<% # @author Miguel Marin (miguelmarin@viaro.net) # @author Viaro Networks www.viaro.net # @creation-date 2005-08-16 # # Displays all filters as a select box to save space, also # has a javascript to manage filters that are of type multival # # USAGE: # # # # # NOTE: to use the multival filter you need to specify it in the # template::list::create in the filters section like this: # # -filters { # filter_name { # label "Filter Label" # type multival # values { {first_value 1 } {second_value 2} } # where_clause { filter_where_cluse } # } # } # - The receiving page variable must be of the type :multiple # since the filter sends the values in the following way: # filter_name=filter_value&filter_name=filter_value&....&extra_variables=extra_values %> template::add_body_script -script { function getSelectedValues (select_name, filter_url, filter_name) { var r = new Array(); url = getPageURL(filter_url); extra_vars = getExtraVars( filter_name, filter_url); // We get all the values of the selected options for the filter // using the filter name. for (var i = 0; i < select_name.options.length; i++) if (select_name.options[i].selected) { // Since the filter values is the whole url then we need to split it var value_array = (select_name.options[i].value).split(filter_name+'='); if ( (value_array[1]).search('&') == -1 ) { // The variables part has only the filter value r[r.length] = value_array[1]; } else { // The variables part has more variables so we // split to get only the filter value filter_array = (value_array[1]).split('&'); r[r.length] = filter_array[0]; } } if (extra_vars.length > 0 ) { // There are extra variables, so we send then using along with the filter value return (url+'?'+filter_name+'='+r.join('&'+filter_name+'=')+'&'+extra_vars); } else { // Just send the filter value return (url+'?'+filter_name+'='+r.join('&'+filter_name+'=')); } } function getExtraVars (filter_name, filter_url) { var r = new Array(); // Take the variables of the url only url_array = filter_url.split("?"); variables = url_array[1]; // Split all variables by "&" var_array = variables.split("&"); // We store only the varaibles that are not equal to // the filter name for ( var i = 0; i < var_array.length; i++) if ( var_array[i].search(filter_name) == -1) r[r.length] = var_array[i]; // We return the variables joined by "&" return r.join("&"); } function getPageURL (filter_url) { // Get the part of the location of the url var filter_array = filter_url.split("?"); var url = filter_array[0]; return url; } }
@filters.filter_label@ (clear)
template::add_event_listener -id "list-filter-$filters(rownum)" -event change -script { window.location = this.options[this.selectedIndex].value; }