-- packages/ref-language/sql/oracle/ref-language-create.sql -- -- @author jon@jongriffin.com -- @creation-date 2000-11-21 -- @cvs-id $Id: ref-language-create.sql,v 1.7 2010/05/14 12:22:49 emmar Exp $ -- -- ISO 639-1 create table language_codes ( language_id char(2) constraint language_codes_language_id_pk primary key, name varchar(100) constraint language_codes_name_uq unique constraint language_codes_name_nn not null ); comment on table language_codes is ' This is data from the ISO 639-1 standard on language codes. '; comment on column language_codes.language_id is ' This is the ISO standard language 2 char code '; comment on column language_codes.name is ' This is the English version of the language name. '; -- now register this table with the repository declare v_id integer; begin v_id := acs_reference.new( table_name => upper('language_codes'), source => 'ISO 639-1', source_url => 'http://www.iso.ch', effective_date => sysdate ); commit; end; / -- Languages ISO-639-2 codes create table language_639_2_codes ( iso_639_2 char(3) constraint language_codes_iso_639_2_pk primary key, iso_639_1 char(2), label varchar(200) ); comment on table language_639_2_codes is 'Contains ISO-639-2 language codes and their corresponding ISO-639-1 when it exists.';