<master> <property name="context">@context@</property> <property name="title">@title@</property> <p> <ul> <li>Your news item will be presented using the Default template defined in news.adp. <if @news_admin_p@ ne 0> <li>It will go live on @publish_date_ansi@. <li> <if @permanent_p@ eq "t"> And be live until revoked. </if> <else> It will move into the archive on @archive_date_ansi@. </else> </if> <else> <li>It will go live after it is approved by the News Administrator. </else> <li>To the readers it will look like: </ul> </p> <include src=news publish_body=@publish_body@ publish_title=@publish_title@ creator_link = @creator_link@> <p> @form_action@ @hidden_vars@ <center> <input type=submit value=Confirm> </center> </form> </p>