select product_id from ec_products where active_p = 't' select i2.product_id as correlated_product_id, count(*) as n_product_occurrences from ec_items i2, ec_products p where i2.order_id in (select o2.order_id from ec_orders o2 where o2.user_id in (select user_id from ec_orders o where o.order_id in (select i.order_id from ec_items i where product_id = :product_id))) and i2.product_id = p.product_id and p.active_p = 't' and i2.product_id <> :product_id group by i2.product_id order by n_product_occurrences desc select count(*) from ec_product_purchase_comb where product_id = :product_id insert into ec_product_purchase_comb (product_id, [join $insert_cols ", "]) values (:product_id, [join $insert_vals ", "]) update ec_product_purchase_comb set [join $update_items ", "] where product_id = :product_id update ec_orders set order_state = 'failed_authorization' where order_id = :order_id update ec_financial_transactions set failed_p = 't' where transaction_id = :transaction_id update ec_financial_transactions set failed_p = 't', to_be_captured_p = 'f' where transaction_id = :transaction_id update ec_gift_certificates set gift_certificate_state = 'failed_authorization' where gift_certificate_id = :gift_certificate_id select order_id from ec_orders o where order_state = 'authorized' and (0 = (select count(*) from ec_automatic_email_log log where log.order_id = o.order_id and email_template_id = 1)) select gift_certificate_id from ec_gift_certificates g where gift_certificate_state = 'authorized' and (0 = (select count(*) from ec_automatic_email_log log where log.gift_certificate_id = g.gift_certificate_id and email_template_id = 4)) select gift_certificate_id from ec_gift_certificates g where gift_certificate_state = 'authorized' and (0 = (select count(*) from ec_automatic_email_log log where log.gift_certificate_id = g.gift_certificate_id and email_template_id = 5)) select order_id from ec_orders where order_state = 'failed_authorization' update ec_orders set order_state = 'in_basket', saved_p = 't' where order_id = :order_id update ec_financial_transactions set failed_p = 't' where transaction_id = :transaction_id select f.transaction_id, f.order_id, f.transaction_amount, f.to_be_captured_date, p.first_names || ' ' || p.last_name as card_name, c.creditcard_number as card_number, substring(creditcard_expire for 2) as card_exp_month, substring(creditcard_expire from 4 for 2) as card_exp_year, c.creditcard_type, a.zip_code as billing_zip, a.line1 as billing_address, as billing_city, coalesce(a.usps_abbrev, a.full_state_name) as billing_state, a.country_code as billing_country from ec_financial_transactions f, ec_creditcards c, persons p, ec_addresses a where to_be_captured_p = 't' and marked_date is null and f.failed_p = 'f' and f.creditcard_id = c.creditcard_id and c.user_id = p.person_id and c.billing_address = a.address_id update ec_financial_transactions set failed_p = 't' where transaction_id = :transaction_id