select oo.organization_id as customer_id, as customer_name, o.amount_total, to_char(ao.creation_date, 'YYYY-MM-DD') as creation_date from organizations oo, iv_offers o, cr_items i, acs_objects ao, acs_objects oar, group_member_map m, (select min(o2.offer_id) as offer_id, o2.organization_id from iv_offers o2, cr_items i2 where o2.offer_id = i2.latest_revision and o2.accepted_date is not null and o2.amount_total > 1 group by o2.organization_id) sub where o.organization_id = oo.organization_id and ao.object_id = i.item_id and o.offer_id = i.latest_revision and o.organization_id = sub.organization_id and o.offer_id = sub.offer_id and m.member_id = oo.organization_id and m.container_id = :customer_group_id and oar.object_id = m.rel_id and oar.creation_date > to_timestamp(:first_date, 'YYYY-MM-DD') [template::list::filter_where_clauses -and -name "reports"] [template::list::orderby_clause -name reports -orderby]