About You
No, take me back to %pvt_home_name%
Yes, please close my account
<p>Your account is currently closed.</p>
<p>If you wish, we can <a href="%restore_url%">reopen your account</a>.</p>
<font color="red">
<b> Your account is currently closed. </b>
<a href="%login_url%">Log in</a> again to see what you can do about it.
Your account at %system_name% has been reopened. Welcome back.
Account Reopened
Bad Password
Basic Information
Retrieving password from local authority is not supported.
Change language
Change my Password
Change password, email, portrait
Check Your Inbox
<p> Please confirm that you would like to close your account at %system_name%. </p>
<p> Closing your account means that we will no longer send you email
notifications, nor will you show up in lists of members at
%system_name%. Your contributions to the community, however, will be
preserved, as they're part of the community's history. </p>
<p> Note that you may reopen your account at any time, siply by
logging in again. </p>
Close your account
Current Password
<p> Your online status is currently not visible to other users. </p>
<p> Your online status is currently visible to other users. </p>
Customize Question
Developer's Administration
Direct Permissions
Here is your new login information:
%account_id_label%: %account_id%
%password_label%: %password%
Please visit the following link to change your password now:
Thank you for registering at %system_name%.
Here's how you can log in at %system_url%:
%account_id_label%: %account_id%
%password_label%: %password%
Please visit the following link to change your password now:
Email Confirmation
Email not Requested
Your forgotten password on %system_name%
Welcome to %system_name%
Error sending mail
First names
Grant Permission
Join %group_name%
Last name
Log In
Log in to %system_name%
Logout from %system_name%
Cannot join this group.
%first_names% %last_name% (%email%) registered as a user of
Grant Permission on %name%
Inherited Permissions
It would be a very bad idea to choose this option if you're using a
shared computer in a library or school. Any subsequent user of this
machine would be able to masquerade as you on our service.
New registration at %system_url%
Note that you can erase your saved email address and password by
choosing the "log out" option from your workspace.
%num_children% Children Hidden
On %portrait_publish_date%, you uploaded <a href="%subsite_url%user/portrait/?return_url=%pvt_home_url%">%portrait_title%</a>
Our server can tell your browser to remember certain things, such as
your email address and password. This is convenient for you because,
if you're the only person who uses your computer, you won't have to
keep telling us your email address and password.
Password Confirmation
Personal Home Page URL:
Please read and follow the instructions in this email.
Please try to <a href="index">log in</a> again
Problem with authentication
Registration information for this service has just been
sent to %email%.
Registration information for this service has been
sent to %email%.
Your registration request has been submitted
to the %system_name% administrator. It is still
waiting approval.
Saving email address and password
Show everyone else at %system_name% how great looking you are:
Sorry but it seems that you've been banned from %system_name%.
There was a problem with authenticating your account
To confirm your registration, please go to %confirmation_url%
We were not awaiting your email. There must be some mistake.
Welcome to %system_name%
What other people see when they click your name
You can't have a < in your first name because it will look like an HTML tag and confuse other users.
You can't have a < in your last name because it will look like an HTML tag and confuse other users.
Your email has been confirmed. You may now log into
Your email has been confirmed. You are now awaiting approval
from the %system_name% administrator.
Your email is confirmed
Your URL doesn't have the correct form. A valid URL would be something like "%valid_url_example%".
Make yourself invisible
Make yourself visible
Manage your notifications
New Password
Not logged in
your portrait
Used to indicate that a list of permissions or objects is empty.
Your login information on %system_name%:
%account_id_label%: %account_id%
Your password for this account has recently been changed. You don't
need to do anything, this message is simply a notification to protect
the security of your account.
You can always change your password by doing the following:
1. Log in to %system_name%
2. Click on the "%pvt_home_name%" link
3. Choose "%password_update_link_text%"
Password changed
Permissions for %name%
Recover Password
<p> Thank you for registering for %system_name%. An administrator has been notified of your request. </p>
<p> Once you're approved, you'll get an email message and you can return to start using %system_name%. </p>
Revoke Checked
Screen name
Site-wide administration
Sorry, we can't help you with your forgotten password.
Thank you.
up to %context_name%
Update Password
upload a portrait
Welcome, %user_name%
Users currently online
Who's Online
Your Account
Your Portrait