--/** This package is used to manipulate the publishing workflow for CMS -- @author Michael Pih --*/ create or replace package content_workflow as function is_overdue ( --/** Determines if the workflow task is overdue -- @author Michael Pih -- @param task_id The task id -- @return 't' if the deadline > sysdate, 'f' otherwise --*/ v_task_id in wf_tasks.task_id%TYPE ) return char; function is_overdue ( --/** Determines if the workflow transition (task) is overdue -- @author Michael Pih -- @param case_id The case id -- @param transition_key The transition key -- @return 't' if the deadline > sysdate, 'f' otherwise --*/ case_id in wf_cases.case_id%TYPE, transition_key in wf_transitions.transition_key%TYPE ) return char; function get_holding_user_name( --/** Gets the name of the user who is currently holding this task -- @author Michael Pih -- @param task_id The task id -- @return name of the user who holds the task, otherwise NULL --*/ v_task_id in wf_tasks.task_id%TYPE ) return varchar2; function get_first_place --/** Gets the first place in the workflow (determined by sort order) -- @author Michael Pih -- @return the first place in the workflow --*/ return wf_places.place_key%TYPE; function get_this_place( --/** Gets the current place in the workflow given the current transition -- @author Michael Pih -- @param transition_key The transition -- @return the current place in the workflow --*/ transition_key in wf_transitions.transition_key%TYPE ) return wf_places.place_key%TYPE; function get_next_place( --/** Gets the next place given a transition key (determined by sort order). -- Throws an error if there is no next place. -- @author Michael Pih -- @param transition_key The transition -- @return the next place in the workflow --*/ transition_key in wf_transitions.transition_key%TYPE ) return wf_places.place_key%TYPE; function get_previous_place( --/** Gets the previous place given a transition key -- (determined by sort order). -- Throws an error if there is no previous place. -- @author Michael Pih -- @param transition_key The transition -- @return the previous place in the workflow --*/ transition_key in wf_transitions.transition_key%TYPE ) return wf_places.place_key%TYPE; procedure checkout ( --/** Checks out a task -- @author Michael Pih -- @param task_id The task_id -- @param hold_timeout How long the user expects to hold this task -- @param user_id The user checking out the task -- @param ip_address The user's IP address (for auditing) -- @param msg Comments concerning checkout --*/ task_id in wf_tasks.task_id%TYPE, hold_timeout in wf_tasks.hold_timeout%TYPE default null, user_id in acs_objects.creation_user%TYPE, ip_address in acs_objects.creation_ip%TYPE, msg in varchar ); procedure checkin ( --/** Checks in a task that the user is holding. Throws an error -- if the task is not checked out already or if the task is checked -- out by another user. -- @author Michael Pih -- @param task_id The task_id -- @param user_id The user checking in the task -- @param ip_address The IP address of the user -- @param msg Comment associated with checking the task in --*/ task_id in wf_tasks.task_id%TYPE, user_id in acs_objects.creation_user%TYPE, ip_address in acs_objects.creation_ip%TYPE, msg in varchar ); procedure approve( --/** Finish a task -- @author Michael Pih -- @param task_id The task_id -- @param user_id The user finishing the task -- @param ip_address The user's IP address (for auditing) -- @param msg Comments concerning finishing the task --*/ task_id in wf_tasks.task_id%TYPE, user_id in acs_objects.creation_user%TYPE, ip_address in acs_objects.creation_ip%TYPE, msg in varchar ); procedure reject( --/** Finish a task -- @author Michael Pih -- @param task_id The task_id -- @param user_id The user finishing the task -- @param ip_address The user's IP address (for auditing) -- @param transition_key The transition the user wants to fall back to -- @param msg Comments concerning finishing the task --*/ task_id in wf_tasks.task_id%TYPE, user_id in acs_objects.creation_user%TYPE, ip_address in acs_objects.creation_ip%TYPE, transition_key in wf_transitions.transition_key%TYPE, msg in varchar ); procedure notify_of_checkout( --/** Helper procedure. -- Fires notifications after stealing the lock on a task -- @author Michael Pih -- @param task_id The task_id -- @param holding_user_old The user finishing the task -- @param holding_user_new The user's IP address (for auditing) -- @param msg Comments concerning stealing the task --*/ task_id in wf_tasks.task_id%TYPE, holding_user_old in wf_tasks.holding_user%TYPE, holding_user_new in wf_tasks.holding_user%TYPE, msg in varchar ); function can_reject( --/** Returns 't' if a task is rejectable by the user. -- Otherwise returns 'f' -- @author Michael Pih -- @param task_id The task_id -- @param user_id The user_id -- @return 't' if the task can be rejected, 'f' otherwise --*/ task_id in wf_tasks.task_id%TYPE, user_id in wf_tasks.holding_user%TYPE ) return char; function can_approve( --/** Returns 't' if a task is approvable by the user. -- Otherwise returns 'f' -- @author Michael Pih -- @param task_id The task_id -- @param user_id The user_id -- @return 't' if the task can be approved, 'f' otherwise --*/ task_id in wf_tasks.task_id%TYPE, user_id in wf_tasks.holding_user%TYPE ) return char; function can_start( --/** Returns 't' if a task can be checked out by the user. -- Otherwise returns 'f' -- @author Michael Pih -- @param task_id The task_id -- @param user_id The user_id -- @return 't' if the task can be started, 'f' otherwise --*/ task_id in wf_tasks.task_id%TYPE, user_id in wf_tasks.holding_user%TYPE ) return char; function approve_string( --/** If the task is approvable, returns 'Approve' or if it is the first -- task, then 'Finish'. Otherwise returns null. -- @author Michael Pih -- @param task_id The task_id -- @param user_id The user_id -- @return 'Approve','Finish' or null --*/ task_id in wf_tasks.task_id%TYPE, user_id in wf_tasks.holding_user%TYPE ) return varchar2; function count_finished_tasks( --/** Gets the number of finished tasks for a given case. -- @author Michael Pih -- @param case_id The case_id -- @return the number of finished tasks for a given case --*/ case_id in wf_cases.case_id%TYPE ) return integer; function count_unfinished_tasks( --/** Gets the number of unfinished tasks for a given case -- @author Michael Pih -- @param case_id The case_id -- @return the number of unfinished tasks for a given case --*/ case_id in wf_cases.case_id%TYPE ) return integer; function is_active ( --/** Determines whether a case transition is active -- @author Michael Pih -- @param case_id The case_id -- @param transition_key The transition -- @return 't' id that case transition is active, 'f' otherwise --*/ case_id in wf_cases.case_id%TYPE, transition_key in wf_transitions.transition_key%TYPE ) return char; function is_finished ( --/** Determines whether a case transition is finished -- @author Michael Pih -- @param case_id The case_id -- @param transition_key The transition -- @return 't' id that case transition is finished, 'f' otherwise --*/ case_id in wf_cases.case_id%TYPE, transition_key in wf_transitions.transition_key%TYPE ) return char; function is_checked_out ( --/** Determines whether a case transition is checked out -- @author Michael Pih -- @param case_id The case_id -- @param transition_key The transition -- @return 't' id that case transition is checked out, 'f' otherwise --*/ case_id in wf_cases.case_id%TYPE, transition_key in wf_transitions.transition_key%TYPE ) return char; function is_checked_out ( --/** Determines whether a case transition is checked out by a certain user -- @author Michael Pih -- @param case_id The case_id -- @param transition_key The transition -- @param user_id The user -- @return 't' id that case transition is checked out by the specified -- user, 'f' otherwise --*/ case_id in wf_cases.case_id%TYPE, transition_key in wf_transitions.transition_key%TYPE, user_id in wf_tasks.holding_user%TYPE ) return char; function get_status( --/** Gets the status of the task. -- @author Michael Pih -- @param case_id The case_id -- @param transition_key The transition -- @return HTML-formatted status of the task, null otherwise --*/ case_id in wf_cases.case_id%TYPE, transition_key in wf_transitions.transition_key%TYPE ) return varchar2; function can_touch ( --/** Returns 't' if a user has permission to touch an item -- @author Michael Pih -- @param item_id The item -- @param user_id The user -- @return 't' if a user has permission to touch an item, 'f' otherwise -- An item is touchable if: -- 1) the user has admin privileges on the -- 2) a workflow exists, current task assigned to user, and -- the task is not checked out --*/ item_id in cr_items.item_id%TYPE, user_id in users.user_id%TYPE ) return char; function unfinished_workflow_exists ( --/** Returns 't' if an unfinished (not cancelled) workflow exists -- otherwise returns 'f' -- @author Michael Pih -- @param item_id The item -- @return 't' if a workflow case exists and is not in the 'finished' or -- 'canceled' state --*/ item_id in cr_items.item_id%TYPE ) return char; end content_workflow; / show errors create or replace package body content_workflow as function is_overdue( v_task_id in wf_tasks.task_id%TYPE ) return char is v_overdue_p char; begin select 't' into v_overdue_p from wf_tasks t, wf_case_deadlines dead where t.task_id = v_task_id and t.case_id = dead.case_id and t.transition_key = dead.transition_key and t.workflow_key = dead.workflow_key and dead.deadline is not null and dead.deadline < trunc(sysdate); return v_overdue_p; exception when NO_DATA_FOUND then return 'f'; end is_overdue; function is_overdue( case_id in wf_cases.case_id%TYPE, transition_key in wf_transitions.transition_key%TYPE ) return char is v_overdue_p char; begin select 't' into v_overdue_p from wf_case_deadlines dead where case_id = is_overdue.case_id and transition_key = is_overdue.transition_key and deadline is not null and deadline < trunc(sysdate) and content_workflow.is_finished(is_overdue.case_id, is_overdue.transition_key) = 'f'; return v_overdue_p; exception when NO_DATA_FOUND then return 'f'; end is_overdue; function get_holding_user_name( v_task_id in wf_tasks.task_id%TYPE ) return varchar2 is v_name varchar2(100); begin select first_names || ' ' || last_name into v_name from persons p, wf_tasks t where t.holding_user = p.person_id and t.task_id = v_task_id; return v_name; exception when NO_DATA_FOUND then return null; end get_holding_user_name; function get_first_place return wf_places.place_key%TYPE is v_first_place wf_places.place_key%TYPE; begin select place_key into v_first_place from wf_places w where workflow_key = 'publishing_wf' and sort_order = (select min(sort_order) from wf_places where workflow_key = w.workflow_key); return v_first_place; exception when no_data_found then return null; end get_first_place; function get_this_place( transition_key in wf_transitions.transition_key%TYPE ) return wf_places.place_key%TYPE is v_this_place wf_places.place_key%TYPE; begin select place_key into v_this_place from wf_arcs where transition_key = get_this_place.transition_key and workflow_key = 'publishing_wf' and direction = 'in'; return v_this_place; exception when no_data_found then raise_application_error(-20000, 'Bad transition key ' || get_this_place.transition_key ); end get_this_place; function get_next_place( transition_key in wf_transitions.transition_key%TYPE ) return wf_places.place_key%TYPE is v_next_place wf_places.place_key%TYPE; cursor c_places_cur is select there.place_key from wf_places here, wf_places there where here.workflow_key = 'publishing_wf' and here.workflow_key = there.workflow_key and here.place_key = content_workflow.get_this_place( get_next_place.transition_key ) and there.sort_order > here.sort_order order by there.sort_order; begin open c_places_cur; fetch c_places_cur into v_next_place; if c_places_cur%NOTFOUND then close c_places_cur; raise_application_error (-20000, 'content_workflow.get_next_place - No next place - Dead End' ); end if; close c_places_cur; return v_next_place; exception when NO_DATA_FOUND then if c_places_cur%ISOPEN then close c_places_cur; end if; return null; end get_next_place; function get_previous_place( transition_key in wf_transitions.transition_key%TYPE ) return wf_places.place_key%TYPE is v_previous_place wf_places.place_key%TYPE; cursor c_places_cur is select there.place_key from wf_places here, wf_places there where here.workflow_key = 'publishing_wf' and here.workflow_key = there.workflow_key and here.place_key = content_workflow.get_this_place( get_previous_place.transition_key ) and there.sort_order < here.sort_order order by there.sort_order desc; begin open c_places_cur; fetch c_places_cur into v_previous_place; if c_places_cur%NOTFOUND then close c_places_cur; raise_application_error (-20000, 'content_workflow.get_previous_place - No previous place - Dead End' ); end if; close c_places_cur; return v_previous_place; exception when NO_DATA_FOUND then if c_places_cur%ISOPEN then close c_places_cur; end if; return null; end get_previous_place; procedure checkout ( task_id in wf_tasks.task_id%TYPE, hold_timeout in wf_tasks.hold_timeout%TYPE, user_id in acs_objects.creation_user%TYPE, ip_address in acs_objects.creation_ip%TYPE, msg in varchar ) is v_task_state wf_tasks.state%TYPE; v_holding_user wf_tasks.holding_user%TYPE; v_journal_id number; v_transition_key wf_transitions.transition_key%TYPE; v_this_place wf_places.place_key%TYPE; begin -- find out who is holding the task right now select state, holding_user, transition_key into v_task_state, v_holding_user, v_transition_key from wf_tasks where task_id = checkout.task_id; -- someone else has already holds this task -- we need to check in the task as the other person before -- this user can check it out if v_task_state = 'started' and v_holding_user is not null and v_holding_user ^= checkout.user_id then -- need to manually update the state otherwise a new task is created update wf_tasks set state = 'enabled', holding_user = null, hold_timeout = null where task_id = checkout.task_id; v_task_state := 'enabled'; end if; -- actually check out the item -- (start the task but don't change 'next_place') if v_task_state = 'enabled' then v_journal_id := workflow_case.begin_task_action( task_id => checkout.task_id, action => 'start', action_ip => checkout.ip_address, user_id => checkout.user_id, msg => checkout.msg ); v_this_place := content_workflow.get_this_place( v_transition_key ); workflow_case.set_attribute_value( journal_id => v_journal_id, attribute_name => 'next_place', value => v_transition_key ); workflow_case.end_task_action( task_id => checkout.task_id, action => 'start', journal_id => v_journal_id ); -- change the holding user and hold timeout update wf_tasks set hold_timeout = checkout.hold_timeout, holding_user = checkout.user_id where task_id = checkout.task_id; if v_holding_user is not null and v_holding_user ^= checkout.user_id then -- send a notification content_workflow.notify_of_checkout( task_id => checkout.task_id, holding_user_old => v_holding_user, holding_user_new => checkout.user_id, msg => checkout.msg ); end if; else raise_application_error(-20000, 'Cannot check out this task because it''s in an invalid state ' || v_task_state ); end if; end checkout; procedure checkin ( task_id in wf_tasks.task_id%TYPE, user_id in acs_objects.creation_user%TYPE, ip_address in acs_objects.creation_ip%TYPE, msg in varchar ) is v_task_state wf_tasks.state%TYPE; v_holding_user wf_tasks.holding_user%TYPE; v_journal_id number; v_this_place wf_places.place_key%TYPE; v_transition_key wf_transitions.transition_key%TYPE; begin -- find out who is holding the task right now select state, holding_user, transition_key into v_task_state, v_holding_user, v_transition_key from wf_tasks where task_id = checkin.task_id; if v_task_state = 'started' and v_holding_user = checkin.user_id then v_journal_id := workflow_case.begin_task_action( task_id => checkin.task_id, action => 'finish', user_id => checkin.user_id, action_ip => checkin.ip_address, msg => checkin.msg ); v_this_place := content_workflow.get_this_place( v_transition_key ); workflow_case.set_attribute_value( journal_id => v_journal_id, attribute_name => 'next_place', value => v_this_place ); workflow_case.end_task_action( journal_id => v_journal_id, action => 'finish', task_id => checkin.task_id ); elsif v_task_state ^= 'started' then raise_application_error( -20000, 'Cannot chack in this task because it''s in an invalid state ' || v_task_state ); else raise_application_error( -20000, 'Cannot check in this task because user_id ' || user_id || ' is not the holding user' ); end if; end checkin; procedure approve( task_id in wf_tasks.task_id%TYPE, user_id in acs_objects.creation_user%TYPE, ip_address in acs_objects.creation_ip%TYPE, msg in varchar ) is v_task_state wf_tasks.state%TYPE; v_holding_user wf_tasks.holding_user%TYPE; v_journal_id number; v_transition_key wf_transitions.transition_key%TYPE; v_next_place wf_places.place_key%TYPE; begin -- find out who is holding the task right now select state, holding_user, transition_key into v_task_state, v_holding_user, v_transition_key from wf_tasks where task_id = approve.task_id; if v_task_state = 'started' and v_holding_user ^= approve.user_id then raise_application_error( -20000, 'content_workflow.approve - Could not approve task because this task is checked out by someone else ' || v_holding_user ); elsif v_task_state ^= 'started' and v_task_state ^= 'enabled' then raise_application_error( -20000, 'content_workflow.approve - Could not approve task because this task is in an invalid state ' || v_task_state ); -- user is allowed to finish the task else -- we need to checkout the task first if v_task_state = 'enabled' then content_workflow.checkout( task_id => approve.task_id, hold_timeout => null, user_id => approve.user_id, ip_address => approve.ip_address, msg => approve.msg ); end if; v_journal_id := workflow_case.begin_task_action( task_id => approve.task_id, action => 'finish', action_ip => approve.ip_address, user_id => approve.user_id, msg => approve.msg ); v_next_place := content_workflow.get_next_place( transition_key => v_transition_key ); workflow_case.set_attribute_value( journal_id => v_journal_id, attribute_name => 'next_place', value => v_next_place ); workflow_case.end_task_action( task_id => approve.task_id, action => 'finish', journal_id => v_journal_id ); end if; end approve; procedure reject( task_id in wf_tasks.task_id%TYPE, user_id in acs_objects.creation_user%TYPE, ip_address in acs_objects.creation_ip%TYPE, transition_key in wf_transitions.transition_key%TYPE, msg in varchar ) is v_task_state wf_tasks.state%TYPE; v_holding_user wf_tasks.holding_user%TYPE; v_transition_key wf_transitions.transition_key%TYPE; v_journal_id number; v_sanity_check integer; v_previous_place wf_places.place_key%TYPE; begin -- find out who is holding the task right now select state, holding_user, transition_key into v_task_state, v_holding_user, v_transition_key from wf_tasks where task_id = reject.task_id; -- do a quick sanity check -- make sure the desired transition is accessible from this transition select count(1) into v_sanity_check from wf_arcs out, wf_arcs dest where out.workflow_key = 'publishing_wf' and out.workflow_key = dest.workflow_key and out.direction = 'out' and dest.direction = 'in' and out.transition_key = v_transition_key and dest.transition_key = reject.transition_key and reject.transition_key ^= v_transition_key and -- make sure the arcs are connected out.place_key = dest.place_key; if v_sanity_check = 0 then raise_application_error( -20000, 'content_workflow.reject - Sanity check failed - invalid transition: ' || reject.transition_key ); end if; if v_task_state = 'started' and v_holding_user ^= reject.user_id then raise_application_error( -20000, 'content_workflow.reject - Could not reject task because this task is checked out by someone else ' || v_holding_user ); elsif v_task_state ^= 'started' and v_task_state ^= 'enabled' then raise_application_error( -20000, 'content_workflow.approve - Could not reject task because this task is in an invalid state ' || v_task_state ); else -- we need to start this task first if v_task_state = 'enabled' then content_workflow.checkout( task_id => reject.task_id, hold_timeout => null, user_id => reject.user_id, ip_address => reject.ip_address, msg => reject.msg ); end if; -- ok to reject this task v_journal_id := workflow_case.begin_task_action( task_id => reject.task_id, action => 'finish', action_ip => reject.ip_address, user_id => reject.user_id, msg => reject.msg ); v_previous_place := content_workflow.get_this_place( transition_key => reject.transition_key ); workflow_case.set_attribute_value( journal_id => v_journal_id, attribute_name => 'next_place', value => v_previous_place ); workflow_case.end_task_action( task_id => reject.task_id, action => 'finish', journal_id => v_journal_id ); end if; end reject; procedure notify_of_checkout ( task_id in wf_tasks.task_id%TYPE, holding_user_old in wf_tasks.holding_user%TYPE, holding_user_new in wf_tasks.holding_user%TYPE, msg in varchar ) is v_hold_user_old varchar(100); v_hold_user_new varchar(100); v_transition_name wf_transitions.transition_name%TYPE; v_request_id acs_mail_queue_messages.message_id%TYPE; v_item_name varchar(100); begin -- get the robbed users name select first_names || ' ' || last_name into v_hold_user_old from persons where person_id = notify_of_checkout.holding_user_old; -- get the lock stealers name select first_names || ' ' || last_name into v_hold_user_new from persons where person_id = notify_of_checkout.holding_user_new; -- get the item name and transition name select transition_name, content_item.get_title( c.object_id ) into v_transition_name, v_item_name from wf_transitions trans, wf_tasks t, wf_cases c where trans.transition_key = t.transition_key and t.case_id = c.case_id and t.task_id = notify_of_checkout.task_id; -- send out the request v_request_id := acs_mail_nt.post_request ( party_from => notify_of_checkout.holding_user_new, party_to => notify_of_checkout.holding_user_old, expand_group => 'f', subject => v_hold_user_new || ' stole the lock for ' || v_transition_name || ' of ' || v_item_name, message => 'Dear ' || v_hold_user_old || ',\n' || notify_of_checkout.msg ); end notify_of_checkout; function can_reject( task_id in wf_tasks.task_id%TYPE, user_id in wf_tasks.holding_user%TYPE ) return char is v_transition_key wf_transitions.transition_key%TYPE; v_can_reject char(1); begin select 't' into v_can_reject from wf_tasks where task_id = can_reject.task_id and workflow_key = 'publishing_wf' and (state = 'enabled' or (state = 'started' and holding_user = can_reject.user_id)) and content_workflow.get_this_place(transition_key) ^= content_workflow.get_first_place; return v_can_reject; exception when NO_DATA_FOUND then return 'f'; end can_reject; function can_approve( task_id in wf_tasks.task_id%TYPE, user_id in wf_tasks.holding_user%TYPE ) return char is v_can_approve char(1); begin select 't' into v_can_approve from wf_tasks where (state = 'enabled' or (state = 'started' and holding_user = can_approve.user_id)) and task_id = can_approve.task_id and workflow_key = 'publishing_wf'; return v_can_approve; exception when NO_DATA_FOUND then return 'f'; end can_approve; function can_start( task_id in wf_tasks.task_id%TYPE, user_id in wf_tasks.holding_user%TYPE ) return char is v_can_start char(1); begin select 't' into v_can_start from wf_tasks where (state = 'enabled' or (state = 'started' and holding_user ^= can_start.user_id)) and task_id = can_start.task_id and workflow_key = 'publishing_wf'; return v_can_start; exception when NO_DATA_FOUND then return 'f'; end can_start; function approve_string( task_id in wf_tasks.task_id%TYPE, user_id in wf_tasks.holding_user%TYPE ) return varchar2 is v_transition_key wf_transitions.transition_key%TYPE; v_approve_string varchar(10); begin if content_workflow.can_approve( approve_string.task_id, approve_string.user_id ) = 't' then select transition_key into v_transition_key from wf_tasks where task_id = approve_string.task_id; if content_workflow.get_this_place( v_transition_key ) = content_workflow.get_first_place then v_approve_string := 'Finish'; else v_approve_string := 'Approve'; end if; else v_approve_string := null; end if; return v_approve_string; exception when NO_DATA_FOUND then return null; end approve_string; function count_finished_tasks( case_id in wf_cases.case_id%TYPE ) return integer is v_already_finished_tasks integer; begin select count(before.place_key) into v_already_finished_tasks from ( select p.sort_order from wf_tasks t, wf_places p where t.workflow_key = 'publishing_wf' and t.workflow_key = p.workflow_key and p.place_key = content_workflow.get_this_place( t.transition_key ) and -- active task t.state in ('enabled', 'started') and t.case_id = count_finished_tasks.case_id ) here, wf_places before where before.workflow_key = 'publishing_wf' and -- earlier transitions (tasks that have already been completed) before.sort_order < here.sort_order; return v_already_finished_tasks; exception when NO_DATA_FOUND then return 0; end count_finished_tasks; function count_unfinished_tasks( case_id in wf_cases.case_id%TYPE ) return integer is v_unfinished_tasks integer; v_already_finished_tasks integer; v_all_tasks integer; begin select count(transition_key) into v_all_tasks from wf_transitions where workflow_key = 'publishing_wf'; v_already_finished_tasks := content_workflow.count_finished_tasks( case_id => count_unfinished_tasks.case_id ); v_unfinished_tasks := v_all_tasks - v_already_finished_tasks; return v_unfinished_tasks; exception when NO_DATA_FOUND then return 0; end count_unfinished_tasks; function is_active ( case_id in wf_cases.case_id%TYPE, transition_key in wf_transitions.transition_key%TYPE ) return char is v_unfinished_count integer; begin select count(task_id) into v_unfinished_count from wf_tasks where transition_key = is_active.transition_key and case_id = is_active.case_id and state in ('started','enabled'); if v_unfinished_count > 0 then return 't'; else return 'f'; end if; end is_active; function is_finished ( case_id in wf_cases.case_id%TYPE, transition_key in wf_transitions.transition_key%TYPE ) return char is cursor c_already_finished_tasks is select trans.transition_key from wf_transitions trans, wf_places here, wf_places there, wf_tasks t where trans.workflow_key = 'publishing_wf' and here.workflow_key = there.workflow_key and here.workflow_key = trans.workflow_key and -- the task belongs to this case t.case_id = is_finished.case_id and -- the task is active t.state in ('enabled','started') and -- here is the place the case is currently at here.place_key = content_workflow.get_this_place(t.transition_key) and -- there is the place we're checking if it's finished there.place_key = content_workflow.get_this_place( trans.transition_key) and -- there needs to be done before here -- (sort order determines task order) there.sort_order < here.sort_order; begin for v_finished_task in c_already_finished_tasks loop -- check if this task has already been finished if is_finished.transition_key = v_finished_task.transition_key then return 't'; end if; end loop; return 'f'; end is_finished; function is_checked_out ( case_id in wf_cases.case_id%TYPE, transition_key in wf_transitions.transition_key%TYPE ) return char is v_checkout_count integer; begin select count(*) into v_checkout_count from wf_tasks t where workflow_key = 'publishing_wf' and case_id = is_checked_out.case_id and transition_key = is_checked_out.transition_key and state = 'started'; if v_checkout_count > 0 then return 't'; else return 'f'; end if; end is_checked_out; function is_checked_out ( case_id in wf_cases.case_id%TYPE, transition_key in wf_transitions.transition_key%TYPE, user_id in wf_tasks.holding_user%TYPE ) return char is v_checkout_count integer; begin select count(task_id) into v_checkout_count from wf_tasks t where workflow_key = 'publishing_wf' and case_id = is_checked_out.case_id and transition_key = is_checked_out.transition_key and state = 'started' and holding_user = is_checked_out.user_id; if v_checkout_count > 0 then return 't'; else return 'f'; end if; end is_checked_out; function get_status( case_id in wf_cases.case_id%TYPE, transition_key in wf_transitions.transition_key%TYPE ) return varchar2 is v_status varchar(1000); v_state wf_tasks.state%TYPE; v_holding_user wf_tasks.holding_user%TYPE; v_hold_timeout wf_tasks.hold_timeout%TYPE; v_enabled_date wf_tasks.enabled_date%TYPE; v_started_date wf_tasks.started_date%TYPE; begin select state, holding_user, hold_timeout, enabled_date, started_date into v_state, v_holding_user, v_hold_timeout, v_enabled_date, v_started_date from wf_tasks where transition_key = get_status.transition_key and case_id = get_status.case_id and state in ('enabled','started'); v_status := ''; if v_state = 'started' then v_status := v_status || ''; end if; v_status := v_status || '
Activated on ' || to_char(v_enabled_date,'Mon. DD, YYYY HH24:MI:SS') || '
Checked Out by ' || person.name(v_holding_user) || ' on ' || to_char(v_started_date,'Mon. DD, YYYY HH24:MI:SS') || ' until ' || to_char(v_hold_timeout,'Mon. DD, YYYY') || '
'; return v_status; exception when NO_DATA_FOUND then return null; end get_status; function can_touch ( item_id in cr_items.item_id%TYPE, user_id in users.user_id%TYPE ) return char is v_workflow_count integer; v_task_count integer; begin -- cm_admin has highest precedence if content_permission.permission_p( can_touch.item_id, can_touch.user_id, 'cm_item_workflow' ) = 't' then return 't'; end if; select count(case_id) into v_workflow_count from wf_cases where object_id = can_touch.item_id; -- workflow must exist if v_workflow_count = 0 then return 'f'; end if; select count(task_id) into v_task_count from wf_user_tasks t, wf_cases c where t.case_id = c.case_id and c.workflow_key = 'publishing_wf' and c.state = 'active' and c.object_id = can_touch.item_id and ( t.state = 'enabled' or ( t.state = 'started' and t.holding_user = can_touch.user_id )) and t.user_id = can_touch.user_id; -- is the user assigned a current task on this item if v_task_count = 0 then return 'f'; else return 't'; end if; end can_touch; function unfinished_workflow_exists ( item_id in cr_items.item_id%TYPE ) return char is v_wf_count integer; begin select count(*) into v_wf_count from wf_cases where object_id = unfinished_workflow_exists.item_id and workflow_key = 'publishing_wf' and state in ('active', 'created', 'suspended'); if v_wf_count > 0 then return 't'; else return 'f'; end if; end unfinished_workflow_exists; end content_workflow; / show errors