test commit with arjun w/o dotlrn group for real this time Templating ---------- - You CANNOT nest the tag in a single template. Use the tag instead. Pass in the necessary vars. Somebody made a patch to nest multiples, but it's not in the tree yet (as of 2/16/02). - in tags, you can pass a datasource (i.e. a ) using the "&=" notation. E.g. from /new-portal/www/place-element.adp PL/SQL ------ - You can't have a package with the same name as a table! If you do this you get "ORA-00955: name is already used by an existing object" errors - Always use fully qualified argument names in procs and funcs: e.g. in a func named "new" with args "package_id" and "content" insert into static_portal_content (package_id, content) values (new.package_id, new.content);