-- -- packages/ticket-tracker/sql/ticket-tracker-packages.sql -- -- -- @author Phong Nguyen (phong@arsdigita.com) -- @author Tony Tseng (tony@arsidigta.com) -- -- @creation-date 2000-11-30 -- -- @cvs-id $Id: ticket-tracker-packages.sql,v 2002/03/13 22:23:45 donb Exp $ -- ---------------------------------- -- PACKAGE HEADERS ---------------------------------- create or replace package ttracker_ticket as function new ( ticket_id in ttracker_tickets.ticket_id%TYPE default null, object_type in acs_objects.object_type%TYPE default 'ttracker_ticket', context_id in acs_objects.context_id%TYPE default null, subject in cr_revisions.title%TYPE, description in varchar2, mime_type in cr_revisions.mime_type%TYPE default 'text/plain', category_id in ttracker_categories.category_id%TYPE, severity in ttracker_tickets.severity%TYPE, priority in ttracker_tickets.priority%TYPE, creation_date in acs_objects.creation_date%TYPE default sysdate, creation_user in acs_objects.creation_user%TYPE, creation_ip in acs_objects.creation_ip%TYPE default null ) return ttracker_tickets.ticket_id%TYPE; procedure delete ( ticket_id in ttracker_tickets.ticket_id%TYPE ); function name ( ticket_id in ttracker_tickets.ticket_id%TYPE ) return varchar2; -- return 't' if the ticket id is valid and the ticket belongs to the package instance function id_valid_p ( ticket_id in ttracker_tickets.ticket_id%TYPE, package_id in apm_packages.package_id%TYPE ) return char; -- update mime_type, subject, and description -- (the fields that are not directly stored in ttracker_tickets table) -- note this procedure does NOT update the subject field in ttracker_tickets procedure update_mime_subj_desc ( ticket_id in ttracker_tickets.ticket_id%TYPE, mime_type in cr_revisions.mime_type%TYPE, subject in cr_revisions.title%TYPE, description in varchar2 ); end ttracker_ticket; / show errors create or replace package ttracker_category as function new ( category_id in ttracker_categories.category_id%TYPE default null, package_id in ttracker_categories.package_id%TYPE, object_type in acs_objects.object_type%TYPE default 'ttracker_category', creation_date in acs_objects.creation_date%TYPE default sysdate, creation_user in acs_objects.creation_user%TYPE default null, creation_ip in acs_objects.creation_ip%TYPE default null, context_id in acs_objects.context_id%TYPE default null, name in ttracker_categories.name%TYPE, default_assignee in ttracker_categories.default_assignee%TYPE default null, description in ttracker_categories.description%TYPE default null ) return acs_objects.object_id%TYPE; procedure delete ( category_id in ttracker_categories.category_id%TYPE ); function name ( category_id in ttracker_categories.category_id%TYPE ) return varchar2; end ttracker_category; / show errors create or replace package ttracker_option as -- to add a priority or severity option procedure add_option ( option_id in ttracker_options.option_id%TYPE default null, package_id in ttracker_options.package_id%TYPE, function in ttracker_options.function%TYPE, name in ttracker_options.name%TYPE, value in ttracker_options.value%TYPE ); -- to update a priority or severity option procedure update_option ( option_id in ttracker_options.option_id%TYPE, name in ttracker_options.name%TYPE, value in ttracker_options.value%TYPE ); -- given the package_id, function, and value -- return the human readable name of the option function option_name ( package_id in ttracker_options.package_id%TYPE, function in ttracker_options.function%TYPE, value in ttracker_options.value%TYPE ) return ttracker_options.name%TYPE; -- given the package_id, function, and name -- return the integer value function option_value ( package_id in ttracker_options.package_id%TYPE, function in ttracker_options.function%TYPE, name in ttracker_options.value%TYPE ) return ttracker_options.value%TYPE; end ttracker_option; / show errors create or replace package ttracker_util as -- return the value of the NotificationSender parameter function notification_sender ( package_id in apm_packages.package_id%TYPE ) return parties.party_id%TYPE; -- depending on the argument, it can return either absolute or relative url -- pointing to acs-workflow function workflow_url ( absolute_p in char default 't' ) return varchar2; -- installs the default category and priority/severity info procedure install ( package_id in apm_packages.package_id%TYPE ); end ttracker_util; / show errors -- This package contains callbacks used by acs-workflow create or replace package ttracker_callback as -- assign the task to the ticket submitter procedure assign_task_to_submitter ( task_id in number, custom_arg in varchar2 ); -- assign the task to the ticket assignee procedure assign_task_to_assignee ( task_id in number, custom_arg in varchar2 ); -- set need_clarification to 'f' procedure clarify_fire ( case_id in number, transition_key in varchar2, custom_arg in varchar2 ); -- set verified to 't' procedure resolve_fire ( case_id in number, transition_key in varchar2, custom_arg in varchar2 ); procedure notification ( task_id in number, custom_arg in varchar2, party_to in integer, party_from in integer, subject in varchar2, body in varchar2 ); -- unassigned callback -- email the admin when a task is unassigned procedure notify_admin ( task_id in number, custom_arg in varchar2 ); end ttracker_callback; / show errors ---------------------------------- -- PACKAGE BODIES ---------------------------------- create or replace package body ttracker_ticket as function new ( ticket_id in ttracker_tickets.ticket_id%TYPE default null, object_type in acs_objects.object_type%TYPE default 'ttracker_ticket', context_id in acs_objects.context_id%TYPE default null, subject in cr_revisions.title%TYPE, description in varchar2, mime_type in cr_revisions.mime_type%TYPE default 'text/plain', category_id in ttracker_categories.category_id%TYPE, severity in ttracker_tickets.severity%TYPE, priority in ttracker_tickets.priority%TYPE, creation_date in acs_objects.creation_date%TYPE default sysdate, creation_user in acs_objects.creation_user%TYPE, creation_ip in acs_objects.creation_ip%TYPE default null ) return ttracker_tickets.ticket_id%TYPE is v_ticket_id ttracker_tickets.ticket_id%TYPE; v_case_id wf_cases.case_id%TYPE; begin -- create a new acs-message to hold the contents of the ticket v_ticket_id := acs_message.new ( message_id => new.ticket_id, title => new.subject, text => new.description, mime_type => new.mime_type, context_id => new.context_id, object_type => new.object_type, creation_date => new.creation_date, creation_user => new.creation_user, creation_ip => new.creation_ip ); -- insert additional ticket info insert into ttracker_tickets (ticket_id, creation_user, creation_date, category_id, subject, severity, priority) values (v_ticket_id, new.creation_user, new.creation_date, new.category_id, new.subject, new.severity, new.priority); -- create a new case v_case_id := workflow_case.new ( workflow_key => 'ttracker_wf', object_id => v_ticket_id, creation_user => new.creation_user, creation_ip => new.creation_ip ); -- start the case workflow_case.start_case ( case_id => v_case_id, creation_user => new.creation_user, creation_ip => new.creation_ip ); return v_ticket_id; end new; procedure delete ( ticket_id in ttracker_tickets.ticket_id%TYPE ) is cursor case_cur is select case_id from wf_cases where object_id = ticket_id; case_rec case_cur%ROWTYPE; begin open case_cur; fetch case_cur into case_rec; -- delete the workflow case that's associated with this ticket if case_cur%FOUND then workflow_case.delete(case_rec.case_id); end if; close case_cur; acs_message.delete(ticket_id); end delete; function name ( ticket_id in ttracker_tickets.ticket_id%TYPE ) return varchar2 is v_result ttracker_tickets.subject%TYPE; begin select subject into v_result from ttracker_tickets where ticket_id = name.ticket_id; return v_result; end name; function id_valid_p ( ticket_id in ttracker_tickets.ticket_id%TYPE, package_id in apm_packages.package_id%TYPE ) return char is v_result char(1); begin select decode(count(tt.ticket_id), 0, 'f', 't') into v_result from ttracker_tickets tt where exists (select tc.category_id from ttracker_categories tc where tc.category_id = tt.category_id and tc.package_id = id_valid_p.package_id) and tt.ticket_id = id_valid_p.ticket_id; return v_result; end id_valid_p; procedure update_mime_subj_desc ( ticket_id in ttracker_tickets.ticket_id%TYPE, mime_type in cr_revisions.mime_type%TYPE, subject in cr_revisions.title%TYPE, description in varchar2 ) is v_cr_revision_id cr_revisions.revision_id%TYPE; begin v_cr_revision_id := content_revision.new ( title => subject, mime_type => update_mime_subj_desc.mime_type, text => description, item_id => ticket_id ); content_item.set_live_revision(v_cr_revision_id); end update_mime_subj_desc; end ttracker_ticket; / show errors create or replace package body ttracker_category as function new ( category_id in ttracker_categories.category_id%TYPE default null, package_id in ttracker_categories.package_id%TYPE, object_type in acs_objects.object_type%TYPE default 'ttracker_category', creation_date in acs_objects.creation_date%TYPE default sysdate, creation_user in acs_objects.creation_user%TYPE default null, creation_ip in acs_objects.creation_ip%TYPE default null, context_id in acs_objects.context_id%TYPE default null, name in ttracker_categories.name%TYPE, default_assignee in ttracker_categories.default_assignee%TYPE default null, description in ttracker_categories.description%TYPE default null ) return acs_objects.object_id%TYPE is v_category_id acs_objects.object_id%TYPE; begin v_category_id := acs_object.new ( object_id => new.category_id, object_type => new.object_type, creation_date => new.creation_date, creation_user => new.creation_user, creation_ip => new.creation_ip, context_id => new.context_id ); insert into ttracker_categories (category_id, package_id, name, default_assignee, description) values (v_category_id, new.package_id, new.name, new.default_assignee, new.description); return v_category_id; end new; procedure delete ( category_id in ttracker_categories.category_id%TYPE ) is v_ticket_number integer; begin -- check if any ticket exists for this category before deleting select decode(count(ticket_id), 0, 0, 1) into v_ticket_number from ttracker_tickets where category_id = ttracker_category.delete.category_id; if v_ticket_number > 0 then raise_application_error(-20000, 'Invalid severity.'); end if; acs_object.delete(category_id); end delete; function name ( category_id in ttracker_categories.category_id%TYPE ) return varchar2 is v_result ttracker_categories.name%TYPE; begin select name into v_result from ttracker_categories where category_id = name.category_id; return v_result; end name; end ttracker_category; / show errors create or replace package body ttracker_option as procedure add_option ( option_id in ttracker_options.option_id%TYPE default null, package_id in ttracker_options.package_id%TYPE, function in ttracker_options.function%TYPE, name in ttracker_options.name%TYPE, value in ttracker_options.value%TYPE ) is v_option_id ttracker_options.option_id%TYPE; begin if package_id is null or function is null or name is null or value is null then raise_application_error(-2000, 'Arguments, with the exception of option_id, cannot be null'); end if; if option_id is null then select ttracker_option_id_sequence.nextval into v_option_id from dual; else v_option_id := add_option.option_id; end if; insert into ttracker_options (option_id, package_id, function, name, value) values (v_option_id, add_option.package_id, add_option.function, add_option.name, add_option.value); end add_option; procedure update_option ( option_id in ttracker_options.option_id%TYPE, name in ttracker_options.name%TYPE, value in ttracker_options.value%TYPE ) is begin if option_id is null or name is null or value is null then raise_application_error(-2000, 'Arguments cannot be null'); end if; update ttracker_options set name = update_option.name, value = update_option.value where option_id = update_option.option_id; end update_option; function option_name ( package_id in ttracker_options.package_id%TYPE, function in ttracker_options.function%TYPE, value in ttracker_options.value%TYPE ) return ttracker_options.name%TYPE is cursor option_cur is select name from ttracker_options where package_id = option_name.package_id and function = option_name.function and value = option_name.value; option_rec option_cur%ROWTYPE; begin open option_cur; fetch option_cur into option_rec; if option_cur%NOTFOUND then close option_cur; raise_application_error(-20000, 'Invalid option.'); end if; close option_cur; return option_rec.name; end option_name; -- given the package_id, function, and name -- return the integer value function option_value ( package_id in ttracker_options.package_id%TYPE, function in ttracker_options.function%TYPE, name in ttracker_options.value%TYPE ) return ttracker_options.value%TYPE is cursor option_cur is select value from ttracker_options where package_id = option_value.package_id and function = option_value.function and upper(name) = upper(option_value.name); option_rec option_cur%ROWTYPE; begin open option_cur; fetch option_cur into option_rec; if option_cur%NOTFOUND then raise_application_error(-20000, 'Invalid option.'); end if; close option_cur; return option_rec.value; end option_value; end ttracker_option; / show errors create or replace package body ttracker_util as function notification_sender ( package_id in apm_packages.package_id%TYPE ) return parties.party_id%TYPE is cursor value_cur is select apv.attr_value from apm_parameter_values apv, apm_parameters ap where apv.package_id = notification_sender.package_id and ap.package_key = 'ticket-tracker' and ap.parameter_name = 'NotificationSender' and ap.parameter_id = apv.parameter_id; value_rec value_cur%ROWTYPE; v_result parties.party_id%TYPE; begin open value_cur; fetch value_cur into value_rec; if value_cur%NOTFOUND then v_result := -1; else v_result := to_number(value_rec.attr_value); end if; close value_cur; return v_result; -- in case somebody tempered with the parameter exception when others then return -1; end notification_sender; function workflow_url ( absolute_p in char default 't' ) return varchar2 is v_system_url apm_parameter_values.attr_value%TYPE; cursor node_cur is select sn.node_id from site_nodes sn, apm_packages ap where ap.package_key = 'acs-workflow' and sn.object_id = ap.package_id; node_rec node_cur%ROWTYPE; begin -- try to get the id of the site node that contains acs workflow open node_cur; fetch node_cur into node_rec; if node_cur%NOTFOUND then close node_cur; raise_application_error(-20000, 'ACS Workflow must be mounted'); end if; close node_cur; -- if only relative url is needed if absolute_p <> 't' then return site_node.url(node_rec.node_id); end if; -- since there's only 1 instance of the kernel -- it's ok to use select.. into.. select apv.attr_value into v_system_url from apm_parameter_values apv, apm_parameters ap where ap.package_key = 'acs-kernel' and ap.parameter_name = 'SystemURL' and ap.parameter_id = apv.parameter_id; return v_system_url||site_node.url(node_rec.node_id); end workflow_url; procedure install ( package_id in apm_packages.package_id%TYPE ) is v_category_id ttracker_categories.category_id%TYPE; v_ttracker_url varchar2(4000); v_cat_cnt integer; begin -- check if there's any existing category -- if yes, quit select count(category_id) into v_cat_cnt from ttracker_categories where package_id = install.package_id; if v_cat_cnt > 0 then return; end if; -- create the default category v_category_id := ttracker_category.new ( package_id => install.package_id, name => 'General', description => 'Default category' ); -- insert the default severity/priority info ttracker_option.add_option ( package_id => install.package_id, function => 'severity', name => 'critical', value => 0 ); ttracker_option.add_option ( package_id => install.package_id, function => 'severity', name => 'serious', value => 1 ); ttracker_option.add_option ( package_id => install.package_id, function => 'severity', name => 'medium', value => 2 ); ttracker_option.add_option ( package_id => install.package_id, function => 'severity', name => 'low', value => 3 ); ttracker_option.add_option ( package_id => install.package_id, function => 'severity', name => 'wishlist', value => 4 ); ttracker_option.add_option ( package_id => install.package_id, function => 'priority', name => 'high', value => 0 ); ttracker_option.add_option ( package_id => install.package_id, function => 'priority', name => 'medium', value => 1 ); ttracker_option.add_option ( package_id => install.package_id, function => 'priority', name => 'low', value => 2 ); end install; end ttracker_util; / show errors create or replace package body ttracker_callback as procedure assign_task_to_submitter ( task_id in number, custom_arg in varchar2 ) is cursor ticket_cur is select tt.creation_user, wt.case_id, wt.transition_key from ttracker_tickets tt, wf_tasks wt, wf_cases wc where wt.task_id = assign_task_to_submitter.task_id and wt.case_id = wc.case_id and wc.object_id = tt.ticket_id; ticket_rec ticket_cur%ROWTYPE; begin -- find the creation user of the ticket (submitter) open ticket_cur; fetch ticket_cur into ticket_rec; close ticket_cur; -- assign the task to the ticket submitter workflow_case.add_task_assignment(assign_task_to_submitter.task_id, ticket_rec.creation_user,'f'); workflow_case.add_manual_assignment ( case_id => ticket_rec.case_id, role_key => ticket_rec.transition_key, party_id => ticket_rec.creation_user ); end assign_task_to_submitter; procedure assign_task_to_assignee ( task_id in number, custom_arg in varchar2 ) is cursor assignee_cur is select tc.default_assignee, wt.case_id, wt.transition_key from wf_tasks wt, wf_cases wc, ttracker_tickets tt, ttracker_categories tc where wt.task_id = assign_task_to_assignee.task_id and wt.case_id = wc.case_id and wc.object_id = tt.ticket_id and tt.category_id = tc.category_id; assignee_rec assignee_cur%ROWTYPE; begin open assignee_cur; fetch assignee_cur into assignee_rec; close assignee_cur; if assignee_rec.default_assignee is null then return; end if; -- assign the task workflow_case.add_task_assignment(assign_task_to_assignee.task_id, assignee_rec.default_assignee); workflow_case.add_manual_assignment ( case_id => assignee_rec.case_id, role_key => assignee_rec.transition_key, party_id => assignee_rec.default_assignee ); end assign_task_to_assignee; procedure clarify_fire ( case_id in number, transition_key in varchar2, custom_arg in varchar2 ) is v_journal_id journal_entries.journal_id%TYPE; begin v_journal_id := journal_entry.new ( object_id => case_id, action => 'modify', action_pretty => 'Attribute Change', msg => 'Automatic action by the workflow process' ); workflow_case.set_attribute_value ( journal_id => v_journal_id, attribute_name => 'need_clarification', value => 'f' ); end clarify_fire; procedure resolve_fire ( case_id in number, transition_key in varchar2, custom_arg in varchar2 ) is v_journal_id journal_entries.journal_id%TYPE; begin v_journal_id := journal_entry.new ( object_id => case_id, action => 'modify', action_pretty => 'Attribute Change', msg => 'Automatic action by the workflow process' ); workflow_case.set_attribute_value ( journal_id => v_journal_id, attribute_name => 'verified', value => 't' ); end resolve_fire; procedure notification ( task_id in number, custom_arg in varchar2, party_to in integer, party_from in integer, subject in varchar2, body in varchar2 ) is v_url varchar2(1000); v_request_id integer; v_body varchar2(4000); v_subject varchar2(200); v_party_from parties.party_id%TYPE; cursor ticket_cur is select tt.ticket_id, tt.subject, tc.package_id from ttracker_tickets tt, ttracker_categories tc, wf_tasks wt, wf_cases wc where wt.task_id = notification.task_id and wt.case_id = wc.case_id and wc.object_id = tt.ticket_id and tt.category_id = tc.category_id; ticket_rec ticket_cur%ROWTYPE; begin open ticket_cur; fetch ticket_cur into ticket_rec; if ticket_cur%NOTFOUND then close ticket_cur; raise_application_error(-20000, 'Invalid task id'); end if; close ticket_cur; v_party_from := ttracker_util.notification_sender(ticket_rec.package_id); v_subject := 'Ticket #'||ticket_rec.ticket_id||' -- '||custom_arg; v_body := 'Subject: '||ticket_rec.subject||' '||'To do: '||custom_arg||' '||'Manage via: '||ttracker_util.workflow_url||'task?task_id='||task_id; -- notification call moved from acs-workflow to here -- to retain consistency with postgres version v_request_id := acs_mail_nt.post_request ( party_from => v_party_from, party_to => notification.party_to, subject => v_subject, message => v_body, max_retries => 0 ); end notification; procedure notify_admin ( task_id in number, custom_arg in varchar2 ) is -- uses 2 separate queries to find out who has 'admin' privilege on this package -- because we don't want to join any table with acs_object_party_privilege_map -- unless we absolutely have to (in this case, users table) -- the first query is only used to gather ticket info and package id cursor ticket_cur is select tt.ticket_id, tt.subject, tc.package_id from ttracker_tickets tt, ttracker_categories tc, wf_cases wc, wf_tasks wt where wt.task_id = notify_admin.task_id and wc.case_id = wt.case_id and wc.object_id = tt.ticket_id and tt.category_id = tc.category_id; ticket_rec ticket_cur%ROWTYPE; cursor admin_cur is select u.user_id from users u, acs_object_party_privilege_map m where m.object_id = ticket_rec.package_id and m.party_id = u.user_id and m.privilege = 'admin'; v_request_id integer; begin open ticket_cur; fetch ticket_cur into ticket_rec; close ticket_cur; for admin_rec in admin_cur loop v_request_id := acs_mail_nt.post_request ( party_from => ttracker_util.notification_sender(ticket_rec.package_id), party_to => admin_rec.user_id, subject => 'Ticket #'||ticket_rec.ticket_id||' -- '||'Assign Ticket', message => 'Subject: '||ticket_rec.subject||' '||'To do: '||'Assign Ticket'||' '||'Manage via: '||ttracker_util.workflow_url||'task?task_id='||task_id ); end loop; end notify_admin; end ttracker_callback; / show errors