-- Data model to support content repository of the ArsDigita -- Community System -- Copyright (C) 1999-2000 ArsDigita Corporation -- Author: Karl Goldstein (karlg@arsdigita.com) -- $Id: content-item.sql,v 1.7 2001/04/02 05:35:29 danw Exp $ -- This is free software distributed under the terms of the GNU Public -- License. Full text of the license is available from the GNU Project: -- http://www.fsf.org/copyleft/gpl.html create view content_item_globals as select -100 as c_root_folder_id; -- create or replace package body content_item -- function get_root_folder create function content_item__get_root_folder (integer) returns integer as ' declare get_root_folder__item_id alias for $1; v_folder_id cr_folders.folder_id%TYPE; begin if get_root_folder__item_id is NULL then v_folder_id := content_item_globals.c_root_folder_id; else -- select -- item_id into v_folder_id -- from -- cr_items -- where -- parent_id = 0 -- connect by -- prior parent_id = item_id -- start with -- item_id = get_root_folder__item_id; select i2.item_id into v_folder_id from cr_items i1, cr_items i2 where i2.parent_id = 0 and i1.item_id = get_root_folder__item_id and i2.tree_sortkey <= i1.tree_sortkey and i1.tree_sortkey like (i2.tree_sortkey || ''%''); if NOT FOUND then raise EXCEPTION '' -20000: Could not find a root folder for item ID %. Either the item does not exist or its parent value is corrupted.'', get_root_folder__item_id; end if; end if; return v_folder_id; end;' language 'plpgsql'; -- function new create function content_item__new (varchar,integer,integer,varchar,timestamp,integer,integer,varchar,varchar,varchar,varchar,varchar,varchar,varchar,varchar,integer) returns integer as ' declare new__name alias for $1; new__parent_id alias for $2; new__item_id alias for $3; new__locale alias for $4; new__creation_date alias for $5; new__creation_user alias for $6; new__context_id alias for $7; new__creation_ip alias for $8; new__item_subtype alias for $9; new__content_type alias for $10; new__title alias for $11; new__description alias for $12; new__mime_type alias for $13; new__nls_language alias for $14; new__text alias for $15; -- changed to integer for blob_id new__data alias for $16; -- relation_tag alias for $17; -- is_live alias for $18; new__relation_tag varchar default null; new__is_live boolean default ''f''; v_parent_id cr_items.parent_id%TYPE; v_parent_type acs_objects.object_type%TYPE; v_item_id cr_items.item_id%TYPE; v_revision_id cr_revisions.revision_id%TYPE; v_title cr_revisions.title%TYPE; v_rel_id acs_objects.object_id%TYPE; v_rel_tag cr_child_rels.relation_tag%TYPE; v_context_id acs_objects.context_id%TYPE; begin -- if content_item.is_subclass(item_subtype,''content_item'') = ''f'' then -- raise_application_error(-20000, ''The object_type '' || item_subtype || -- '' does not inherit from content_item.''); -- end if; -- place the item in the context of the pages folder if no -- context specified if new__parent_id is null then v_parent_id := content_item_globals.c_root_folder_id; else v_parent_id := new__parent_id; end if; -- Determine context_id if new__context_id is null then v_context_id := v_parent_id; else v_context_id := new__context_id; end if; if v_parent_id = 0 or content_folder__is_folder(v_parent_id) = ''t'' then if v_parent_id != 0 and content_folder__is_registered( v_parent_id, new__content_type, ''f'') = ''f'' then raise EXCEPTION ''-20000: This item\\\'s content type % is not registered to this folder %'', new__content_type, v_parent_id; end if; else if v_parent_id != 0 then select object_type into v_parent_type from acs_objects where object_id = v_parent_id; if NOT FOUND then raise EXCEPTION ''-20000: Invalid parent ID % specified in content_item.new'', v_parent_id; end if; if content_item__is_subclass(v_parent_type, ''content_item'') = ''t'' and content_item__is_valid_child(v_parent_id, new__content_type) = ''f'' then raise EXCEPTION ''-20000: This item\\\'s content type % is not allowed in this container %'', new__content_type, v_parent_id; end if; end if; end if; -- Create the object v_item_id := acs_object__new( new__item_id, new__item_subtype, new__creation_date, new__creation_user, new__creation_ip, v_context_id ); -- Turn off security inheritance if there is no security context --if context_id is null then -- update acs_objects set security_inherit_p = ''f'' -- where object_id = v_item_id; --end if; insert into cr_items ( item_id, name, content_type, parent_id ) values ( v_item_id, new__name, new__content_type, v_parent_id ); -- if the parent is not a folder, insert into cr_child_rels if v_parent_id != 0 and content_folder__is_folder(v_parent_id) = ''f'' and content_item__is_valid_child(v_parent_id, new__content_type) = ''t'' then v_rel_id := acs_object__new( null, ''cr_item_child_rel'', now(), null, null, v_parent_id ); if new__relation_tag is null then v_rel_tag := content_item__get_content_type(v_parent_id) || ''-'' || new__content_type; else v_rel_tag := new__relation_tag; end if; insert into cr_child_rels ( rel_id, parent_id, child_id, relation_tag, order_n ) values ( v_rel_id, v_parent_id, v_item_id, coalesce(v_rel_tag,''''), v_item_id ); end if; -- use the name of the item if no title is supplied if new__title is null then v_title := new__name; else v_title := new__title; end if; -- create the revision if data or title or text is not null -- note that the caller could theoretically specify both text -- and data, in which case the text is ignored. if new__data is not null then v_revision_id := content_revision__new( v_title, new__description, now(), new__mime_type, new__nls_language, new__data, v_item_id, null, new__creation_date, new__creation_user, new__creation_ip ); else if new__title is not null or new__text is not null then v_revision_id := content_revision__new( v_title, new__description, now(), new__mime_type, null, new__text, v_item_id, null, new__creation_date, new__creation_user, new__creation_ip ); end if; end if; -- make the revision live if is_live is true if new__is_live = ''t'' then PERFORM content_item__set_live_revision(v_revision_id); end if; -- Have the new item inherit the permission of the parent item -- if no security context was specified --if parent_id is not null and context_id is null then -- content_permission.inherit_permissions ( -- parent_id, v_item_id, creation_user -- ); --end if; return v_item_id; end;' language 'plpgsql'; create function content_item__new(varchar,integer,varchar,text,text) returns integer as ' declare new__name alias for $1; new__parent_id alias for $2; new__title alias for $3; new__description alias for $4; new__text alias for $5; begin return content_item__new(new__name, new__parent_id, null, null, now(), null, null, null, ''content_item'', ''content_revision'', new__title, new__description, ''text/plain'', null, new__text, null ); end;' language 'plpgsql'; create function content_item__new(varchar,integer) returns integer as ' declare new__name alias for $1; new__parent_id alias for $2; begin return content_item__new(new__name, new__parent_id, null, null, null); end;' language 'plpgsql'; -- function is_published create function content_item__is_published (integer) returns boolean as ' declare is_published__item_id alias for $1; begin select 1 from cr_items where live_revision is not null and publish_status = ''live'' and item_id = is_published__item_id; if NOT FOUND then return ''f''; else return ''t''; end if; end;' language 'plpgsql'; -- function is_publishable create function content_item__is_publishable (integer) returns boolean as ' declare is_publishable__item_id alias for $1; v_child_count integer; v_rel_count integer; v_template_id cr_templates.template_id%TYPE; v_child_type record; v_rel_type record; v_pub_wf record; begin -- validate children -- make sure the # of children of each type fall between min_n and max_n for v_child_type in select child_type, min_n, max_n from cr_type_children where parent_type = content_item__get_content_type(is_publishable__item_id) LOOP select count(rel_id) into v_child_count from cr_child_rels where parent_id = is_publishable__item_id and content_item__get_content_type(child_id) = v_child_type.child_type; -- make sure # of children is in range if v_child_type.min_n is not null and v_child_count < v_child_type.min_n then return ''f''; end if; if v_child_type.max_n is not null and v_child_count > v_child_type.max_n then return ''f''; end if; end LOOP; if NOT FOUND then return ''f''; end if; -- validate relations -- make sure the # of ext links of each type fall between min_n and max_n for v_rel_type in select target_type, min_n, max_n from cr_type_relations where content_type = content_item__get_content_type(is_publishable__item_id) LOOP select count(rel_id) into v_rel_count from cr_item_rels i, acs_objects o where i.related_object_id = o.object_id and i.item_id = is_publishable__item_id and coalesce(content_item__get_content_type(o.object_id),o.object_type) = v_rel_type.target_type; -- make sure # of object relations is in range if v_rel_type.min_n is not null and v_rel_count < v_rel_type.min_n then return ''f''; end if; if v_rel_type.max_n is not null and v_rel_count > v_rel_type.max_n then return ''f''; end if; end loop; if NOT FOUND then return ''f''; end if; -- validate publishing workflows -- make sure any ''publishing_wf'' associated with this item are finished -- KG: logic is wrong here. Only the latest workflow matters, and even -- that is a little problematic because more than one workflow may be -- open on an item. In addition, this should be moved to CMS. for v_pub_wf in select case_id, state from wf_cases where workflow_key = ''publishing_wf'' and object_id = is_publishable__item_id; LOOP if v_pub_wf.state != ''finished'' then return ''f''; end if; end loop; if NOT FOUND then return ''f''; end if; return ''t''; end;' language 'plpgsql'; -- function is_valid_child create function content_item__is_valid_child (integer,varchar) returns boolean as ' declare is_valid_child__item_id alias for $1; is_valid_child__content_type alias for $2; v_is_valid_child boolean; v_max_children cr_type_children.max_n%TYPE; v_n_children integer; begin v_is_valid_child := ''f''; -- first check if content_type is a registered child_type select max_n into v_max_children from cr_type_children where parent_type = content_item__get_content_type(is_valid_child__item_id) and child_type = is_valid_child__content_type; if NOT FOUND then return ''f''; end if; -- if the max is null then infinite number is allowed if v_max_children is null then return ''t''; end if; -- next check if there are already max_n children of that content type select count(rel_id) into v_n_children from cr_child_rels where parent_id = is_valid_child__item_id and content_item__get_content_type(child_id) = is_valid_child__content_type; if NOT FOUND then return ''f''; end if; if v_n_children < v_max_children then v_is_valid_child := ''t''; end if; return v_is_valid_child; end;' language 'plpgsql'; /* delete a content item 1) delete all associated workflows 2) delete all symlinks associated with this object 3) delete any revisions for this item 4) unregister template relations 5) delete all permissions associated with this item 6) delete keyword associations 7) delete all associated comments */ -- procedure delete create function content_item__delete (integer) returns integer as ' declare delete__item_id alias for $1; v_wf_cases_val record; v_symlink_val record; v_revision_val record; v_rel_val record; begin raise NOTICE ''Deleting associated workflows...''; -- 1) delete all workflow cases associated with this item for v_wf_cases_val in select case_id from wf_cases where object_id = delete__item_id LOOP PERFORM workflow_case__delete(v_wf_cases_val.case_id); end loop; raise NOTICE ''Deleting symlinks...''; -- 2) delete all symlinks to this item for v_symlink_val in select symlink_id from cr_symlinks where target_id = delete__item_id LOOP PERFORM content_symlink__delete(v_symlink_val.symlink_id); end loop; raise NOTICE ''Unscheduling item...''; delete from cr_release_periods where item_id = delete__item_id; raise NOTICE ''Deleting associated revisions...''; -- 3) delete all revisions of this item delete from cr_item_publish_audit where item_id = delete__item_id; for v_revision_val in select revision_id from cr_revisions where item_id = delete__item_id LOOP PERFORM content_revision__delete(v_revision_val.revision_id); end loop; raise NOTICE ''Deleting associated item templates...''; -- 4) unregister all templates to this item delete from cr_item_template_map where item_id = delete__item_id; raise NOTICE ''Deleting item relationships...''; -- Delete all relations on this item for v_rel_val in select rel_id from cr_item_rels where item_id = delete__item_id or related_object_id = delete__item_id LOOP PERFORM acs_rel__delete(v_rel_val.rel_id); end loop; raise NOTICE ''Deleting child relationships...''; for v_rel_val in select rel_id from cr_child_rels where child_id = delete__item_id LOOP PERFORM acs_rel__delete(v_rel_val.rel_id); end loop; raise NOTICE ''Deleting parent relationships...''; for v_rel_val in select rel_id, child_id from cr_child_rels where parent_id = delete__item_id LOOP PERFORM acs_rel__delete(v_rel_val.rel_id); PERFORM content_item__delete(v_rel_val.child_id); end loop; raise NOTICE ''Deleting associated permissions...''; -- 5) delete associated permissions delete from acs_permissions where object_id = delete__item_id; raise NOTICE ''Deleting keyword associations...''; -- 6) delete keyword associations delete from cr_item_keyword_map where item_id = delete__item_id; raise NOTICE ''Deleting associated comments...''; -- 7) delete associated comments PERFORM journal_entry__delete_for_object(delete__item_id); -- context_id debugging loop --for v_error_val in c_error_cur loop -- raise NOTICE ''ID='' || v_error_val.object_id || '' TYPE='' -- || v_error_val.object_type); --end loop; raise NOTICE ''Deleting content item...''; PERFORM acs_object__delete(delete__item_id); return 0; end;' language 'plpgsql'; -- procedure rename create function content_item__rename (integer,varchar) returns integer as ' declare rename__item_id alias for $1; rename__name alias for $2; exists_id integer; begin select item_id into exists_id from cr_items where name = rename__name and parent_id = (select parent_id from cr_items where item_id = rename__item_id); if NOT FOUND then update cr_items set name = rename__name where item_id = rename__item_id; else if exists_id != rename__item_id then raise EXCEPTION ''-20000: An item with the name % already exists in this directory.'', rename__name; end if; end if; return 0; end;' language 'plpgsql'; -- function get_id create function content_item__get_id (varchar,integer,boolean) returns integer as ' declare get_id__item_path alias for $1; get_id__root_folder_id alias for $2; get_id__resolve_index alias for $3; v_item_path varchar; v_root_folder_id cr_items.item_id%TYPE; get_id__parent_id integer; child_id integer; start_pos integer default 1; end_pos integer; counter integer default 0; item_name varchar; begin v_root_folder_id := coalesce(get_id__root_folder_id, content_item_globals.c_root_folder_id); -- If the request path is the root, then just return the root folder if get_id__item_path = ''/'' then return v_root_folder_id; end if; -- Remove leading, trailing spaces, leading slashes v_item_path := rtrim(ltrim(trim(get_id__item_path), ''/''), ''/''); get_id__parent_id := v_root_folder_id; -- if parent_id is a symlink, resolve it get_id__parent_id := content_symlink__resolve(get_id__parent_id); LOOP -- FIXME: this use of instr in oracle code seems incorrect. -- end_pos := instr(v_item_path, ''/'', start_pos); end_pos := instr(v_item_path, ''/'', 1); if end_pos = 0 then item_name := substr(v_item_path, 1); else item_name := substr(v_item_path, 1, end_pos - start_pos); end if; select item_id into child_id from cr_items where parent_id = get_id__parent_id and name = item_name; if NOT FOUND then return null; end if; exit when end_pos = 0; get_id__parent_id := child_id; -- if parent_id is a symlink, resolve it get_id__parent_id := content_symlink__resolve(get_id__parent_id); start_pos := end_pos + 1; v_item_path := substr(v_item_path, start_pos); end loop; if get_id__resolve_index = ''t'' then -- if the item is a folder and has an index page, then return if content_folder__is_folder(child_id ) = ''t'' and content_folder__get_index_page(child_id) is not null then child_id := content_folder__get_index_page(child_id); end if; end if; return child_id; -- exception -- when NO_DATA_FOUND then -- return null; end;' language 'plpgsql'; -- function get_path create function content_item__get_path (integer,integer) returns varchar as ' declare get_path__item_id alias for $1; get_path__root_folder_id alias for $2; v_count integer; v_name varchar; v_parent_id integer default 0; v_tree_level integer; v_resolved_root_id integer; v_rel_parent_id integer default 0; v_rel_tree_level integer default 0; v_path varchar default ''''; v_rec record; begin -- check that the item exists select count(*) into v_count from cr_items where item_id = get_path__item_id; if v_count = 0 then raise EXCEPTION ''-20000: Invalid item ID: %'', get_path__item_id; end if; -- begin walking down the path to the item (from the repository root) open c_abs_cur; -- if the root folder is not null then prepare for a relative path if get_path__root_folder_id is not null then -- if root_folder_id is a symlink, resolve it (child items will point -- to the actual folder, not the symlink) v_resolved_root_id := content_symlink__resolve(get_path__root_folder_id); -- begin walking down the path to the root folder. Discard -- elements of the item path as long as they are the same as the root -- folder open c_rel_cur; while v_parent_id = v_rel_parent_id loop fetch c_abs_cur into v_name, v_parent_id, v_tree_level; fetch c_rel_cur into v_rel_parent_id, v_rel_tree_level; exit when c_abs_cur%NOTFOUND or c_rel_cur%NOTFOUND; end loop; -- walk the remainder of the relative path, add a ''..'' for each -- additional step loop exit when c_rel_cur%NOTFOUND; v_path := v_path || ''../''; fetch c_rel_cur into v_rel_parent_id, v_rel_tree_level; end loop; -- an item relative to itself is ''../item'' if v_resolved_root_id = item_id then v_path := ''../''; end if; -- loop over the remainder of the absolute path loop v_path := v_path || v_name; fetch c_abs_cur into v_name, v_parent_id, v_tree_level; exit when c_abs_cur%NOTFOUND; v_path := v_path || ''/''; end loop; else -- select name, level as tree_level from cr_items where parent_id <> 0 -- connect by prior parent_id = item_id start with -- item_id = get_path__item_id order by tree_level desc -- this is an absolute path so prepend a ''/'' -- prime the pump to be consistent with relative path execution plan -- loop over the remainder of the absolute path for v_rec in select i2.name, tree_level(i2.tree_sortkey) as tree_level from cr_items i1, cr_items i2 where i2.parent_id <> 0 and i1.item_id = get_path__item_id and i2.tree_sortkey <= i1.tree_sortkey and i1.tree_sortkey like (i2.tree_sortkey || ''%'') order by tree_level desc LOOP v_path := v_path || ''/'' || v_rec.name; end loop; end if; return v_path; end;' language 'plpgsql'; -- function get_virtual_path create function content_item__get_virtual_path (integer,integer) returns varchar as ' declare get_virtual_path__item_id alias for $1; get_virtual_path__root_folder_id alias for $2; v_path varchar; v_item_id cr_items.item_id%TYPE; v_is_folder boolean; v_index cr_items.item_id%TYPE; begin -- first resolve the item v_item_id := content_symlink__resolve(get_virtual_path__item_id); v_is_folder := content_folder__is_folder(v_item_id); v_index := content_folder__get_index_page(v_item_id); -- if the folder has an index page if v_is_folder = ''t'' and v_index is not null then v_path := content_item__get_path(content_symlink__resolve(v_index)); else v_path := content_item__get_path(v_item_id); end if; return v_path; -- exception -- when NO_DATA_FOUND then -- return null; end;' language 'plpgsql'; -- procedure write_to_file create function content_item__write_to_file (integer,varchar) returns integer as ' declare item_id alias for $1; root_path alias for $2; -- blob_loc cr_revisions.content%TYPE; -- v_revision cr_items.live_revision%TYPE; begin -- FIXME: raise NOTICE ''not implemented for postgresql''; /* v_revision := content_item__get_live_revision(item_id); select content into blob_loc from cr_revisions where revision_id = v_revision; if NOT FOUND then raise EXCEPTION ''-20000: No live revision for content item % in content_item.write_to_file.'', item_id; end if; PERFORM blob_to_file(root_path || content_item__get_path(item_id), blob_loc); */ return 0; end;' language 'plpgsql'; -- procedure register_template create function content_item__register_template (integer,integer,varchar) returns integer as ' declare register_template__item_id alias for $1; register_template__template_id alias for $2; register_template__use_context alias for $3; begin -- register template if it is not already registered insert into cr_item_template_map select register_template__template_id as template_id, register_template__item_id as item_id, register_template__use_context as use_context from dual where not exists ( select 1 from cr_item_template_map where item_id = register_template__item_id and template_id = register_template__template_id and use_context = register_template__use_context ); return 0; end;' language 'plpgsql'; -- procedure unregister_template create function content_item__unregister_template (integer,integer,varchar) returns integer as ' declare unregister_template__item_id alias for $1; unregister_template__template_id alias for $2; unregister_template__use_context alias for $3; begin if unregister_template__use_context is null and unregister_template__template_id is null then delete from cr_item_template_map where item_id = unregister_template__item_id; else if unregister_template__use_context is null then delete from cr_item_template_map where template_id = unregister_template__template_id and item_id = unregister_template__item_id; else if unregister_template__template_id is null then delete from cr_item_template_map where item_id = unregister_template__item_id and use_context = unregister_template__use_context; else delete from cr_item_template_map where template_id = unregister_template__template_id and item_id = unregister_template__item_id and use_context = unregister_template__use_context; end if; end if; end if; return 0; end;' language 'plpgsql'; -- function get_template create function content_item__get_template (integer,varchar) returns integer as ' declare get_template__item_id alias for $1; get_template__use_context alias for $2; v_template_id cr_templates.template_id%TYPE; v_content_type cr_items.content_type%TYPE; begin -- look for a template assigned specifically to this item select template_id into v_template_id from cr_item_template_map where item_id = get_template__item_id and use_context = get_template__use_context; -- otherwise get the default for the content type if NOT FOUND then select m.template_id into v_template_id from cr_items i, cr_type_template_map m where i.item_id = get_template__item_id and i.content_type = m.content_type and m.use_context = get_template__use_context and m.is_default = ''t''; if NOT FOUND then return null; end if; end if; return v_template_id; end;' language 'plpgsql'; -- function get_content_type create function content_item__get_content_type (integer) returns varchar as ' declare get_content_type__item_id alias for $1; v_content_type cr_items.content_type%TYPE; begin select content_type into v_content_type from cr_items where item_id = get_content_type__item_id; if NOT FOUND then return null; end if; return v_content_type; end;' language 'plpgsql'; -- function get_live_revision create function content_item__get_live_revision (integer) returns integer as ' declare get_live_revision__item_id alias for $1; v_revision_id acs_objects.object_id%TYPE; begin select live_revision into v_revision_id from cr_items where item_id = get_live_revision__item_id; if NOT FOUND then return null; else return v_revision_id; end if; end;' language 'plpgsql'; -- procedure set_live_revision create function content_item__set_live_revision (integer) returns integer as ' declare set_live_revision__revision_id alias for $1; set_live_revision__publish_status cr_items.publish_status%TYPE default ''ready''; begin update cr_items set live_revision = set_live_revision__revision_id, publish_status = set_live_revision__publish_status where item_id = (select item_id from cr_revisions where revision_id = set_live_revision__revision_id); update cr_revisions set publish_date = now() where revision_id = set_live_revision__revision_id; return 0; end;' language 'plpgsql'; -- procedure unset_live_revision create function content_item__unset_live_revision (integer) returns integer as ' declare unset_live_revision__item_id alias for $1; begin update cr_items set live_revision = NULL where item_id = unset_live_revision__item_id; -- if an items publish status is "live", change it to "ready" update cr_items set publish_status = ''production'' where publish_status = ''live'' and item_id = unset_live_revision__item_id; return 0; end;' language 'plpgsql'; -- procedure set_release_period create function content_item__set_release_period (integer,timestamp,timestamp) returns integer as ' declare set_release_period__item_id alias for $1; set_release_period__start_when alias for $2; set_release_period__end_when alias for $3; v_count integer; begin select count(*) into v_count from cr_release_periods where item_id = set_release_period__item_id; if v_count = 0 then insert into cr_release_periods ( item_id, start_when, end_when ) values ( set_release_period__item_id, set_release_period__start_when, set_release_period__end_when ); else update cr_release_periods set start_when = set_release_period__start_when, end_when = set_release_period__end_when where item_id = set_release_period__item_id; end if; return 0; end;' language 'plpgsql'; -- function get_revision_count create function content_item__get_revision_count (integer) returns number as ' declare get_revision_count__item_id alias for $1; v_count integer; begin select count(*) into v_count from cr_revisions where item_id = get_revision_count__item_id; return v_count; end;' language 'plpgsql'; -- function get_context create function content_item__get_context (integer) returns integer as ' declare get_context__item_id alias for $1; v_context_id acs_objects.context_id%TYPE; begin select context_id into v_context_id from acs_objects where object_id = get_context__item_id; if NOT FOUND then raise EXCEPTION ''-20000: Content item % does not exist in content_item.get_context'', item_id; end if; return v_context_id; end;' language 'plpgsql'; -- 1) make sure we are not moving the item to an invalid location: -- that is, the destination folder exists and is a valid folder -- 2) make sure the content type of the content item is registered -- to the target folder -- 3) update the parent_id for the item -- procedure move create function content_item__move (integer,integer) returns integer as ' declare move__item_id alias for $1; move__target_folder_id alias for $2; begin if content_folder__is_folder(move__item_id) = ''t'' then content_folder__move(move__item_id, move__target_folder_id); else if content_folder__is_folder(move__target_folder_id) = ''t'' then if content_folder__is_registered(move__target_folder_id, content_item__get_content_type(move__item_id),''f'') = ''t'' and content_folder__is_registered(move__target_folder_id, content_item__get_content_type(content_symlink__resolve(move__item_id)),''f'') = ''t'' then -- update the parent_id for the item update cr_items set parent_id = move__target_folder_id where item_id = move__item_id; end if; end if; end if; return 0; end;' language 'plpgsql'; -- procedure copy create function content_item__copy (integer,integer,integer,varchar) returns integer as ' declare item_id alias for $1; target_folder_id alias for $2; creation_user alias for $3; creation_ip alias for $4; copy_id cr_items.item_id%TYPE; begin copy_id := copy2(item_id, target_folder_id, creation_user, creation_ip); return 0; end;' language 'plpgsql'; -- copy a content item to a target folder -- 1) make sure we are not copying the item to an invalid location: -- that is, the destination folder exists, is a valid folder, -- and is not the current folder -- 2) make sure the content type of the content item is registered -- with the current folder -- 3) create a new item with no revisions in the target folder -- 4) copy the latest revision from the original item to the new item (if any) -- function copy2 create function content_item__copy2 (integer,integer,integer,varchar) returns integer as ' declare copy2__item_id alias for $1; copy2__target_folder_id alias for $2; copy2__creation_user alias for $3; copy2__creation_ip alias for $4; v_current_folder_id cr_folders.folder_id%TYPE; v_num_revisions integer; v_name cr_items.name%TYPE; v_content_type cr_items.content_type%TYPE; v_locale cr_items.locale%TYPE; v_item_id cr_items.item_id%TYPE; v_revision_id cr_revisions.revision_id%TYPE; v_is_registered boolean; v_old_revision_id cr_revisions.revision_id%TYPE; v_new_revision_id cr_revisions.revision_id%TYPE; begin -- call content_folder.copy if the item is a folder if content_folder__is_folder(copy2__item_id) = ''t'' then PERFORM content_folder__copy( copy2__item_id, copy2__target_folder_id, copy2__creation_user, copy2__creation_ip ); -- call content_symlink.copy if the item is a symlink else if content_symlink__is_symlink(copy2__item_id) = ''t'' then PERFORM content_symlink__copy( copy2__item_id, copy2__target_folder_id, copy2__creation_user, copy2__creation_ip ); -- make sure the target folder is really a folder else if content_folder__is_folder(copy2__target_folder_id) = ''t'' then select parent_id into v_current_folder_id from cr_items where item_id = copy2__item_id; -- can''t copy to the same folder if copy2__target_folder_id != v_current_folder_id then select content_type, name, locale, coalesce(live_revision, latest_revision) into v_content_type, v_name, v_locale, v_revision_id from cr_items where item_id = copy2__item_id; -- make sure the content type of the item is registered to the folder v_is_registered := content_folder__is_registered( copy2__target_folder_id, v_content_type, ''f'' ); if v_is_registered = ''t'' then -- create the new content item v_item_id := content_item__new( v_name, copy2__target_folder_id, null, v_locale, now(), copy2__creation_user, null, copy2__creation_ip, ''content_item'', v_content_type, null, null, ''text/plain'', null, null, null ); -- get the latest revision of the old item select latest_revision into v_old_revision_id from cr_items where item_id = copy2__item_id; -- copy the latest revision (if any) to the new item if v_old_revision_id is not null then v_new_revision_id := content_revision__copy ( v_old_revision_id, null, v_item_id, copy2__creation_user, copy2__creation_ip ); end if; end if; end if; end if; end if; end if; return v_item_id; end;' language 'plpgsql'; -- function get_latest_revision create function content_item__get_latest_revision (integer) returns integer as ' declare get_latest_revision__item_id alias for $1; v_revision_id integer; v_rec record; begin for v_rec in select r.revision_id from cr_revisions r, acs_objects o where r.revision_id = o.object_id and r.item_id = get_latest_revision__item_id order by o.creation_date desc LOOP v_revision_id := v_rec.revision_id; exit; end LOOP; if NOT FOUND then return null; end if; return v_revision_id; end;' language 'plpgsql'; -- function get_best_revision create function content_item__get_best_revision (integer) returns integer as ' declare get_best_revision__item_id alias for $1; v_revision_id cr_revisions.revision_id%TYPE; begin select coalesce(live_revision, latest_revision ) into v_revision_id from cr_items where item_id = get_best_revision__item_id; if NOT FOUND then return null; end if; return v_revision_id; end;' language 'plpgsql'; -- function get_title create function content_item__get_title (integer,boolean) returns varchar as ' declare get_title__item_id alias for $1; get_title__is_live alias for $2; v_title cr_revisions.title%TYPE; v_content_type cr_items.content_type%TYPE; begin select content_type into v_content_type from cr_items where item_id = get_title__item_id; if v_content_type = ''content_folder'' then select label into v_title from cr_folders where folder_id = get_title__item_id; else if v_content_type = ''content_symlink'' then select label into v_title from cr_symlinks where symlink_id = get_title__item_id; else if get_title__is_live then select title into v_title from cr_revisions r, cr_items i where i.item_id = get_title__item_id and r.revision_id = i.live_revision; else select title into v_title from cr_revisions r, cr_items i where i.item_id = get_title__item_id and r.revision_id = i.latest_revision; end if; end if; end if; return v_title; end;' language 'plpgsql'; -- function get_publish_date create function content_item__get_publish_date (integer,boolean) returns timestamp as ' declare get_publish_date__item_id alias for $1; get_publish_date__is_live alias for $2; v_revision_id cr_revisions.revision_id%TYPE; v_publish_date cr_revisions.publish_date%TYPE; begin if get_publish_date__is_live then select publish_date into v_publish_date from cr_revisions r, cr_items i where i.item_id = get_publish_date__item_id and r.revision_id = i.live_revision; else select publish_date into v_publish_date from cr_revisions r, cr_items i where i.item_id = get_publish_date__item_id and r.revision_id = i.latest_revision; end if; if NOT FOUND then return null; end if; return v_publish_date; end;' language 'plpgsql'; -- function is_subclass create function content_item__is_subclass (varchar,varchar) returns boolean as ' declare is_subclass__object_type alias for $1; is_subclass__supertype alias for $2; v_subclass_p boolean; v_inherit_val record; begin v_subclass_p := ''f''; -- select -- object_type -- from -- acs_object_types -- connect by -- prior object_type = supertype -- start with -- object_type = is_subclass__supertype for v_inherit_val in select object_type from acs_object_types where tree_sortkey like (select object_type || ''%'' from acs_object_types where object_type = is_subclass__supertype) order by tree_sortkey LOOP if v_inherit_val.object_type = is_subclass__object_type then v_subclass_p := ''t''; end if; end loop; return v_subclass_p; end;' language 'plpgsql'; -- function relate create function content_item__relate (integer,integer,varchar,integer,varchar) returns integer as ' declare relate__item_id alias for $1; relate__object_id alias for $2; relate__relation_tag alias for $3; relate__order_n alias for $4; relate__relation_type alias for $5; v_content_type cr_items.content_type%TYPE; v_object_type acs_objects.object_type%TYPE; v_is_valid integer; v_rel_id integer; v_exists integer; v_order_n cr_item_rels.order_n%TYPE; begin -- check the relationship is valid v_content_type := content_item__get_content_type (relate__item_id); v_object_type := content_item__get_content_type (relate__object_id); select count(1) into v_is_valid from cr_type_relations where content_item__is_subclass( v_object_type, target_type ) = ''t'' and content_item__is_subclass( v_content_type, content_type ) = ''t''; if v_is_valid = 0 then raise EXCEPTION ''-20000: There is no registered relation type matching this item relation.''; end if; if relate__item_id != relate__object_id then -- check that these two items are not related already --dbms_output.put_line( ''checking if the items are already related...''); select rel_id, 1 as v_exists into v_rel_id, v_exists from cr_item_rels where item_id = relate__item_id and related_object_id = relate__object_id and relation_tag = relate__relation_tag; if NOT FOUND then v_exists := 0; end if; -- if order_n is null, use rel_id (the order the item was related) if relate__order_n is null then v_order_n := v_rel_id; else v_order_n := relate__order_n; end if; -- if relationship does not exist, create it if v_exists <> 1 then --dbms_output.put_line( ''creating new relationship...''); v_rel_id := acs_object__new( null, relate__relation_type, now(), null, null, relate__item_id ); insert into cr_item_rels ( rel_id, item_id, related_object_id, order_n, relation_tag ) values ( v_rel_id, relate__item_id, relate__object_id, v_order_n, coalesce(relate__relation_tag,'''') ); -- if relationship already exists, update it else --dbms_output.put_line( ''updating existing relationship...''); update cr_item_rels set relation_tag = relate__relation_tag, order_n = v_order_n where rel_id = v_rel_id; end if; end if; return v_rel_id; end;' language 'plpgsql'; -- procedure unrelate create function content_item__unrelate (integer) returns integer as ' declare unrelate__rel_id alias for $1; begin -- delete the relation object PERFORM acs_rel__delete(unrelate__rel_id); -- delete the row from the cr_item_rels table delete from cr_item_rels where rel_id = unrelate__rel_id; return 0; end;' language 'plpgsql'; -- function is_index_page create function content_item__is_index_page (integer,integer) returns boolean as ' declare is_index_page__item_id alias for $1; is_index_page__folder_id alias for $2; begin if content_folder__get_index_page(is_index_page__folder_id) = is_index_page__item_id then return ''t''; else return ''f''; end if; end;' language 'plpgsql'; -- function get_parent_folder create function content_item__get_parent_folder (integer) returns integer as ' declare get_parent_folder__item_id alias for $1; v_folder_id cr_folders.folder_id%TYPE; v_parent_folder_p boolean default ''f''; begin while NOT v_parent_folder_p LOOP select parent_id, content_folder__is_folder(parent_id) into v_folder_id, v_parent_folder_p from cr_items where item_id = get_parent_folder__item_id; if NOT FOUND then return null; end if; end loop; return v_folder_id; end;' language 'plpgsql'; -- show errors -- Trigger to maintain context_id in acs_objects create function cr_items_update_tr () returns opaque as ' begin if new.parent_id <> old.parent_id then update acs_objects set context_id = new.parent_id where object_id = new.item_id; end if; return new; end;' language 'plpgsql'; create trigger cr_items_update_tr after update on cr_items for each row execute procedure cr_items_update_tr (); -- show errors -- Trigger to maintain publication audit trail create function cr_items_publish_update_tr () returns opaque as ' begin if new.live_revision <> old.live_revision or new.publish_status <> old.publish_status then insert into cr_item_publish_audit ( item_id, old_revision, new_revision, old_status, new_status, publish_date ) values ( new.item_id, old.live_revision, new.live_revision, coalesce(old.publish_status,''''), coalesce(new.publish_status,''''), now() ); end if; return new; end;' language 'plpgsql'; create trigger cr_items_publish_update_tr before update on cr_items for each row execute procedure cr_items_publish_update_tr (); -- show errors