<% # # Copyright (C) 2001, 2002 MIT # # This file is part of dotLRN. # # dotLRN is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the # terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software # Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later # version. # # dotLRN is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY # WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS # FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more # details. # %> dotLRN Help

Editing Personal Information | Joining/Dropping Groups | Requesting a New Group | Sending Bulk Email | Modifying Your Forum Email Alerts| Additional Help

Editing Personal Information
You can change your personal information at any time. This enables you to protect your password, correct or change your full name, publish a URL for a your website, and change your login name/email address. If you do not keep this login name the same as your current email address or a forwarding address, you will not receive group emails and forum alerts from SloanSpace.

To Change Password:

  • Login and go to your Control Panel page
  • If you do not have a personal portal, click on the Help icon in the group banner to get to your Control Panel.
  • Click on "Change My Password"
  • Enter your new password twice and click "Update."

    To change personal information:

  • Login and go to your Control Panel page
  • If you do not have a personal portal, click on the Help icon in the group banner to get to your Control Panel.
  • Click on "Edit My Personal Information"
  • Edit your full name, your email address (which also changes your login name to the system) and/or your personal URL.
  • Click "Update."

    Joining/Dropping Groups
    There are three types of groups: classes, communities and subgroups (of classes and communities). Limited Access users (non-affiliated) cannot join or drop groups.

    To join/drop classes and communities:

  • Go to your personal Home page, MySpace.
  • Click on "Join/Drop a Class or Community Group" in the Groups portlet.
  • On the top of the page, you will see the list of your current class and community memberships.
  • Beside each group name is a "Drop Membership" icon.
  • Scroll down the page to view the list of open classes and communities.
  • Join any one by clicking on the join icon to the right of the group name.
  • Some groups have an approval process. For those, the link is called "Request Membership."
  • An email will be sent to the group administrator who will approve/disapprove your request and reply to you.

    To join/drop subgroups:

  • Since subgroups are subsets of groups, their memberships are handled within the groups.
  • Go to your personal Home page, MySpace.
  • Go to the class or community through the link in the Groups portlet.
  • Locate the Subgroups portlet on the class or community portal pages.
  • Click the "Join/Drop a Subgroup" link.
  • Click the "join" or "drop" link next to the desired subgroup.
  • Your membership status will change when the page reloads.
  • Then, return to the Subgroup Home page or MySpace to continue.

    Requesting a New Class or Community
    The Site Wide Administrator handles class and community requests.

    To request a new class or to copy and reuse a class from a previous semester:
    Send email to sloanspace_help@sloan.mit.edu. For a new class, include the class number, class title, professor(s), teaching assistants and course assistants. You will be notified by email when the shell is created. To copy and reuse a class, you need only email sloanspace_help@sloan.mit.edu with the number, name and previous semester of the course. Include professor, teaching assistant and course assistant information if any of that has changed. The "recycled" class will contain all old content, but the student list will be cleared.

    To request a new community:
    Send email to sloanspace-help@sloan.mit.edu. Include the name of the community, a brief description of its purpose, the faculty or staff sponsor, the name(s) of any persons who will need to be administrators of this community. You will be notified by email when the community shell has been created.

    Bulk Mail
    Class and community administrators can send group emails through the group Control Panel page. If enabled, class and community members can send group emails through the "Email Members" links on the user Control Panel page.

    To send a group email:

  • For admins, go to group Control Panel and click "New Bulk Mail."
  • For students in classes, go to the Staff List portlet and click on Member List.
  • Click "Email Members."
  • Select roles to email: Members or Administrators.
  • Fill out subject heading and enter message.
  • Select Send date and time and click "Submit."
  • Review the message and click "Confirm."
  • The email is sent to all members with the role chosen. Group admins can view the bulk mail history from the group Control Panel page.

    Modifying Your Forum Email Alerts
    You can subscribe and unsubscribe to email alerts for any forum open to you through the "Edit My Forum Email Alerts" link on the user Control Panel page. Limited Access users can access their Control Panel through the Help icon in the group banner.

    Additional Help
    If your specific question is not answered here, consult the User or Admin Handbooks located in the file storage area of the STS-Sloanwide community. If you still cannot find the answer to your question or problem, email the Site Wide Administrator at sloanspace-help@sloan.mit.edu.