How to Update the repository

  1. Setup a local OpenACS server running 5.0 or better.

  2. Edit packages/acs-admin/www/apm/build-repository.tcl and adjust the Configuration Settings.

  3. Request /acs-admin/apm/build-repository on your new server.

    1. The page will find all branches in the cvs repository labeled oacs-x-y, and build a repository channel for each of those branches where x>=5 (so not for 4.6 and earlier). It will also build a channel for HEAD, which will be named after what you set in 'head_channel' above.

    2. For each channel, it'll do an anonymous checkout of packges and contrib/packages, then build .apm files for each package in the checkout.

    3. The files will be stored on the server's hard drive in the directory specified by the 'repository_dir' variable in the page script, by default "[acs_root_dir]/www/repository/".

  4. If you're on, everything should now be fine. Otherwise, you need to move the entire directory tree to, replacing what was already there.

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