update dotlrn_community_types set package_id= :package_id where community_type= :community_type
update dotlrn_communities set package_id= :package_id where community_id= :community_id
select node_id from site_nodes where object_id= (select package_id from dotlrn_community_types where community_type= :community_type)
select node_id from site_nodes where object_id= (select package_id from dotlrn_communities where community_id= :community_id)
update dotlrn_communities set portal_template_id = :portal_template_id, portal_id = :portal_id, admin_portal_id= :admin_portal_id where community_id = :community_id
select pretty_name
from acs_rel_roles
where role = :role
select pretty_name
from acs_rel_roles
where role = (select role_two
from acs_rel_types
where rel_type = :rel_type)
select pretty_name
from acs_rel_roles
where role = (select acs_rel_types.role_two
from acs_rel_types,
where acs_rel_types.rel_type = acs_rels.rel_type
and acs_rels.rel_id = :rel_id)
select segment_id from rel_segments where group_id= :community_id and rel_type= :rel_type
select rel_id,
from registered_users users,
where community_id = :community_id
and users.user_id = dotlrn_member_rels_full.user_id
order by rel_type
select count(*) from dotlrn_member_rels_full where community_id= :community_id and user_id= :user_id
select count(*)
from group_member_map,
where group_member_map.group_id = :community_id
and group_member_map.member_id = :user_id
and group_member_map.rel_id = membership_rels.rel_id
and membership_rels.member_state = 'needs approval'
select rel_id, portal_id from dotlrn_member_rels_full where community_id= :community_id and user_id= :user_id
select portal_id from dotlrn_member_rels_full where community_id= :community_id and user_id= :user_id
select portal_id from dotlrn_communities where community_id= :community_id
select admin_portal_id from dotlrn_communities where community_id= :community_id
select dotlrn_communities.community_id,
from dotlrn_communities,
where dotlrn_communities.community_id = dotlrn_member_rels_full.community_id
and dotlrn_member_rels_full.user_id = :user_id
select dotlrn_communities.community_id as community_id, community_type, pretty_name, description, package_id
from dotlrn_communities, dotlrn_member_rels_full
where community_type= :community_type
and user_id= :user_id
and dotlrn_communities.community_id = dotlrn_member_rels_full.community_id
select community_id, community_type, pretty_name, description, package_id, community_key
from dotlrn_communities
where community_type= :community_type
select community_type from dotlrn_community_types where package_id= :package_id
select community_type from dotlrn_communities where community_id=:community_id
select community_id from dotlrn_communities where package_id= :package_id
select parent_community_id from dotlrn_communities where community_id = :community_id
select community_id as subcomm_id from dotlrn_communities where parent_community_id = :community_id
select community_id as subcomm_id from dotlrn_communities where parent_community_id = :community_id
select package_id from dotlrn_community_types where community_type= :community_type
select package_id from dotlrn_communities where community_id= :community_id
select package_id
from dotlrn_community_applets dca, dotlrn_applets da
where community_id= :community_id
and applet_key= :applet_key
and dca.applet_id = da.applet_id
select pretty_name from dotlrn_community_types where community_type= :community_type
select pretty_name from dotlrn_communities where community_id= :community_id
select description from dotlrn_communities where community_id= :community_id
select portal_template_id from dotlrn_communities where community_id= :community_id
select applet_id from dotlrn_applets where applet_key = :applet_key
insert into dotlrn_applets
(applet_id, applet_key, status)
(:applet_id, :applet_key, :status)
insert into dotlrn_community_applets
(community_id, applet_id, package_id, active_p)
(:community_id, :applet_id, :package_id, :active_p)
delete from dotlrn_community_applets where
community_id= :community_id and applet_key= :applet_key
select impl_name
from acs_sc_impls, acs_sc_bindings, acs_sc_contracts
where acs_sc_impls.impl_id = acs_sc_bindings.impl_id
and acs_sc_contracts.contract_id = acs_sc_bindings.contract_id
and acs_sc_contracts.contract_name = 'dotlrn_applet'
select applet_key
from dotlrn_community_applets dca,
dotlrn_applets da
where community_id = :community_id
and dca.applet_id = da.applet_id
select applet_key
from dotlrn_applets
where status = 'active'
select applet_key
from dotlrn_community_applets dca,
dotlrn_applets da
where community_id = :community_id
and active_p = 't'
and dca.applet_id = da.applet_id
and status = 'active'
select 1
from dotlrn_community_applets dca,
dotlrn_applets da
where community_id = :community_id
and da.applet_key = :applet_key
and active_p = 't'
and dca.applet_id = da.applet_id
and status = 'active'
select count(*)
from dotlrn_community_types
where supertype = :community_type