{/doc/acs-templating/ {ACS Templating}} {}

Namespace util

Method Summary

Listing of public methods:
The namespace util currently contains no public methods.

Method Detail

* indicates required

Private Methods:

a proc used for debugging, just prints out a value to the error log
capitalizes the first letter of a string
returns formatted string
escapes quotes and removes comment tags from a body of commented text
just takes a body of text and puts a space behind every double {quote;} this is done so that the text body can be treated as a list without causing problems resulting from list elements being separated by characters other than a space
text* req/none the body of text to be worked on
same text but with a space behind each quote; double quotes that are already trailed by a space are unaffected
takes a .adp template name and the name of the file to be written and creates the {file;} also puts out a notice before
template* the name of the template to be used in making the file
file_name* the name of the file to be created
takes an alphabetized list and an entry
list* {let's see how this parses out} the alphabetized list
entry* req the value to be inserted
either the proper list index for an alphabetized insertion or -1 if the entry is already in the list
used to compare two different elements in a list of parsed data for public or private procs
uses ns_library to find the server root, may not always be accurate because it essentially asks for the Tcl library path and strips off the last /tcl directory

* indicates required