-- Create the necessary data model and ACS relationships for the ACS Core UI. -- -- @author Hiro Iwashima (iwashima@mit.edu) -- -- @creation-date 28 August 2000 -- -- @cvs-id $Id: acs-subsite-create.sql,v 1.6 2005/02/08 17:24:45 andrewg Exp $ -- -- create table email_image_rel_ext ( -- rel_id integer constraint email_image_rel_ext_fk references acs_rels(rel_id) -- constraint email_image_rel_ext primary key -- ); @@ attribute @@ portraits @@ email-image @@ application-groups-create @@ subsite-callbacks-create @@ host-node-map-create @@ user-sc-create @@ site-node-selection -- This view lets us avoid using acs_object.name to get party_names. -- create or replace view party_names as select p.party_id, decode(groups.group_id, null, decode(persons.person_id, null, p.email, persons.first_names || ' ' || persons.last_name), groups.group_name) as party_name from parties p, groups, persons where p.party_id = groups.group_id(+) and p.party_id = persons.person_id(+);