -- object_type 'attribute_id', -- attribute_name 'integer', -- datatype '#ams.ACS_Attribute_ID#', -- pretty_name '#ams.ACS_Attribute_IDs#', -- pretty_plural -- default null null, -- table_name -- default null 'attribute_id', -- column_name -- default null null, -- default_value -- default null '1', -- min_n_values -- default 1 '1', -- max_n_values -- default 1 null, -- sort_order -- default null 'type_specific', -- storage -- default 'type_specific' null -- static_p -- default 'f' ); select acs_attribute__create_attribute ( 'ams_attribute', -- object_type 'widget', -- attribute_name 'string', -- datatype '#ams.Widget_1#', -- pretty_name '#ams.Widgets#', -- pretty_plural -- default null null, -- table_name -- default null 'widget', -- column_name -- default null null, -- default_value -- default null '1', -- min_n_values -- default 1 '1', -- max_n_values -- default 1 null, -- sort_order -- default null 'type_specific', -- storage -- default 'type_specific' null -- static_p -- default 'f' ); -- if uninstalled we can delete acs_attributes dynamically created by -- the ams ui. Howerver we cannot remove attributes added by other -- packages because it could break those packages. select acs_attribute__create_attribute ( 'ams_attribute', -- object_type 'dynamic_p', -- attribute_name 'boolean', -- datatype '#ams.lt_Dynamic_added_by_AMS_#', -- pretty_name '#ams.lt_Dynamic_added_by_AMS_#', -- pretty_plural -- default null null, -- table_name -- default null 'deprecated_p', -- column_name -- default null null, -- default_value -- default null '1', -- min_n_values -- default 1 '1', -- max_n_values -- default 1 null, -- sort_order -- default null 'type_specific', -- storage -- default 'type_specific' null -- static_p -- default 'f' ); select acs_attribute__create_attribute ( 'ams_attribute', -- object_type 'deprecated_p', -- attribute_name 'boolean', -- datatype '#ams.Deprecated#', -- pretty_name '#ams.Deprecated#', -- pretty_plural -- default null null, -- table_name -- default null 'deprecated_p', -- column_name -- default null null, -- default_value -- default null '1', -- min_n_values -- default 1 '1', -- max_n_values -- default 1 null, -- sort_order -- default null 'type_specific', -- storage -- default 'type_specific' null -- static_p -- default 'f' ); ------ Attribute Values -------------------------------------------------------------------- create table ams_attribute_values ( object_id integer constraint ams_attribute_values_object_id_fk references acs_objects(object_id) constraint ams_attribute_values_object_id_nn not null, attribute_id integer constraint ams_attribute_values_attribute_id_fk references acs_attributes(attribute_id) constraint ams_attribute_values_attribute_id_nn not null, value_id integer constraint ams_attribute_values_nn not null ); create index ams_attribute_values_attribute_idx on ams_attribute_values(attribute_id); ------ Options -------------------------------------------------------------------- -- create sequence ams_options_seq; - replace with object key create table ams_option_types ( option_id integer constraint ams_options_option_id_fk references acs_objects(object_id) constraint ams_options_option_id_pk primary key, attribute_id integer constraint ams_options_attribute_id_nn not null constraint ams_options_attribute_id_nn references acs_attributes (attribute_id), option varchar(200) constraint ams_options_option_nn not null, sort_order integer constraint ams_options_sort_order not null, deprecated_p boolean default 'f' constraint ams_options_deprecated_nn not null, unique (attribute_id,sort_order) ); select acs_object_type__create_type ( 'ams_option', -- object_type '#ams.AMS_Option#', -- pretty_name '#ams.AMS_Options#', -- pretty_plural 'acs_object', -- supertype 'ams_option_types', -- table_name 'option_id', -- id_column 'ams_option', -- package_name 'f', -- abstract_p null, -- type_extension_table 'ams_option__name' -- name_method ); select acs_attribute__create_attribute ( 'ams_option', -- object_type 'attribute_id', -- attribute_name 'integer', -- datatype '#ams.AMS_Attribute_ID#', -- pretty_name '#ams.AMS_Attribute_IDs#', -- pretty_plural -- default null null, -- table_name -- default null 'attribute_id', -- column_name -- default null null, -- default_value -- default null '1', -- min_n_values -- default 1 '1', -- max_n_values -- default 1 null, -- sort_order -- default null 'type_specific', -- storage -- default 'type_specific' null -- static_p -- default 'f' ); select acs_attribute__create_attribute ( 'ams_option', -- object_type 'option', -- attribute_name 'string', -- datatype '#ams.Option#', -- pretty_name '#ams.Options#', -- pretty_plural -- default null null, -- table_name -- default null 'option', -- column_name -- default null null, -- default_value -- default null '1', -- min_n_values -- default 1 '1', -- max_n_values -- default 1 null, -- sort_order -- default null 'type_specific', -- storage -- default 'type_specific' null -- static_p -- default 'f' ); select acs_attribute__create_attribute ( 'ams_option', -- object_type 'sort_order', -- attribute_name 'integer', -- datatype '#ams.Sort_Order#', -- pretty_name '#ams.Sort_Orders#', -- pretty_plural -- default null null, -- table_name -- default null 'sort_order', -- column_name -- default null null, -- default_value -- default null '1', -- min_n_values -- default 1 '1', -- max_n_values -- default 1 null, -- sort_order -- default null 'type_specific', -- storage -- default 'type_specific' null -- static_p -- default 'f' ); select acs_attribute__create_attribute ( 'ams_option', -- object_type 'deprecated_p', -- attribute_name 'boolean', -- datatype '#ams.Deprecated#', -- pretty_name '#ams.Deprecated#', -- pretty_plural -- default null null, -- table_name -- default null 'deprecated_p', -- column_name -- default null null, -- default_value -- default null '1', -- min_n_values -- default 1 '1', -- max_n_values -- default 1 null, -- sort_order -- default null 'type_specific', -- storage -- default 'type_specific' null -- static_p -- default 'f' ); create table ams_option_ids ( value_id integer constraint ams_options_map_ids_value_id_pk primary key ); create table ams_options ( value_id integer constraint ams_options_value_id_fk references ams_option_ids(value_id) constraint ams_options_value_id_nn not null, option_id integer constraint ams_option_option_id_fk references ams_option_types(option_id) constraint ams_option_map_option_id_nn not null, unique (value_id,option_id) ); ------ AMS Texts -------------------------------------------------------------------- -- use object_id sequence with object_id this allows -- for future use of option values being converted into objects. create table ams_texts ( value_id integer constraint ams_texts_text_format_pk primary key, text text constraint ams_texts_text_format_nn not null, text_format varchar(200) default 'text/plain' constraint ams_texts_text_format_nn not null ); ------ AMS Times -------------------------------------------------------------------- -- use object_id sequence with object_id this allows -- for future use of option values being converted into objects. create table ams_times ( value_id integer constraint ams_times_id_pk primary key, time timestamptz constraint ams_times_time_nn not null ); ------ AMS Numbers -------------------------------------------------------------------- -- use object_id sequence with object_id this allows -- for future use of option values being converted into objects. create table ams_numbers ( value_id integer constraint ams_numbers_id_pk primary key, number numeric constraint ams_numbers_number_nn not null ); ------ Lists -------------------------------------------------------------------- -- We now create groupings of ams attributes, we call them lists -- since these groupings will be used to create lists of elements -- for ad_form as well as lists of certain attributes to be used -- by other applications. create table ams_lists ( list_id integer constraint ams_lists_list_id_fk references acs_objects(object_id) constraint ams_lists_list_id_pk primary key, package_key varchar(100) constraint ams_lists_package_key_fk references apm_package_types(package_key) constraint ams_lists_package_key_nn not null, object_type varchar(1000) constraint ams_lists_object_type_fk references acs_object_types(object_type) constraint ams_lists_object_type_nn not null, list_name varchar(100) constraint ams_lists_list_name_nn not null, pretty_name varchar(200) constraint ams_lists_pretty_name_nn not null, description varchar(200), description_mime_type varchar(200) constraint ams_lists_description_mime_type_fk references cr_mime_types(mime_type), UNIQUE(package_key,object_type,list_name) ); select acs_object_type__create_type ( 'ams_list', -- object_type '#ams.AMS_List#', -- pretty_name '#ams.AMS_Lists#', -- pretty_plural 'acs_object', -- supertype 'ams_lists', -- table_name 'list_id', -- id_column 'ams_list', -- package_name 'f', -- abstract_p null, -- type_extension_table 'ams_list__name' -- name_method ); select acs_attribute__create_attribute ( 'ams_list', -- object_type 'package_key', -- attribute_name 'string', -- datatype '#ams.Package_Key_1#', -- pretty_name '#ams.Package_Keys#', -- pretty_plural -- default null null, -- table_name -- default null 'object_type', -- column_name -- default null null, -- default_value -- default null '1', -- min_n_values -- default 1 '1', -- max_n_values -- default 1 null, -- sort_order -- default null 'type_specific', -- storage -- default 'type_specific' null -- static_p -- default 'f' ); select acs_attribute__create_attribute ( 'ams_list', -- object_type 'object_type', -- attribute_name 'string', -- datatype '#ams.Object_Type_1#', -- pretty_name '#ams.Object_Types#', -- pretty_plural -- default null null, -- table_name -- default null 'object_type', -- column_name -- default null null, -- default_value -- default null '1', -- min_n_values -- default 1 '1', -- max_n_values -- default 1 null, -- sort_order -- default null 'type_specific', -- storage -- default 'type_specific' null -- static_p -- default 'f' ); select acs_attribute__create_attribute ( 'ams_list', -- object_type 'list_name', -- attribute_name 'string', -- datatype '#ams.List_Name_1#', -- pretty_name '#ams.List_Names#', -- pretty_plural -- default null null, -- table_name -- default null 'list_name', -- column_name -- default null null, -- default_value -- default null '1', -- min_n_values -- default 1 '1', -- max_n_values -- default 1 null, -- sort_order -- default null 'type_specific', -- storage -- default 'type_specific' null -- static_p -- default 'f' ); select acs_attribute__create_attribute ( 'ams_list', -- object_type 'pretty_name', -- attribute_name 'string', -- datatype '#ams.Pretty_Name_1#', -- pretty_name '#ams.Pretty_Names#', -- pretty_plural -- default null null, -- table_name -- default null 'pretty_name', -- column_name -- default null null, -- default_value -- default null '1', -- min_n_values -- default 1 '1', -- max_n_values -- default 1 null, -- sort_order -- default null 'type_specific', -- storage -- default 'type_specific' null -- static_p -- default 'f' ); select acs_attribute__create_attribute ( 'ams_list', -- object_type 'description', -- attribute_name 'text', -- datatype '#ams.Description#', -- pretty_name '#ams.Descriptions#', -- pretty_plural -- default null null, -- table_name -- default null 'description', -- column_name -- default null null, -- default_value -- default null '1', -- min_n_values -- default 1 '1', -- max_n_values -- default 1 null, -- sort_order -- default null 'type_specific', -- storage -- default 'type_specific' null -- static_p -- default 'f' ); select acs_attribute__create_attribute ( 'ams_list', -- object_type 'description_mime_type', -- attribute_name 'text', -- datatype '#ams.lt_Description_Mime_Type#', -- pretty_name '#ams.lt_Descriptions_Mime_Typ#', -- pretty_plural -- default null null, -- table_name -- default null 'description_mime_type', -- column_name -- default null null, -- default_value -- default null '1', -- min_n_values -- default 1 '1', -- max_n_values -- default 1 null, -- sort_order -- default null 'type_specific', -- storage -- default 'type_specific' null -- static_p -- default 'f' ); -- create sequence ams_list_attribute_sort_order_seq; create table ams_list_attribute_map ( list_id integer constraint ams_list_attribute_map_list_id_fk references ams_lists(list_id) constraint ams_list_attribute_map_list_id_nn not null, attribute_id integer constraint ams_list_attribute_map_attribute_id_fk references acs_attributes(attribute_id) constraint ams_list_attribute_map_attribute_id_nn not null, sort_order integer constraint ams_list_attribute_map_sort_order_nn not null, required_p boolean constraint ams_list_attribute_map_required_p_nn not null, section_heading varchar(200), html_options varchar(1000), UNIQUE(list_id,attribute_id), UNIQUE(list_id,sort_order) ); \i ams-package-create.sql -- \i populate.sql \i telecom-number-missing-plsql.sql