SELECT s.section_id, as section_name, s.title as section_title, s.description as section_description, s.instructions as section_instructions, s.feedback_text as section_feedback_text, s.max_time_to_complete as section_max_time_to_complete, s.num_items as section_num_items, s.points as section_points FROM as_sectionsx s, as_assessment_section_map asm, as_assessmentsx a WHERE s.section_id = asm.section_id AND asm.assessment_id = a.assessment_id AND a.assessment_id = :assessment_id1 ORDER BY s.section_id SELECT i.as_item_id, i.title as item_title, as item_name, i.description as item_description, i.subtext as item_subtext, i.field_code as item_field_code, i.required_p as item_required_p, i.data_type as item_data_type, i.max_time_to_complete as item_max_time_to_complete, i.feedback_right as item_feedback_right, i.feedback_wrong as item_feedback_wrong, i.points as item_points FROM as_itemsx i, as_item_section_map ism WHERE i.as_item_id = ism.as_item_id AND ism.section_id = :section_id ORDER BY ism.sort_order SELECT aic.object_id as choice_id, aic.title as choice_title, aic.item_id as choice_item_id, as choice_name, aic.description as choice_description, aic.choice_id, aic.mc_id, aic.data_type as choice_data_type, aic.numeric_value as choice_numeric_value, aic.text_value as choice_text_value, aic.boolean_value as choice_boolean_value, aic.content_value as choice_content_value, aic.feedback_text as choice_feedback_text, aic.selected_p as choice_selected_p, aic.correct_answer_p as choice_correct_answer_p, aic.sort_order as choice_sort_order, aic.percent_score as choice_percent_score, r2.revision_id as content_rev_id, r2.title as content_filename, r2.mime_type, r2.content as cr_file_name, i.content_type, i.storage_area_key FROM cr_revisions r, as_item_choicesx aic left outer join cr_revisions r2 on (r2.revision_id = aic.content_value) left outer join cr_items i on (i.item_id = r2.item_id) WHERE aic.mc_id= :mc_id and r.revision_id = aic.choice_id ORDER BY aic.sort_order SELECT * FROM as_item_choicesx aic WHERE aic.mc_id=:mc_id ORDER BY aic.correct_answer_p SELECT asdt.title as section_display_type, asdt.num_items as s_num_items, asdt.adp_chunk as s_adp_chunk, asdt.branched_p as s_branched_p, asdt.back_button_p as s_back_button_p, asdt.submit_answer_p as s_submit_answer_p, asdt.sort_order_type as s_sort_order_type FROM as_section_display_typesx asdt, as_sectionsx s WHERE asdt.display_type_id = s.display_type_id AND s.section_id = :section_id SELECT html_display_options, choice_orientation, choice_label_orientation, sort_order_type, item_answer_alignment FROM as_item_display_rb WHERE as_item_display_id=:item_display_id SELECT html_display_options, choice_orientation, choice_label_orientation, sort_order_type, item_answer_alignment FROM as_item_display_cb WHERE as_item_display_id=:item_display_id SELECT html_display_options, abs_size, item_answer_alignment FROM as_item_display_ta WHERE as_item_display_id=:item_display_id SELECT html_display_options, abs_size as tb_abs_size, item_answer_alignment FROM as_item_display_tb WHERE as_item_display_id=:item_display_id select r.title, i.increasing_p, i.allow_negative_p, i.num_correct_answers, i.num_answers from cr_revisions r, as_item_rels ir, as_item_type_mc i where r.revision_id = i.as_item_type_id and i.as_item_type_id = ir.target_rev_id and ir.item_rev_id = :as_item_id and ir.rel_type = 'as_item_type_rel' select r2.revision_id as content_rev_id, r2.title as content_filename, r2.content as cr_file_name, r2.mime_type, i.content_type, i.storage_area_key from cr_revisions r2, cr_items i where i.item_id = r2.item_id and i.latest_revision = r2.revision_id and r2.revision_id IN ( select target_rev_id from as_item_rels where rel_type = 'as_item_content_rel' and item_rev_id = :as_item_id ) SELECT i.as_item_type_id AS id__as_item_type_oq, i.default_value, i.feedback_text from cr_revisions r, as_item_rels ir, as_item_type_oq i where r.revision_id = i.as_item_type_id and i.as_item_type_id = ir.target_rev_id and ir.item_rev_id = :as_item_id and ir.rel_type = 'as_item_type_rel'