($Id: variables.html,v 1.33 2018/04/25 08:38:28 gustafn Exp $)
</authorblurb>Starting with OpenACS 5.0 and the introduction of acs-lang, we recommend retrieving date/time information from the database in ANSI format and then using lc_time_fmt to format it for display.
Example 12.1. Getting datetime from the database ANSI-style
db_multirow -extend { mydate_pretty } { select to_char(mydate, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS') as mydate_ansi, ... ... } { set mydate_ansi [lc_time_system_to_conn $mydate_ansi] set mydate_pretty [lc_time_fmt $mydate_ansi "%x %X"] }