postgresql7.1 select content_item__get_title(:item_id, 'f') select content_item__is_publishable(:item_id) , content as text select content_item__get_id(:url $root_sql) select 't' from cr_revisions r, cr_items i where r.revision_id = :revision_id and i.item_id = r.item_id and ((r.content is not null and i.storage_type in ('text','file')) or (r.lob is not null and i.storage_type = 'lob')) select content_item__get_template(:item_id, :context) as template_id from dual select content_item__get_path(:item_id, $root_folder_id) select content_item__get_best_revision(:item_id) select content_item__copy( :item_id, :target_folder_id, :creation_user, :creation_ip ) select content_item__set_live( :revision_id, 'live' ) select content_item__unset_live_revision( :item_id );